Diversity Gala in support of Hill House Hospice

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Join us for an unforgettable Diversity Gala in support of Hill House Hospice on Friday, April 11, 2025, at the Sheraton Parkway Toronto North in Richmond Hill! Starting with cocktails at 6:00 p.m. and dinner at 7:00 p.m., this elegant event celebrates culture and community impact. Enjoy an evening of delicious food, music, entertainment, dancing, and exciting silent and live auctions.

Each table will include two bottles of wine for you to enjoy as you connect with fellow community members.

All proceeds will support the expansion of Hill House Hospice, providing compassionate care to more families in need. Dress in semi-formal or cultural attire and connect with fellow community members in a night filled with purpose and celebration.

Take advantage of the early bird price of $150, available until March 11th, making this a meaningful and memorable evening. Don’t miss out on amazing prizes and the opportunity to make a difference.

Together, we can help Hill House Hospice fulfill its vital mission. Reserve your tickets now and be part of this inspiring cause!  To reserve your spot, please contact Jason Cherniak, jason.cherniak@gmail.com

Diversity Gala in support of Hill House Hospice Laurie Kroft & Peter Szoke 2025-01-16 05:00:00Z 0 #CelebrateDiversity,#CharityEvent,#CommunityCare,#DiversityGala2025,#HillHouseHospice,#MakeADifference,#RichmondHill,#RichmondHillEvents

Food Drive for Richmond Hill Community Food Bank

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The Richmond Hill Rotary Club’s Community Service Committee is organizing a Food Drive in support of the Richmond Hill Community Food Bank. This year, we are going to collaborate with the Community partners to collect donations during November. The campaign ends on December 1, 2024.
The Food Bank has said that they are particularly in need of crackers, rice, pasta, juice boxes, canned food, boxes of cereal, coffee, tea bags, and hygiene products.
Thanks to our community partners! Rotary is collecting food donations at following locations:
1. Sorrento Condos, 7 Bond Crescent, Richmond Hill
2. Silver Pines Public School, 112 Stave Crescent, Richmond Hill
3. Dr. CP Giri Dental Office, 9791 Bayview Avenue, Richmond Hill
If you need more information please contact Kate Jiang at Kate.haiyan.jiang@gmail.com. Thank you!
Food Drive for Richmond Hill Community Food Bank Peter 2024-11-02 04:00:00Z 0

Awards and Induction

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At this week's meeting, Hira Joshi, a long-time club member, received the Richmond Hill Rotary Lifetime Achievement Award.  Over the years, Hira has always stepped up to volunteer whenever there was a need.  He is also the member who has donated more financially to Rotary than any other club member!  Hira your contributions have touched so many lives!  In the photo, Hira, Club President Jason Cherniak and Rotarian Nash Azam.
Dr. Eric Nejat, Richmond Hill Rotary Director of the Environment was awarded the Richmond Hill Rotarian of the Year award.  Congratulations Eric.  Well deserved! 
Last, but certainly not least, we are very excited to announce the induction of Jatinder (Jay) Oberoi as the newest member of the Rotary Club of Richmond Hill.  Jay has decades of experience running an auto parts business in Richmond Hill.  Jay, we are looking forward to you joining us! 
Above Nash, Eric and Jason
Above, Jason pinning Jay
Awards and Induction Peter Szoke 2024-10-26 04:00:00Z 0

Fill A Purse For a Sister Campaign 2024

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The Rotary Club of Richmond Hill is collecting purses for the “2024 Fill a Purse for a Sister Campaign”.  Can you please help us?
Often women in distress arrive at a shelter with nothing.  The purse brings comfort, hope and dignity to women and youth in crisis with the gift of purses filled with personal necessities.
Let’s get started!
How to get involved? Choose a beloved gently used purse, or purchase a new one.  With love and thoughtfulness, fill the purse with items such as feminine hygiene products, tissues, shampoo, conditioner, face mask (not disposable), hand sanitizer, toothbrush, floss, hair brush, gloves, hat, scarf, lip balm, coffee shop gift card, notepad, pen, a whistle or flashlight.  The campaign ends December 1, 2024.
Where do I drop off the purses?  Rotary is collecting at three locations:
1. Dr.CP Giri Dental Office at 9791 Bayview Avenue, Richmond Hill
2. Eggsmart at 155 East Beaver Creek Rd, Richmond Hill
3. Power Bar Café, 105 Commerce Valley Drive West, Markham
If you need more information please contact Veda Harricharran at vharrich@gmail.com, or go to www.FillAPurseForASisterCampaign.ca  Please support this wonderful cause!
Fill A Purse For a Sister Campaign 2024 Peter Szoke 2024-10-08 04:00:00Z 0

Richmond Hill Rotary Craft Beer Festival

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We are excited to announce that this year’s Richmond Hill Craft Beer Festival will be held on Saturday, August 24th 4-11pm at the Richmond Hill Centre for the Performing Arts.
This year’s festivities will feature craft breweries from all around Ontario, along with craft ciders and spirits. We are thrilled to be able to present live entertainment hosted by MC Liam Kelly with musical acts Flyball Governor Band, The Band Excel, and Between the Static. Local restaurants Chicken N’Dough and King Henry’s Arms will be offering some delicious eats.
Tickets are only $30 and can be purchased in advance from Rotarians, at King Henry’s Arms at 9301 Yonge Street (at 16th, besides McDonalds) or online at https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/richmond-hill-craft-beer-festival-2024-tickets-926354379887.  All tickets purchased prior to the day of the event include 2 sample tickets each good for a 6 oz beer. Ages 19+.  More details can be found at https://www.rotarybeertasting.com
A big thank you to our event sponsor: Richmond Hill Council.  Thank you also to sponsors Cherniak Law and Dr. C.P Giri, dentist!
Richmond Hill Rotary Craft Beer Festival Peter Szoke 2024-07-17 04:00:00Z 0

Rotaract donates to Food Bank

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 The Rotaract Club of Richmond Hill presented a cheque for $1,500 to the Richmond Hill Community Food Bank! 
The Rotaractors raised the funds on their own.  Way to go Rotaractors!  We are so proud of you!

Rotaract clubs bring together people ages 18 and older to exchange ideas with leaders in the community, develop leadership and professional skills, and have fun through service.  In Richmond Hill and around the world, Rotary and Rotaract members work side by side to take action through service. Rotaract is helping change our community.

The Richmond Hill Community Food Bank is a non-government, independently run non-profit agency, founded to provide temporary emergency food assistance to those in need.  
Rotaract donates to Food Bank Peter 2024-06-24 04:00:00Z 0

Richmond Hill Rotary Bottle and Food Drive

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Please help by dropping off your beer cans and liquor bottles, or making a packaged food donation, on Saturday, Dec 2nd. 2023 12PM-2PM at our drop off locations:
  1. Dr. CP Giri Dental Office - 9791 Bayview Ave, Richmond Hill, L4C 9X7
  2. Upper Yonge Place (No Frills mall) – 10909 Yonge St. (look for the Rotary tent), Richmond Hill
  3. Richmond Hill Board of Trade – 376 Church St South, Richmond Hill
  4. 29 Bedford Park Ave., off of Yonge St., South of Crosby
If you need help with someone picking up your bottles or food, and you are within Richmond Hill, please contact Kate Jiang prior to the event at 
For more information: https://richmondhillrotary.com/
Richmond Hill Rotary Bottle and Food Drive Nash Azam 2023-11-25 05:00:00Z 0
Fill A PURSE FOR A SISTER CAMPAIGN Nasir Azam 2023-08-09 04:00:00Z 0
Rotary Vintage Community Garage Sale  2023-06-22 04:00:00Z 0

RCRH Virtual Wine Spring Event

Posted by Nasir Azam
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The Women’s Initiatives Committee are holding a Virtual Wine Tasting Spring Event on Friday, May 12 at 7:00 pm. The proceeds will be going to Women's Initiatives and Charities in the community. Please see the attached wine flyer.
The cost of the event is $125 per household. This includes 4 - 750mL bottles of Inniskillin Wines provided by Arterra Wines Canada which will be delivered to your home prior to the event. The list of wines that will be featured will be coming in the next email. During the event a wine steward from the winery will be discussing each of the wines, with additional time for questions. A suggested list of food pairings will also be provided along with the wines so that you may purchase the food ahead of time to enjoy with the wine.
All you have to do is E-transfer the $125 to davidtate1@hotmail.com and in the comments field type Virtual Wine Tasting-May 12, while processing this on your banking website. David Tate will then know what this transfer of money is all about.
After you have paid please email me your full name, address and telephone number to: donitahagborg@gmail.com. A link to Zoom for the event will be sent closer to the date.
The registration is open only to Rotarians until March 27th. After this date your family and friends may register. 
Final date of registration is May 1st.
Please help us raise funds for Women's Initiatives and Charities in the community and for another fun evening of tasting delicious wines!🍷
Should you have any questions regarding this event please feel free to reach out to any of the Committee Members.
RCRH Virtual Wine Spring Event Nasir Azam 2023-03-13 04:00:00Z 0

Women of Inspiration and Leadership Award 

Posted by Nasir Azam
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The nomination deadline for the second Richmond Hill Rotary Women of Inspiration and Leadership Award is January 15, 2022.

