Posted by Peter Szoke on Jun 01, 2020
Covid-19 has hit our community hard.  Not only has it had a huge impact on people, it has also had a huge impact on our social services.
The Yellow Brick House is an organization that supports woman and children in abusive relationships.  Our present Covid-19 situation is forcing us into social isolation and social distancing.  With woman so isolated from the community, some of them seem to be under a more difficult situation than before.  With Covid-19, there is an increased need for the services of Yellow Brick House.
The Rotary Club of Richmond Hill asked Yellow Brick House how we could help?  Their request was for PPE (Personal Protective Equipment, such as gloves.  Our small contribution was to source and deliver gloves to Yellow Brick House.
Thank you to Yellow Brick House for all your great work!
For more information on Yellow Brick House, go to
52 West Beaver Creek Rd., Unit 4
Richmond Hill, ON L4B 1L9
Tel: 905-709-0900
Toll-free: 1-800-263-2231
Fax: 905-709-1308
Dear Noeline,
Thank you for your generous donation of 10 boxes of gloves to Yellow Brick House from your organization! Donors such as you provide life-saving support services and prevention programs to meet the diverse needs of individuals, families, and communities impacted by violence.
Your generous gift supports our four core programs including two emergency shelters, a 24 hour crisis and support line, public education, and community counselling and support services for women and children
Over 5,300 women and children annually are empowered to rebuild their lives and live free from violence because of you.
Thank you,
Lorris Herenda
Executive Director
Donor ID: 7073