On October 20th, 180 students from . Bond Lake Public School, Richmond Hill High School and the As-Sadiq Islamic School weathered drizzle and cold temperatures for the 16th Richmond Hill Rotary Tree Planting at Oak Ridge Moraine Corridor Park near the Old Colony Road in Richmond Hill. The high school students were trained in the morning to do the planting with public school teams in the afternoon. Thank you to all our student volunteers and their teachers!
In 2009 when we started, the park was a strip of field between houses in a subdivision. Successive student groups have turned it into a truly beautiful forest. And those students have learned an appreciation for trees, forests, and planting. Thank you to Michael White, who has championed this project for 16 years. Thank you to Toronto and Region Conservation Authority who helped prepare the area for tree planting. Thank you to Steve Smith, and his team from Urban Forest Associates Inc. (UFORA), who ran the planting. Thank you to City of Richmond Hill's Urban Forestry who provided the mulch. Thank you to Dr. Eric Nejat, our Environmental Director at Richmond Hill Rotary.
We hope that our student volunteers’ small work of ecological restoration part of the whole world' s efforts to calm the global climate crisis, which is most important for our young people today and in the future.
And a very special thank you to TD Friends of the Environment Foundation.
Their funding support over the years has been absolutely critical to this project. All it takes is for you to go for a hike along the Oak Ridges Moraine Corridor Trail to see the permanent positive impact TD Friends of the Environment Foundation has made. Thank you very much!