Another Endorsement by Mr. Ahmed Hussen - Minister of Housing and Diversity and Inclusion

"The Rotary Club of Richmond Hill has been dedicated to community and international service since 1952. The Club's contributions to the local community have been remarkable. It's no surprise then that the Women of Inspiration and Leadership Award was created to honour the many great contributions of women leaders in Richmond Hill. As Minister of Housing and Diversity and Inclusion, I'd like to commend the Rotary Club of Richmond Hill for highlighting the great work being done by local women leaders, and I encourage all local residents to nominate a woman who is making a difference in the community."
In addition to the honour of being Richmond Hill's named Richmond Hill's Women of Inspiration and Leadership, $1,000 will be awarded to the charity of the winner's choice. More details and the nomination form can be found at found at is available at https://rotaryrh.wixsite.com/womensinitiatives/progrrotaryrh.wixsite.com/womensinitiatives/programs?fbclid=IwAR14Ei0X1Sda758l3rrBVyV6bejC4eYWASLPXJ9HSHdzviaGE0G-pMFk8dY
Women of Inspiration and Leadership Award Nasir Azam 2021-12-18 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Online Auction

Posted by Nasir Azam
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The first ever ROTARY ONLINE AUCTION concluded on Dec 10th 2021.
With your generous giving, the event was very successful and we raised around $2700 , all these proceeds will go towards the Rotary Club of Richmond Hill' s initiatives on Community Projects.
We are grateful to all our Supporters and Donors for your continued, faithful support of our efforts.
Special Appreciation to all our members, however we genuinely appreciate few for their generous contribution:
Donita Hagborg, Beppi Mottes, David Obadia, Richard Housen, Dave Tate, Steve Knight, Dave Morrison, Paul Vyrostko
Raj, CP, Glen, Peter, Veda, Noeline, Eric & Paul Thomas
THANK YOU for your continuous support, and belief in our humanitarian mission, we really appreciate it.
Please continue to follow this journey, once again, thank you very much and may all of you be blessed with happiness and good health.
Rotary Online Auction Nasir Azam 2021-12-18 05:00:00Z 0

Women of Inspiration and Leadership Award

Posted by Nasir Azam
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The deadline for nominations for the second Richmond Hill Rotary Women of Inspiration and Leadership Award is approaching.
Nominate by January 15, 2022.

Leah Taylor Roy, Member of Parliament for Aurora-Oak Ridges-Richmond Hill said:

"This award recognizes the very important contributions that women in Richmond Hill make and provides role models and inspiration for other women of all ages to engage and become leaders. I thank the Rotary Club for continuing this new award for the second year and look forward to congratulating this year's winner as I did the inaugural winner Sajida Habib last year."

Nominate a woman who you know is worthy of the award!  More details and nomination forms are available at 


Women of Inspiration and Leadership Award Nasir Azam 2021-12-14 05:00:00Z 0

Leah den Bok

Posted by Nasir Azam on Nov 17, 2021
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Leah den Bok is an advocate for a compassionate, nonjudgmental approach to fighting homelessness.

Leah gave presentation at last Rotary meeting and showed images from her three volumes of “Nowhere to Call Home” Photographs and Stories of the Homelessness. She also shared the several individuals experiencing homelessness when she met in cities around the world.
Leah den Bok Nasir Azam 2021-11-17 05:00:00Z 0

Richmond Hill School Tree Planting 

Posted by Nasir Azam
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On October 20th, 180 students from . Bond Lake Public School, Richmond Hill High School and the As-Sadiq Islamic School weathered drizzle and cold temperatures for the 16th Richmond Hill Rotary Tree Planting at Oak Ridge Moraine Corridor Park near the Old Colony Road in Richmond Hill. The high school students were trained in the morning to do the planting with public school teams in the afternoon. Thank you to all our student volunteers and their teachers!
Richmond Hill School Tree Planting Nasir Azam 2021-11-02 04:00:00Z 0

Women of Inspiration & Leadership Award (WILA)

Posted by Nasir Azam
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The Rotary Club of Richmond Hill is very happy to announce its 2nd annual Women of Inspiration & Leadership Award, or WILA. The award recognizes a woman who has contributed to the greater good of the Richmond Hill Community through her leadership, achievement, and example of distinction.  She may have done so through her contribution to a corporation, government, not-for-profit, start-up, or service to the community. 
Women of Inspiration & Leadership Award (WILA)   Nasir Azam 2021-10-27 04:00:00Z 0

Valarie Wafer

Posted by Nasir Azam
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Rotary Clubs of Newmarket and Richmond Hill joined together to hear Valarie Wafer, Rotary International Director 2020-22, Chair Rotary International Global Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Task Force, Rotary International Vice President 2021-2022.  
Valarie Wafer  Nasir Azam 2021-10-18 04:00:00Z 0
The National Day for Truth & Reconciliation Nasir Azam 2021-09-30 04:00:00Z 0

Jennifer Jones Speaking

Posted by Nasir Azam
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This Saturday, September 25, join our President-elect Jennifer Jones on the global stage at Global Citizen's #GlobalCitizenLive for 24 hours of performances and speeches that will empower us to take action on protecting our planet and ending poverty.
Jennifer Jones Speaking Nasir Azam 2021-09-24 04:00:00Z 0

Terry Fox Run

Posted by Nasir Azam
A million thanks to our volunteer team and to our supporters and donors for your incredible work over the past few months leading up to Run Day 2021. It was another challenging year, your faith in the work of the Foundation saw us through it all.
We wanted to share with you a post-Run update
Online totals for RICHMOND HILL: $ 13,824.19
Terry Fox…
An Inspiration For Everyone
Terry Fox Run Nasir Azam 2021-09-22 04:00:00Z 0
Dave Barrow Retires Nasir Azam 2021-09-14 04:00:00Z 0

Help a Sister in need

Posted by Nasir Azam on Sep 14, 2021
Please help us help a sister in need!

The Rotary Club of Richmond Hill is collecting purses for the "Fill a Purse for a Sister Campaign". Can you please help us?
Often women in distress arrive at a shelter with nothing. A purse brings comfort, hope and dignity to women and youth in crisis with the gift of purses filled with personal necessities. It is a very small cost which can bring a smile in difficult times.

Let's get started!

Choose a beloved gently used purse, or purchase a new one. With love and thoughtfulness, fill the purse with items such as feminine hygiene products, tissues, shampoo, conditioner, face mask (not disposable), hand sanitizer, toothbrush, floss, hair brush, gloves, hat, scarf, lip balm, coffee shop gift card, notepad, pen, a whistle or flashlight.

Where do I drop off the purses? Rotary is collecting at two locations in Richmond Hill:
1. Dr. C.P. Giri - Dentist
155 East Beaver Creek Rd, Richmond Hill.

If you need more information please contact Veda Harricharran at vharrich@gmail.com<mailto:vharrich@gmail.com>

Please support this wonderful cause!
Help a Sister in need Nasir Azam 2021-09-14 04:00:00Z 0

Bottle and Food Drive

Posted by Peter Szoke on Jul 19, 2021
Last week we had our Richmond Hill Rotary Bottle and Food Drive.  About $1000 of money raised by returning refundable bottles and cans (still picking up some more bottles tomorrow).  900 pounds of food was gathered for the Richmond Hill Community Food Bank.  What a great result!  Thank you to all of you who donated.
Below is a photo of the Food Bank's Lee Reynolds accepting food from Rotarians: Club President Raj Rajasri, Veda Harricharran, Peter Szoke and Jason Cherniak.
The event featured a lot of great Rotarians in action.  Below we have CP, Gordon, Krysta, David and Samantha.
Bottle and Food Drive Peter Szoke 2021-07-19 04:00:00Z 0


Posted on Jun 29, 2021
Yesterday was our annual turnover event.  This is where our outgoing President passes on the responsibility to our new President.
Our outgoing President, Noeline Paul, did a simply stellar job during a very challenging year.  In spite of Covid, our club held regular Zoom meetings (with interesting speakers), held our first ever Richmond Hill Rotary Bottle and Food Drive, launched the Womens’ Initiative, including the first ever Richmond Hill Women of Inspiration & Leadership Award, distributed funds to numerous charities in need, planted trees in the Oak Ridges Moraine, held a virtual Wine Tasting fundraiser, and gained several new members.  Noeline was recognized with the prestigious Paul Harris Award for her hard work.  Thank you Noeline!
Our new president is Raj Sriskandarajah.  He laid out a plan for some fundraising that would work either if the world re-opens, or even the unlikely scenario that it is delayed.
Also honoured with a Paul Harris Awarded were Jason Cherniak and Peter Szoke. 
The “Exceptional Service and Dedication” Award was presented to three deserving Rotarians, Paul Vyrostko, Glen Waugh and David Tate.  Congratulations to all!
We look forward to the year ahead!
Turnover 2021-06-29 04:00:00Z 0

Spring Cleaning?

