Posted by Nash Azam on Aug 26, 2019
John Van Laar and Cora spoke to Rotary Club of Richmond Hill
presenting "Back to School project" in city of Cebu, Philippines
The Back to School project is made possible by the hard work and dedication of Rotarian/s and volunteers in both the Philippines and Canada.
Founded in 2006 as a Rotary project in Cebu Philippines, Back to School recognized that every child counted and that every child deserved the chance to attend school and to learn. Back to School provides this opportunity by creating a bridge to literacy through sponsor donations.
For $50.00 You Can Change a Life, every $50.00 you donate, one child will be sponsored for one year. 
Rotary Club sponsored and presented $1,000.00 cheque to Cora & John which will  help poverty-stricken children in the Philippines to attend school with necessary items such as a school uniform, shoes and school supplies. Donations also help fund the Mobile Eye Clinics, the Mobile Dental Clinics, and our new Mobile Library- programs that also benefit these children.