Posted by Peter Szoke on Dec 07, 2020
Tonight, we had Kathy Mochnacki and Jonathan Nadler speak to us about Richmond Hill’s Home on the Hill.
Home on the Hill is a Charitable Organization founded by the families of people with serious mental illness.  Home on the Hill supports their families, too, who are still not considered part of the “circle of care” by the formal system.  These individuals often do not access service from mainstream mental health agencies.  Many have the symptoms of anosognosia and lack insight that they have an illness, so believe that they do not need service.   Home on the Hill supports their families, too, who are still not considered part of the “circle of care” by the formal system.
Home on the Hill provides an invaluable service to our community.  We never know when one of our own family members may need to use one of their services.  Thank you Kathy and Jonathan for speaking with us this evening…but thank you every more for your contribution to our community!  Below a photo of Kathy speaking to our club.