Posted by Peter Szoke on Jun 23, 2021
Have you been waiting for the perfect moment to start your Spring Cleaning? Please drop off your empties at the #RichmondHill Rotary Bottle & Food Drive July 10. #Procrastinate #Procrastination #SpringCleaning #RotaryBottleDrive
Spring Cleaning? Peter Szoke 2021-06-23 04:00:00Z 0

Bottle and Food Drive

Posted by Peter Szoke on Jun 17, 2021
On Saturday, July 10th, the Rotary Club of Richmond Hill will be holding their 2nd “Bottle and Food Drive” to collect alcoholic bottles/cans for deposit refund, and packaged food.  After a Covid-caused false start, this time is for real!
According to Noeline Paul, Club President, “The Covid-19 pandemic has really put a strain on agencies serving people in need. This fundraiser helps us to continue to help others.”
Please help by dropping off your beer cans and liquor bottles, or making a packaged food donation, on Saturday, July 10th, 11am-4pm at one of four drop off locations:
  1. Dr. CP Giri Dental Office - 9791 Bayview Ave, Richmond Hill, L4C 9X7
  2. Upper Yonge Place (Loblaws mall) – 10909 Yonge St. (at Bernard Ave), Richmond Hill
  3. Richmond Hill Board of Trade – 376 Church St South, Richmond Hill
  4. 29 Bedford Park Ave – off of Yonge Str, Richmond Hill
The packaged food will go to the Richmond Hill Food Bank.
So where does the money go?  Here is a list of some of the projects that Richmond Hill Rotary has supported since the start of Covid:
  1. Our most recent donation was $1000 to The Sandgate Women’s Shelter of York Region
  2. $1000 donation to Richmond Hill's Home on the Hill, a support organization for local families where a member is struggling with severe mental illness
  3. $1000 donation to the Richmond Hill Community Food Bank
  4. Donation of Personal Protective Equipment to Richmond Hill's Yellow Brick House, women's shelter
  5. Rotarians picked up shovels and work gloves to plant trees in the Oak Ridges Moraine Corridor Park near Old Colony Road
  6. Launch of the 1st annual Richmond Hill's Women of Inspiration and Leadership Award, or WILA, the first winner announced this past spring
  7. $1000 donation for water filters for a village in Laos
  8. $1000 donation for the Beirut Hospital Restoration Project (damaged by the August 2020 explosion)
  9. Scholarship to a graduating student in each of Richmond Hill’s high schools
  10. 750 lbs of food to the Richmond Hill Community Food Bank courtesy of the September Bottle & Food Drive
If you would like more information about any of the above projects, please stop and ask a Rotarian at the Bottle & Food Drive.
To receive email updates about the Bottle and Food Drive, please let me know at pszoke777@gmail.com
Bottle and Food Drive Peter Szoke 2021-06-17 04:00:00Z 0

Acting Mayor Joe DiPaola

Posted by Peter Szoke
Thank you very much to Acting Mayor Joe DiPaola who gave an update at our Rotary meeting concerning all things Richmond Hill.  Residents of Richmond Hill are supplying very active participation in the current update to the Official Plan.  The new plan will provide a guide land use and development to 2041.  More information on the update is at https://www.richmondhill.ca/en/find-or-learn-about/official-plan-update.aspx
Acting Mayor DiPaola also gave an update on a new subway stop for Yonge and Hwy7.  Yes, it is really going to happen!  Tentative completion is 2029/2030.
Thank you for the presentation Acting Mayor DiPaola!
Acting Mayor Joe DiPaola  Peter Szoke 2021-06-07 04:00:00Z 0

Wine Tasting

Posted by Peter Szoke on May 17, 2021
Last Friday, Megan Siemens from Konzelmann Wines joined us for a virtual wine tasting event.  We savoured four great wines with food.  Funds raised went to the Richmond Hill Rotary's Womens' Initiatives, #WILA.
Thank you to our Womens' Committee for organizing such a fun event!
See more on Rotary's Women's initiatives at https://rotaryrh.wixsite.com/womensinitiatives/programs
Wine Tasting Peter Szoke 2021-05-17 04:00:00Z 0

The Yukon Quest dog sled race

Posted by Peter Szoke on May 13, 2021
The Yukon Quest is a grueling 1,000 miles/1,600 km dog sled race through the wilderness between Whitehorse, Yukon and Fairbanks, Alaska.   Join the Rotary Club of Richmond Hill’s Zoom meeting to hear Hank DeBruin and Tanya McCready from Winterdance Dogsled Tours tell their story.

Hank and their huskies have had many adventures from Maine to Alaska including competing in six 1000-mile races in Alaska and the Yukon. Out of the many lessons and countless stories from these races, a corporate presentation was born that focuses on building and leading
great teams through challenging times.
The Yukon Quest dog sled race  Peter Szoke 2021-05-13 04:00:00Z 0
Rotary in Sri Lanka Peter Szoke 2021-05-12 04:00:00Z 0
WILA Winner in YorkRegion.com Peter Szoke 2021-05-06 04:00:00Z 0

Round the World Circumnavigation

Posted by Peter Szoke
Steven Dengler came to our club meeting today to tell us about his 2017 helicopter round the world circumnavigation of the planet.  Joining him on the journey was his father, Bob Dengler, and Dugal McDuff.  Their odyssey was part of 150th anniversary of Canadian Confederation.  His presentation was part adventure, part history presentation, part showcase of world class Canadian technology.  And what a storyteller!
Round the World Circumnavigation Peter Szoke 2021-05-03 04:00:00Z 0

Women of Inspiration and Leadership Award Honours Sajida Habib

Posted by Peter Szoke on Apr 26, 2021
This evening, the Rotary Club of Richmond Hill held the first ever Women of Inspiration and Leadership Award Ceremony.  The recipient of the first award is Sajida Habib.
From a young age in Pakistan to being a newcomer in the 1980s to Richmond Hill, Sajida has been a volunteer leader. She has served as a parent volunteer on local school board, associations, worked as a facilitator at a York Region kindergarten, as a principal at the local Sunday school, led civic engagement in local marginalized communities for the 2015 and 2019 federal election, sponsored and supported Syrian Refugees, started the Homework club in Jaffari Housing, and founded a non-profit Muslim Women for York Region that provides food and essential needs like PPE to foodbanks and shelters throughout the GTA. During COVID-19, the organization helped over 13 shelters and food banks, donating in excess of $170,000 with support from 140 Richmond Hill volunteers.
Women of Inspiration and Leadership Award Honours Sajida Habib  Peter Szoke 2021-04-26 04:00:00Z 0

WILA Ceremony

Posted by Peter Szoke on Apr 23, 2021
Richmond Hill’s First Annual Women of Inspiration and Leadership Award (WILA) ceremony will be held on Monday, April 26 at 6:30pm.
The event is to honour our 2021 winner, Sajida Habib, founder of the Salaam Foundation.  Noeline Paul, President of the Richmond Hill Rotary Club will be presenting the award. Richmond Hill MPP Daisy Wai will provide a congratulatory message to Sajida.  Also participating will be representatives from the Sandgate Women’s Shelter of York Region.
Sajida will be honoured at an award ceremony on Monday, April 26, 2021 over Zoom.  Anyone wishing to join the festivities, please register in advance for this meeting. 
Sajida has contributed to the Richmond Hill community since arriving as a newcomer from Pakistan to Richmond Hill in the 1980s. As a volunteer leader, she has served as a parent volunteer on local school board associations, worked as a facilitator at a York Region kindergarten, as a principal at the local Sunday school, led civic engagement in local marginalized communities for the 2015 and 2019 federal elections, sponsored and supported Syrian Refugees, started the Homework club in Jaffari Housing, and founded a non-profit Muslim Women for York Region that provides food and essential needs like PPE to foodbanks and shelters throughout the GTA. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the organization has helped over 13 shelters food banks, donating in excess of $170,000 with support from 140 Richmond Hill volunteers.
Sajida said, “I feel privileged and honoured to be the first recipient of WILA by the Richmond Hill Rotary Club. I thank the Rotary Club of Richmond Hill for recognizing the work that women are doing in this community.”
WILA Ceremony Peter Szoke 2021-04-23 04:00:00Z 0

