Awards for Exemplary Contribution to Rotary Foundation
Posted by Edwin Ibude on May 04, 2017
The Rotary Foundation supports thousands of worthwhile charitable endeavours around the world. We take special pleasure when a Rotarian has gone above and beyond in helping support the foundation. This last week, distinguished Rotarians came to honour our members who have gone above and beyond.
Above,PDG Michael Cooksey and PDG Michael Bell Awarding Dr. C.P. Giri membership of Paul Harris Society (PHS). A recognition for a life-time donation of USD 1000 annually to Rotary Foundation.
Above, Rtn. Raj Rajasri also inducted to the Paul Harris Society for his lifetime commitment to the Rotary Foundation. Thank you very much!
Above, Rtn. Hira Joshi is awarded his incredible 9th Paul Harris Fellow from DG Jim Louttit. What a bar for us to aspire too!
Above, Murray Lukawitz awarded a Paul Harris Fellow for his outstanding contribution to our annual TV Auction event. Presented by Rtn. Jason Cherniak and a Rotary Past District Governor Micael Cooksey.
Above, Rtn. Graham Jones is awarded a 5-time Paul Harris Fellow from District Governor Jim Louttit. Way to go Graham!
Above, Past President Dr. Emmanuel Abara received his 3rd and 4th Paul Harris award, and thanks for being president last year from Past District Governor Michael Bell. Thank you!
Above, District Governor Jim Loutitt presents cheque to CFLI Interact Club.
Thank you very much to Rotarian Edwin Ibude for supplying the photos!
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