$1000 Award to Sandgate

Posted by Peter Szoke on Apr 22, 2021
The Rotary Club of Richmond Hill is extremely pleased to announce that the Sandgate Women’s Shelter of York Region will be the beneficiary of the $1000 prize for the 2021 Richmond Hill Women of Inspiration and Leadership Award (WILA).
Sajida Habib, the winner of the 2021 WILA, requested that the $1000 WILA prize be directed to Sandgate.  Sajida said, “A strong, confident and an encouraged woman will raise strong confident children that are encouraged to live their best lives. I felt very grateful that Richmond Hill Rotary Club chose Sandgate Women’s shelter to be the recipient of the financial WILA award. That is helping the cause of making women who feel unsafe in their surroundings feel safe and supported to rebuild their lives and the lives of their children.”
Sajida Habib will receive her award at the virtual WILA Award Ceremony this Monday, April 26.  Sandgate will receive their cheque at the same ceremony.
$1000 Award to Sandgate  Peter Szoke 2021-04-22 04:00:00Z 0


Posted by Peter Szoke on Apr 20, 2021
At our club meeting yesterday, we celebrated several of our own Rotarians.  Three Rotarians were awarded the prestigious Paul Harris Fellow: Mark Lathem, David Tate, and Past-President Gordon Vandyke.  They had earlier physically received their award on an outdoor, physically distant event.  At that same event, recently inducted members Donita Hagborg, Veda Harricharran, and Wilfried Kouadiane received their welcome package.  Our club is fortunate to have been able to welcome three new Rotarians of such high caliber to join our club.  We are also fortunate to have three other Rotarians, such as our new Paul Harris Fellow amongst our ranks.  Congratulations to them all!
Celebration! Peter Szoke 2021-04-20 04:00:00Z 0

The Benefits of Cannabis

Posted by Peter Szoke on Apr 13, 2021
Why did I have a feeling that title would catch your attention?
Shandy Harricharran from Ayurcann Inc. (d.b.a. XTRX Solutions) came to present at our weekly Zoom meeting about The Benefits of Cannabis.  Shandy presented a compelling case for how cannabis is providing enjoyment and benefit to many Canadians, and the Canadian tax base as well.  It was very interesting.  For those of you who were unable to attend, no samples were provided (unless Paul kept them for himself?).
Thank you Shandy!
The Benefits of Cannabis Peter Szoke 2021-04-13 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Bottle & Food Drive POSTPONED

Posted by Peter Szoke
In light of the new province wide shutdown, the Rotary Club of Richmond Hill has reluctantly decided to postpone our Bottle and Food Drive.  It was not an easy decision because we realize that the need of the Richmond Hill Community Food Bank does not go away just because of the shutdown.  
We will let you know about a new date for the Bottle and Food Drive as soon as a decision has been made.
Rotary Bottle &amp; Food Drive POSTPONED Peter Szoke 2021-04-02 04:00:00Z 0

Bottle and Food Drive

On Saturday, April 10th, the Rotary Club of Richmond Hill will be holding their 2nd “Bottle and Food Drive” to collect alcoholic bottles/cans for deposit refund, and packaged food.
The money collected will be used to the benefit our community and international programs in desperate need during the Covid-19 pandemic.  The packaged food will go to the Richmond Hill Food Bank.
Please help by dropping off your beer cans and liquor bottles, or making a packaged food donation, on Saturday, April 10th, 11am-4pm at one of four drop off locations:
  1. Dr. CP Giri Dental Office - 9791 Bayview Ave, Richmond Hill, L4C 9X7
  2. Upper Yonge Place (Loblaws mall) – 10909 Yonge St. (at Bernard Ave), Richmond Hill
  3. Richmond Hill Board of Trade – 376 Church St South, Richmond Hill
  4. 29 Bedford Park Ave – off of Yonge Str, Richmond Hill
Bottle and Food Drive Peter Szoke 2021-03-28 04:00:00Z 0

Focus on Myanmar

Posted on Mar 23, 2021
Last night we had two fascinating presentations at our weekly club meeting.
Our first speaker was the Hon. Bryon Wilfert, former MP for Richmond Hill, speaking about the military coup in Myanmar overthrowing the democratically elected government.  People are sacrificing their lives every day for the democratic freedoms that we in Canada take for granted.  Bryon has suggested that we let our MPs and MPPs know about the importance of placing sanctions on the military in Myanmar.  Thank you Bryon for that very informative presentation.  
Our second speaker was Rotarian Peter Szoke with his classification talk.  He spoke about TruePulse, the company he founded 19 years ago.  TruePulse is a broker of equipment used by telecommunication carriers around the world.  Over 90% of TruePulse sales are exports.  Thanks Peter.  It is interesting to learn about the business' of our own members.
Focus on Myanmar 2021-03-23 04:00:00Z 0

Winner of WILA

Posted by Peter Szoke
The Rotary Club of Richmond Hill is very happy to announce that the Winner of the First Annual Richmond Hill Women of Inspiration and Leadership Award, or WILA, is Sajida Habib.
Sajida has contributed to the Richmond Hill community since arriving as a newcomer from Pakistan to Richmond Hill in the 1980s. As a volunteer leader, she has served as a parent volunteer on local school board associations, worked as a facilitator at a York Region kindergarten, as a principal at the local Sunday school, led civic engagement in local marginalized communities for the 2015 and 2019 federal elections, sponsored and supported Syrian Refugees, started the Homework club in Jaffari Housing, and founded a non-profit Muslim Women for York Region that provides food and essential needs like PPE to foodbanks and shelters throughout the GTA. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the organization has helped over 13 shelters food banks, donating in excess of $170,000 with support from 140 Richmond Hill volunteers.
Noeline Paul, President of the Rotary Club of Richmond Hill said, “Sajida exemplifies the wonderful qualities that the WILA seeks to recognize. She balances the challenges of family responsibilities while building a career and giving back to the community. In doing all this, Sajida has also inspired others to contribute to improving the wellbeing of our fellow community members and making our community a better place in which to live. Our club is thrilled to announce Sajida as the first recipient of the WILA”.
As part of her award, Sajida will be able to select a charity of her choice to receive a $1,000 donation from the Rotary Club of Richmond Hill.
Sajida will be honoured at an award presentation on Monday, April 26, 2021 over a Zoom meeting.  Anyone wishing to join the presentation, please register in advance for this meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0lc-ytpjsvHtKdOnC2U7yTdV7E8s-TLL5c
Winner of WILA Peter Szoke 2021-03-19 04:00:00Z 0

Contribution to Home on the Hill

Posted by Peter Szoke on Jan 20, 2021
The Rotary Club of Richmond Hill is thrilled to announce a $1,000 donation to Richmond Hill’s Home on the Hill!
Kathleen Mochnacki, President of the Board of Directors said “It is such a shot in the arm to get support from the Rotary.  Thank you for your consideration and again a huge thank you to the Rotary Club of Richmond Hill!”
Home on the Hill, http://www.home-on-the-hill.ca/, is a Charitable Organization founded by the families of people with serious mental illness.  Home on the Hill supports their families, too, who are still not considered part of the “circle of care” by the formal system.  These individuals often do not access service from mainstream mental health agencies.  Many have the symptoms of anosognosia and lack insight that they have an illness, so believe that they do not need service.   Home on the Hill supports their families, too, who are still not considered part of the “circle of care” by the formal system.
Contribution to Home on the Hill  Peter Szoke 2021-01-20 05:00:00Z 0

Nomination Deadline Approaching for WILA

Posted by Peter Szoke on Jan 11, 2021
The Nomination Deadline for the Richmond Hill’s first annual Women of Inspiration & Leadership Award, or WILA, is this Friday, January 15th
The Rotary Club of Richmond Hill is very happy to launch its first annual Women of Inspiration & Leadership Award, or WILA. The award will recognize a woman who has contributed to the greater good of the Richmond Hill Community through her leadership, achievement, and example of distinction.  She may have done so through her contribution to a corporation, government, not-for-profit, start-up, or service to the community. 
If you know someone who is worthy, please nominate them by completing the form at https://rotaryrh.wixsite.com/womensinitiatives/programs
Nomination Deadline Approaching for WILA  Peter Szoke 2021-01-11 05:00:00Z 0

Last meeting of 2020!

Posted by Peter Szoke on Dec 21, 2020
Today, the Rotary Club of Richmond Hill held our final meeting of the 2020 year.  One of our speakers was Rotary Past District Governor, John Van Laar and his wife Cora.  John and Cora gave an update on the Back to School project in Cebu, the Philippines.  It helps poverty-stricken children to attend school with necessary items such as a school uniform, shoes and school supplies. Donations also help fund the Mobile Eye Clinics, the Mobile Dental Clinics, and a Mobile Library.  They also assist young adults to get the vocational training that they need to get jobs.  John and Cora have now been running this project for 16 years.  The Rotary Club of Richmond Hill has been a proud supporter of this project for 15 of those years.  John’s hard work and dedication at age 92 is an inspiration to us all.  Keep up the good work John and Cora!  Below we see John speaking to our club.
Long-time Richmond Hill Rotarian, Glen Waugh, was awarded the status of Rotary Major Donor.  This really is an honour!  Particularly now with Covid, so many community groups in are in need, yet many of our club’s regular fundraising efforts are curtailed.  So donations by club members are so very critical.  Glen, you are showing a great example for all of us to follow.  Thank you very much! Below is a photo of Glen accepting his award.
Another long-time Richmond Hill Rotarian, Bryon Wilfert has been named to the Board of Directors of the NATO Association of Canada, https://natoassociation.ca/.  The role of the association is to “Promote Peace, Prosperity and Security through Knowledge and Understanding of the Role of the importance of NATO”.  I predict an upcoming provocative presentation on NATO to our club.  Congratulations Bryon!
Last meeting of 2020! Peter Szoke 2020-12-21 05:00:00Z 0

Holiday Party

Posted by Peter Szoke on Dec 15, 2020
The Richmond Hill Rotary Holiday Party was last night.  In spite of the physical constraints imposed on us, we still got together for some laughs, and many toasts to the Holidays and beyond!    Best Wishes to all our friends in the Richmond Hill community for the upcoming year...we enjoyed a toast to you as well!
Holiday Party Peter Szoke 2020-12-15 05:00:00Z 0

Hold the date...and the bottles...

Posted by Peter Szoke on Dec 13, 2020
Richmond Hill Rotary will be holding our 2nd Bottle and Food Drive on Saturday, April 10, 2021.  Please hold onto your refundable wine/beer/liquor bottles from the holiday season for us.  Funds raised will go to support local charities.  Times and drop off locations will be announced as we get closer to the date.  In the event that your storage/shed/garage is overflowing and cannot wait until April, please contact us for a pickup (peter.szoke@rogers.com).
Thank you to all of you who supported our 1st ever Bottle and Food Drive last September.  You helped us raise $1200 for local charities, and about 750 lbs of food for the Richmond Hill Community Food bank.  The money was very much appreciated and put to good use.
From all of us at Richmond Hill Rotary, we wish you the very best for the holiday season and beyond!
Hold the date...and the bottles... Peter Szoke 2020-12-13 05:00:00Z 0

Home on the Hill

Posted by Peter Szoke on Dec 07, 2020
Tonight, we had Kathy Mochnacki and Jonathan Nadler speak to us about Richmond Hill’s Home on the Hill.
Home on the Hill is a Charitable Organization founded by the families of people with serious mental illness.  Home on the Hill supports their families, too, who are still not considered part of the “circle of care” by the formal system.  These individuals often do not access service from mainstream mental health agencies.  Many have the symptoms of anosognosia and lack insight that they have an illness, so believe that they do not need service.   Home on the Hill supports their families, too, who are still not considered part of the “circle of care” by the formal system.
Home on the Hill provides an invaluable service to our community.  We never know when one of our own family members may need to use one of their services.  Thank you Kathy and Jonathan for speaking with us this evening…but thank you every more for your contribution to our community!  Below a photo of Kathy speaking to our club.
Home on the Hill Peter Szoke 2020-12-07 05:00:00Z 0

Could there be life on Venus?

Posted by Peter Szoke
Last week, our guest speaker was Mike Petersen, via Zoom, all the way from Panama (the country).  He gave an incredibly fascinating presentation on "Could there be life on Venus?"  A recent discovery of Phosphine in the atmosphere of Venus has scientists very excited.  Interestingly, we can find the fingerprints of life, Oxygen, Phosphine, Methane and Water on other planets/moons in our solar system too.  Thank you Mike for a thought provoking presentation.
Could there be life on Venus? Peter Szoke 2020-12-06 05:00:00Z 0

WILA Award published in YorkRegion.com

Thank you to Sheila Wang, Richmond Hill Reporter for YorkRegion.com and the Richmond Hill Liberal newspaper for a great article on the new Women of Inspiration & Leadership Award.  The article includes an interview with Richmond Hill Rotary Club President, Noeline Paul.
Photo below of Noeline Paul at the Richmond Hill Rotary Park.  Thank you to Steve Somerville of YorkRegion.com for the photo.
WILA Award published in YorkRegion.com Peter Szoke 2020-11-30 05:00:00Z 0

Women of Inspiration & Leadership Award

Posted by Peter Szoke on Nov 22, 2020
The Rotary Club of Richmond Hill is very happy to launch its first annual Women of Inspiration & Leadership Award, or WILA. The award will recognize a woman who has contributed to the greater good of the Richmond Hill Community through her leadership, achievement, and example of distinction.  She may have done so through her contribution to a corporation, government, not-for-profit, start-up, or service to the community. 
In addition to the prestige of receiving an award that recognizes the winner as a woman of inspiration and leadership, the Rotary Club of Richmond Hill will donate $1,000 to a charity of the winner’s choice.
Noeline Paul, President of the Rotary Club of Richmond Hill said, “I am thrilled to have our club launch an award that recognizes women and their many achievements. As a club, we knew it was important to acknowledge that women play a significant role in the betterment of society. We all know women who are leaders in so many different ways, some beyond traditional notions of leadership, and this award gives us the opportunity to showcase and appreciate women who lead and inspire us in our local community.
Women of Inspiration &amp; Leadership Award Peter Szoke 2020-11-22 05:00:00Z 0

Remembering our Veterans

Posted by Peter Szoke on Nov 10, 2020
At our meeting yesterday, retired Canadian Armed Forces career officier, Rotarian Gordon Vandyke led our club’s remembrance ceremony.  He discussed the sacrifices of so many men in the two world wars.  He also recited a very moving version of John McRae’s In Flanders Field.  Thank you Gord.  And thank you to all our Canadian veterans, and thank you to our active Canadian Armed Forces serving both in Canada and overseas.  We owe you an immeasurably debt of gratitude. 
Remembering our Veterans Peter Szoke 2020-11-10 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Tree Planting

Posted by Peter Szoke on Nov 09, 2020
For the twelfth consecutive year, the Richmond Hill Rotary Tree Planting was held at the Oak Ridges Moraine Park (off of Old Colony Road) this last Sunday.  For those of you who remember back, this park was just a meadow in the very beginning.  Now it’s an urban forest! 
In past years, the trees were planted by local Richmond Hill students.  This year, because of Covid, the schools are unable to participate, so Rotarians were out there with shovels planting the trees.
We would like to particularly thank the TD Friends of the Environment for the on-going and consistent financial support of the tree planting over the years.  We would never have been able to do it without you. 
Thank you also to Steve Smith of Urban Forest Associates  and the Toronto Region Conservation Authority for organizing, and providing the support and logistical infrastructure for this project.  Thank you also to Michael White who has been the champion of this project for many years.
Also a big thank you to our Rotarians, and our friends who came out and provided the elbow grease required to plant the trees.
Let us all work hard to help our community get Covid under control.  Hopefully, next year, school children will be returning to their role tree planters.
Many photos below of our volunteers.
Below, Steve providing a tree planting lesson
Dr. CP planting his first (of many) trees
Special thank you to Alex and Ben who came to join Rotarians and plant trees
David and Linda planting
Jason carrying 100 lbs of mulch
Paul planting a tree
David and Jill working together
Rotary Tree Planting Peter Szoke 2020-11-09 05:00:00Z 0

Donita  Hagborg

Posted by Peter Szoke on Nov 02, 2020
Welcome to Donita Hagborg, the world's newest member to Rotary!  She joined our Richmond Hill Rotary Club earlier this evening.
Congratulations Donita!
Below Donita at her on-line induction ceremony.
Donita Hagborg Peter Szoke 2020-11-02 05:00:00Z 0

Marney Beck

Posted by Peter Szoke on Nov 02, 2020
This evening, we were honoured to have Marney Beck speak to our club about the publishing industry in Canada, and how service organizations can best position themselves to stay in the public’s eye.  Marney was a freelance journalist for the Toronto Star.  Then for fifteen years she was the editor of the Richmond Hill Liberal and Thornhill Liberal community newspapers, www.YorkRegion.com.  Now retired, she volunteers for the Richmond Hill Community Food Bank https://richmondhillcommunityfoodbank.ca/, MADD York Region https://maddchapters.ca/york/, the Richmond Hill Winter Carnival https://www.wintercarnival.net/ and Hill House Hospice http://hillhousehospice.com/.
Thank you for your speech.  And thank you for your unending contribution to our community!
Below, Marney speaking to our club.
Marney Beck Peter Szoke 2020-11-02 05:00:00Z 0

Hippo Roller Project

Posted by Peter Szoke on Oct 25, 2020
On Monday, we were honoured to have Luke Vorstermans speak at our meetingLuke, from the Rotary Club of Gibsons, BC, is the Founder Roll a Hippo Foundation, and Chair of the Hippo Roller Project.
Many girls and women around the world, particularly in poor countries, focus much of their lives on carrying water for their families, from rivers and wells to their family homes.  It is physically demanding, thankless work.  The hippo water roller addresses this problem.  It moves 90 liters of water by rolling it on the ground.  The hippo water roller can transport more water, more easily and in less time than carrying 20-liter buckets on the head.
The hippo water roller is empowering girls and women around the world.  Thank you Luke for sharing your vision.
More information can be found at https://www.rollahippo.org/
Hippo Roller Project Peter Szoke 2020-10-25 04:00:00Z 0

Food and Bottle Drive a Huge Success!

Posted by Peter Szoke on Sep 30, 2020
Twenty-five volunteers from the Richmond Hill Rotary Club completed their Bottle and Food drive. $1,200 was raised for charities supporting our community, plus 750 lbs of food for the Richmond Hill Community Food Bank. Rotary wishes to thank everyone from the Richmond Hill community for their support.
Photo below shows Peter and Hira delivering the food to Lee Reynalds of the food bank.
Below, our team in action at one of our four locations.
Photo below, DG Mark Chipman joined our team at another one of our four locations.
Photo below, our team putting out signs to promote the event.
Food and Bottle Drive a Huge Success! Peter Szoke 2020-09-30 04:00:00Z 0

New Member...

Posted by Peter Szoke on Sep 20, 2020
We are thrilled to welcome the newest member of the Rotary Club of Richmond Hill, Ms. Veda Harricharran.   She has over 34 years of experience in the insurance industry working for CDSPI, a non profit organization serving the dentists of Canada which has provided her the opportunity to travel across Canada. 

She has been a volunteer at Centenary hospital for  over 12 years and the Yellow Brick House.  Veda feels When you joined a group of people you keep coming back because you feel you want to be with them and be part of a group with a shared mission.


Below, we have a photo of Veda's on-line induction into Rotary.  Congratulations Veda!


New Member... Peter Szoke 2020-09-20 04:00:00Z 0

DeafBlind Ontario Foundation

Posted by Peter Szoke on Sep 19, 2020
Laura Parsons from DeafBlind Ontario Foundation, https://deafblindontario.com/, was our guest speaker at our last Zoom club meeting.  It is really staggering that 1% of the Canadian population qualifies as deafblind.  The DeafBlind Ontario Foundation is involved with supporting the the deafblind with valuable "intervenor" support staff.  Laura, a long time professional fundraiser also provided some pointers on how to be effective at fundraising during these times of Covid.  Thank you Laura!  Below is a photo Laura presenting one of her slides.
DeafBlind Ontario Foundation Peter Szoke 2020-09-19 04:00:00Z 0

Terry Fox Run - Sep 20th 2020

TOGETHER we are a world, where PEOPLE unite and take action, to CREATE lasting, CHANGE across the globe, in our communities and in ourselves. "Everything we do open another opportunity for someone somewhere"
Rotary Club of Richmond Hill continued their efforts to support Virtual Terry Fox Run 2020, please help donate On-line
Terry Fox Run - Sep 20th 2020 Nasir Azam 2020-08-24 04:00:00Z 0

Rick Sulker Celebrated

Posted by Peter Szoke on Aug 22, 2020
At our last meeting, Rotarian Rick Sulker was awarded the Richmond Hill Rotary Lifetime Achievement Award.  This very special award is bestowed in recognition of many years of active service in the Club evidenced by consistent attendance, support, involvement and participation in Club events and activities along with taking on leadership roles. Further Rick has exemplified our Rotary motto “SERVICE ABOVE SELF” and has been a role model for all of us to aspire to. 
Rick joined in the Richmond Hill Rotary Club in August 1983 (37 years).  Highlight of his activities in Rotary - TV Auction, both on-air and behind the scenes, and almost every other fundraiser.  He was always involved in and supported all events.
Below are photos of Rick organizing items for the Richmond Hill Rotary TV Auction (2nd from left), and distributing winter coats to the Richmond Hill Salvation Army (centre).
Rick Sulker Celebrated Peter Szoke 2020-08-22 04:00:00Z 0

Congratulations Lisa!

Posted by Peter Szoke on Jul 30, 2020
Lisa Li has joined as the newest member of Rotary International’s 1.2 million members.  Lisa is a Business Development Partner with the Richmond Hill District of Sunlife.  And as a first for our club, Lisa was inducted in an on-line ceremony led by our Director of Membership, David Obadia.
Congratulations Lisa!!
Congratulations Lisa! Peter Szoke 2020-07-30 04:00:00Z 0

Support to Front Line Workers at Mackenzie Health

Posted by Peter Szoke on Jul 15, 2020
The Rotary Club of Richmond Hill is very happy to announce a $1,500 donation to the front line workers at Mackenzie Health.
Covid-19 has hit our lives very hard over the last several months.  We have felt social isolation, job loss, and in many cases sickness from Covid-19.  But few have felt the impacts of the virus more acutely than our front line workers at Mackenzie Health.  Working long hours, faced with the risk of contracting Covid-19, and potentially spreading it to their own family, they are under great risk and stress.  The Rotary Club of Richmond Hill salutes the dedicated staff at Mackenzie Health!  As a small thank you, we are donating $1,500 in gift cards to the staff. 
Niki Gastis, Senior Manager, Leadership Gifts said, “Thank you so very much for supporting our staff in this unprecedented pandemic.”  The donation was provided as sixty electronic gift cards that were awarded to staff through their weekly Feel Good Fridays draw.
The Rotary Club of Richmond Hill would like to sincerely thank all of you, who have supported our Beer Festivals, Galas, and other fund raising activities, for allowing us to provide this assistance to our front line workers at Mackenzie Health!
Support to Front Line Workers at Mackenzie Health Peter Szoke 2020-07-15 04:00:00Z 0


Posted by Peter Szoke on Jul 13, 2020
Today, our club joined our weekly meeting with the meeting of the Rotaract Club of GTA Connect, https://www.facebook.com/rotaractgtaconnect/.  They are a club of young (18+) students and professionals who aspire to many of the same goals as Rotarians do.  Today, the guest speaker was Seydi Sy, https://www.upwork.com/o/profiles/users/~01d4a1ce368441bc0f/.  He discussed his experience in becoming a Freelance web developer, and provided advice and guidance on how to launch a career in Freelance.  The talk was interesting and practical.  Thank you Seydi.  And thank you to the Rotaract Club of GTA Connect!
Freelancing Peter Szoke 2020-07-13 04:00:00Z 0

Support of the Richmond Hill Food Bank

Posted by Peter Szoke on Jul 11, 2020
The Rotary Club of Richmond Hill is very happy to announce a $2,500 donation to the Richmond Hill Food Bank.
As our local community continues to cope with the after effects of Covid-19, with so very many workers who have been laid off or let go, the demand on food banks continue to grow.  At the same time, many residents/organizations who have actively supported the Richmond Hill Food Bank, are themselves now struggling.
(Ms.) Lee Reynolds, General Manager, Richmond Hill Community Food Bank said, “We are most grateful for the donation made to our food bank. Funds will be used to purchase produce for the many families in the Richmond Hill and the Thornhill community.”
The Rotary Club of Richmond Hill would like to sincerely thank all of you, who have supported our Beer Festival, Galas, and other fund raising activities, for allowing us to provide this assistance to the Richmond Hill Food Bank.
Support of the Richmond Hill Food Bank Peter Szoke 2020-07-11 04:00:00Z 0


Posted by Peter Szoke
Last week, Gordon Vandyke, Richmond Hill Rotary Club President for 2019-2020 "Turned-Over" his responsibilities to Noeline Paul, Richmond Hill Rotary Club President for 2020-2021, and her new board.  For the very first time, our club did the turn-over on-line via Zoom.  Here is the line-up:
Noeline Paul - Club President
Richard Housen - Secretary
Dave Tate - Treasurer
Nash Azam - Director, Club Services
Jason Cherniak, Director, Community Services
Paul Vyrostko - Director, Vocational
Glen Waugh - President, Richmond Hill Rotary Foundation
Rajasri Sriskandarajah - President Elect
Gordon Vandyke - Past President
Some additional board members are to be approved in July.  Congratulations and good luck to all our board!
Turnover Peter Szoke 2020-07-03 04:00:00Z 0

Cam Smith

Posted by Graham Jones on Jun 30, 2020
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Cam Smith.  He was the beloved husband of Yvonne (nee Hughes) of 64 years.  Cam was a member of the Richmond Hill Rotary Club for 55 Years, who exemplified the Rotary motto of “Service above Self”.
He was well known in the community for his work with the Boy Scouts, the Arena Board, the Library Board, the United Way and was Chair of the Actifest Festival (Ontario Senior Games) when it was held in Richmond Hill.  Cam was the long-time Manager for Bank of Nova Scotia's Richmond Hill branch at Yonge and Lorne Streets.  After his retirement, he continued working part-time for Magna International.
As a Rotarian, Cam was a Past President, a long term treasurer and Board member. He participated fully in most club projects and
along with his wife Yvonne, administered the Rotary scholarship program for local high schools for many years. He was recently
received, the first ever, life achievement award from the Richmond Hill Club for outstanding service to Rotary.
During the first Richmond Hill Rotary Club meeting following the death of Cam, the Club held a moment of silence in his memory.
When the silence ended, members of the Club spontaneously paid tribute to Cam.  Some members recalled how Cam always kept his cool, no matter the situation, others remarked on his love of sports, and others on his genuine interest in them and their families. Still others remembered that Cam was always involved in Club Activities, always ready to help and always there when needed Cam will be sadly missed.
Cam Smith Graham Jones 2020-06-30 04:00:00Z 0

Presentation on Advanced Zoom Features

Posted by Peter Szoke on Jun 07, 2020
Last week, Ron Scott, Director of Pre-Sales Support at Alithya, www.alithya.com, a Management Consulting firm specializing in Digital Transformation, was our guest speaker.  Ron joined us from Atlanta, via Zoom, to give us a great presentation on some of the more advanced capabilities of Zoom meeting software. 
Ron showed us many useful capabilities of Zoom.  One capability allows you to show presentation slides effectively.  That really does advance what we are able to achieve in our weekly Rotary meetings.  Another feature, how to have the software automatically touch up the way you appear on-line, is something that is not really something that I need nor took note of.  (Mind you there are some more vain club members who I suspect did take note!)
Ron thank you very much for an interesting and educational presentation!
Presentation on Advanced Zoom Features Peter Szoke 2020-06-07 04:00:00Z 0

Yellow Brick House

Posted by Peter Szoke on Jun 01, 2020
Covid-19 has hit our community hard.  Not only has it had a huge impact on people, it has also had a huge impact on our social services.
The Yellow Brick House is an organization that supports woman and children in abusive relationships.  Our present Covid-19 situation is forcing us into social isolation and social distancing.  With woman so isolated from the community, some of them seem to be under a more difficult situation than before.  With Covid-19, there is an increased need for the services of Yellow Brick House.
The Rotary Club of Richmond Hill asked Yellow Brick House how we could help?  Their request was for PPE (Personal Protective Equipment, such as gloves.  Our small contribution was to source and deliver gloves to Yellow Brick House.
Thank you to Yellow Brick House for all your great work!
For more information on Yellow Brick House, go to https://www.yellowbrickhouse.org/
Yellow Brick House Peter Szoke 2020-06-01 04:00:00Z 0

Supporting Ongutoi, Uganda

Posted by Peter Szoke on May 26, 2020
Yesterday, Rotarian Richard Mewhinney of the Rotary Club of Newmarket, Ontario presented at our weekly Rotary club meeting (via Zoom).
For many years, Richard has been championing the support of Ongutoi, a village in central east Uganda – and the Rotary Club of Richmond Hill has been actively supporting Ongutoi too. 
Ongutoi had a languishing local economy and poor access to healthcare until Rotary-sponsored projects created a medical centre and transformed barren ground into a grove of Valencia orange trees. 
The most recent project was to build a local economy around an water project / agricultural crop with sufficient export value to fund the operations of a medical centre.  Here is the update/outline of the project:
Phase 1 of the water project began in the fall of 2018 with installation of a water collection platform, cistern and 381 Valencia orange trees.  Drip irrigation was used to water the trees during the dry season.  The trees tolerated this well.
Phase 2 commenced in the spring of 2019 with the expansion of water storage in tanks and a further planting of 404 trees.  An orchard of 3,000 trees is expected to provide full sustainability.  The Soroti fruit processing plant can put through 6.5 metric tonnes of fruit per hour.  A demo garden showing how drip irrigation can be set up for smaller applications is helping to educate local farmers about options for watering crops.  Concerns about monoculture have also been offset through the establishment of an apiary and the sale of honey.  You can view the most recent update here:  
Phase 3 is started in the spring of 2020.  The hope is to increase water storage to 225 million litres with additional crestanks and to plant a further 1600 trees.  Funding will consist of $250 thousand US from a RI global grant, plus donations from local Rotary Clubs and the project partner, Uganda Rotary Water Plus.  This will be the last major infrastructure project in the area because by it's completion, the medical centre will be self-sustaining.
Richard, thank you for sharing your experiences at our meeting.  But we particularly want to you for your hard work and dedication to the people of Ongutoi.  We at Richmond Hill Rotary are happy that we were able to participate.
Club meeting:
Supporting Ongutoi, Uganda Peter Szoke 2020-05-26 04:00:00Z 0

Providing Water in Panama

Posted by Peter Szoke on May 17, 2020
The Rotary Club of Richmond Hill recently made donation to support of the people of Chame Province of Panama. Working with the local club of Rotary Club of Playa Coronado, www.rotarypc.com, we helped supply the mountain pueblos with fresh water.
Thank you to everyone who has supported our Richmond Hill Rotary Craft Beer Festival, our Richmond Hill Rotary Gala, or one of our other events.  You enable us to help those in need!
Providing Water in Panama Peter Szoke 2020-05-17 04:00:00Z 0

Richmond Hill Board of Trade

Posted by Jason Cherniak on May 14, 2020
Monday night, we were pleased to welcome the Executive Director of the Richmond Hill Board of Trade, https://www.rhbot.ca/, Karen Mortfield, to speak at our weekly zoom meeting. She gave us an update on how local businesses are doing during this emergency and what the Board is doing to help them.  It was very interesting and we are glad to have such a strong organization helping our local businesses. You can check out https://www.shoplocalrichmondhill.ca/ for just one example.
Below is a snap-shot of the zoom meeting.
Richmond Hill Board of Trade Jason Cherniak 2020-05-14 04:00:00Z 0

DG Beth Selby

Posted by Peter Szoke on May 11, 2020
Last week, District Governor for Rotary District 7070, Beth Selby, joined our club's weekly meeting.  Beth gave us a great overview of how many of the club's in our district our staying relevant to their members during Covid-19 and social distancing.  Many of the clubs, just like our own, are continuing to meet on-line using various digital meeting tools.  Our own club is meeting using Zoom.
Furthermore, Beth gave us an overview of many of the current fundraising activities in the district.  Many clubs are looking at how they can assist local community groups that have been particularly hard hit by Covid-19.  Stay tuned to this space for an update on what the Richmond Hill Rotary Club is doing.
Thank you Beth!
DG Beth Selby Peter Szoke 2020-05-11 04:00:00Z 0

Mayor Dave Barrow

Tonight, we were honoured to have the mayor of the City of Richmond Hill, Mayor Dave Barrow, come speak to our club.  Dave provided an update on a lot of the development that has been on-going.  He even promised us a subway (just kidding...).  Great work Dave and the rest of council.  Thank you Dave for coming out to keep up informed.
Below is a photo of Dave Barrow, with our Club President-Elect, Noeline Paul.
Mayor Dave Barrow Peter Szoke 2020-03-02 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Bowling

Last week, one of Canada's premier sporting events was held in Richmond Hill at the World Bowl: The Richmond Hill Rotary International Family Bowling Championship.  Rotarians and their families joined together for an evening of top notch bowling and fun...well definitely top notch fun. No one is allowed to disclose my bowling score!  Thanks to all our competitors...
Rotary Bowling Peter Szoke 2020-03-02 05:00:00Z 0

Congratulations Hira Joshi

Hira Joshi has been named a Rotary Major Donor.  Congratulations Hira!  As you know, the funds will be put to great use.
Below is a photo of Club President Gordon Vandyke presenting the award to Hira.
Congratulations Hira Joshi 2020-02-11 05:00:00Z 0

Superb Pancakes!

Last weekend was the super fantastic Richmond Hill Winter Carnival.  The weather cooperated (although it would have been nice to skate on Mill Pond).
Rotarians from the Richmond Hill Club served the Carnival revelers a Pancake breakfast on Sunday morning.  We guestimate (is that a real word??) that we served about 1000 pancakes!  And they were so good.  Thank you to our team of Rotarian volunteers.  We had a lot of fun too!
Superb Pancakes! Peter Szoke 2020-02-04 05:00:00Z 0

Pancake Breakfast at the Richmond Hill Winter Carnival

What is the most fun way you could possibly spend a weekend?  How about at the Richmond Hill Winter Carnival!    It will be held Feb 1 & 2 at the scenic Mill Pond in Richmond Hill.  It includes:
  • Big Foot Race
  • Colouring Contests
  • Road Hockey Tournament
  • Live Music
  • Lumberjack Show
  • Wing Eating Contest
  • Elementary School Hockey Tournament
  • Viking Historical Re-enactment
  • Falconry demonstration
And of course the highlight of the weekend: Sunday morning pancakes breakfast prepared for you by the Rotary Club of Richmond Hill!!  Please come join us!!
Photo credit to: Jason Cherniak
Pancake Breakfast at the Richmond Hill Winter Carnival  Peter Szoke 2020-01-30 05:00:00Z 0

Heather Skoll - Reset Zone

Thank you to Wellness Speaker, Heather Skoll, from Reset Zone https://www.resetzone.ca/ for coming to speak to our club today.  Heather showed us some practical skills to relax when the day to day pressures of life are at their highest.  She has developed an app that one can use to coach you through stressful situations.
Heather Skoll - Reset Zone Peter Szoke 2020-01-27 05:00:00Z 0

Paul Harris Award to Dr. CP Giri

Congratulations to Dr. CP Giri, who was awarded Paul Harris Fellowship #6!  Thank you for all your service.  Below is a photo of Dr. Giri receiving his award from Club President, Gordon Vandyke.
Paul Harris Award to Dr. CP Giri Peter Szoke 2020-01-27 05:00:00Z 0

Yellow Brick House

In 2018 – 2019, Yellow Brick House provided support to:
  • Over 5,300 Women & Children
  • 250 Women and 151 Children stayed in their shelters
  • 3,356 Crisis and Support Calls
  • 4,678 Students reached at public education workshops
  • 470 Children received counselling
  • 1,476 Women used counselling & court support
  • But another 205 Women and 311 Children could not access a shelter bed when needed
Yellow Brick House is working to support the York Region Community.
Thank you Scott McMaster from Yellow Brick House for coming to speak to us about the need.
Yellow Brick House Peter Szoke 2020-01-21 05:00:00Z 0

Paul Harris Recognition to Glen Waugh

At our last Richmond Hill Rotary Club Meeting, Club President Gordon Vandyke awarded a Paul Harris Fellow with "3 Rubies" to Glen Waugh.   This means that Glen has achieved this distinction times.  Congratulations Glen!  Photo of Gord and Glen below.
Paul Harris Recognition to Glen Waugh Peter Szoke 2020-01-21 05:00:00Z 0

Reseting instead of reacting - how to manage difficult situations

“Reseting instead of reacting - how to manage difficult situations” a fascinating and practical talk by Wellness Speaker, Heather Skoll of Reset Zone.  Heather will be speaking at the Richmond Hill Rotary’s Dinner Meeting on Monday, January 27th.  This event is open to the public.  Come and broaden your horizons!
The $25 entry price only covers your meal cost at the Sheraton.  As we need to order meal’s in advance, the deadline to purchase admittance is Friday, January 24th.
Reseting instead of reacting - how to manage difficult situations Peter Szoke 2020-01-14 05:00:00Z 0

Leveraging Social Media

On Monday, Bhupesh Shah, VP Sales & Marketing of Shrader Canada Ltd. https://www.shradercanada.com/ , gave a superb talk on how we could use Social Media to leverage the efforts of our Rotary Club.  Clearly, we need to be doing more on Facebook and LinkedIn.  Thank you Bhupesh for the inspiration!
Leveraging Social Media Peter Szoke 2020-01-09 05:00:00Z 0

Social Media Guru

Social Media Guru, Bhupesh Shah, speak on “Are you using Social Media to leverage your Rotary Activities?”   The presentation will be on January 6, 2020, at our regular Monday evening Rotary dinner meeting at the Sheraton Parkway Hotel, 600 Hwy 7, Richmond Hill, ON L4B 1B2 (North East corner of Leslie).  Fellowship begins at 6pm, the dinner at 6:30.
Bhupesh Shah is Professor and Coordinator of Social Media, School of Marketing at Seneca college.  Bhupesh has been interviewed by The Globe and Mail, The Toronto Star, CBC News, Global News, and has also been featured in 24 Hours and Maclean’s
Social Media Guru Peter Szoke 2019-12-18 05:00:00Z 0
Holiday Party Peter Szoke 2019-12-18 05:00:00Z 0


Posted by Nash Azam on Dec 09, 2019


According to a study released by the Johns Hopkins University with just 563 paid employees globally, Rotary International annually mobilizes volunteer effort equivalent to nearly 27,000 full-time paid workers. What is more, this study reveals that the efforts of Rotary volunteers save communities an estimated US$850 million in service costs per year.
We are proud to be the first global membership organization to conduct an empirical analysis of our volunteers’ impact using Johns Hopkins University’s systematic methodology.
As a membership organization made up of people of action in virtually every country, who use their professional and leadership skills to identify and address challenges in communities, we know that we’re making a positive impact throughout the world.
We’ve helped protect more than 2.5 billion children from polio. Each year, The Rotary Foundation—our charitable arm—provides more than $250 million to end polio and support sustainable projects and scholarships that promote peace, fight diseaseprovide clean water and sanitationsupport educationsave mothers and children, and grow local economies.
IMPACT OF ROTARY MEMBERS Nash Azam 2019-12-09 05:00:00Z 0

Affinity Coach Liz Scott

Posted by Peter Szoke on Nov 26, 2019
Liz Scott came to speak at our Rotary Meeting.  Liz is a small-business marketing guru and truly engaging speaker.  Her presentation was about Marketing Tips for Immediate Results.  She tailored the presentation to some of the issues that our own Rotary Club is facing right now.  She provided us some great ideas.  Let’s get cracking on them!  Thank you Liz. http://www.affinitycoach.com 
Below is a photo of Club President Gordon Vandyke with Liz at the meeting.
Affinity Coach Liz Scott Peter Szoke 2019-11-26 05:00:00Z 0

Richmond Hill Christmas Parade

Posted by Peter Szoke on Nov 25, 2019
Richmond Hill held their annual Christmas Parade.  Thank you to Rotarians and Rotaractors who marched!
Richmond Hill Christmas Parade Peter Szoke 2019-11-25 05:00:00Z 0

Liberian Learning Center

Posted by Peter Szoke on Nov 01, 2019
At this week's meeting, our speaker was Mr. Leo Nupolu-Johnson.  He provided an inspirational story of being homeless on the streets of Monrovia, Liberia, to immigrating to Canada, studying at McMaster University, and launching an organization Empowerment Squared, https://empowermentsquared.org/ and becoming a Rotarian.  What a Canadian immigrant success story!
One of Empowerment Squared mandate's is to help new immigrants to Canada to fit in and adapt as easily as possible.  Of course this is a huge benefit to the immigrants.  But it is also a benefit to Canada to have new immigrants become productive members of society.
Currently, one of Empowered Squares key projects is to help create the Liberian Learning Center in Monrovia.  The project includes a library, meeting rooms, and a small business incubator.  It is an ambitious and noble project! 
Below is a photo of Leo with our club president, Gord Vandyke at our meeting.
Liberian Learning Center Peter Szoke 2019-11-01 04:00:00Z 0

Visit by District Governor Beth Selby

Posted by Peter Szoke on Oct 07, 2019
This evening, we were honoured to have a distinguished visitor: Rotary District 7070's District Governor Beth Selby.  Beth gave an uplifting talk about the goals for the upcoming year of RI President Barry Rassin.  She also spoke about her own goals for our District.
Beth spoke from the heart about her own experience with four different Rotary exchange students who came to live in her home.  Not only did Beth's family provide a wonderful learning experience to the students, the students made a lifetime impression on Beth and her family.  And now years later, they are still close friends.  The Rotary Exchange is a wonderful program.
Thank you for driving all the way from Belleville to come speak to us!
Below is a photo of Beth with our club president, Gordon Vandyke.
Visit by District Governor Beth Selby Peter Szoke 2019-10-07 04:00:00Z 0

How can we help you?

Posted by Nash Azam on Sep 23, 2019
Shine Through Rain Foundation
Laurie Docimo presented and spoke about Shine through Rain Foundation tonight, their mission is to help individuals and families affected by life threatening illness.
They provide comfort, guidance and vital financial assistance to patients and their families during a time of great need.
The Rainy day Fund is a monthly program that works directly with the social worker or health care professional that is supporting your care or treatment plan.
Illness often isolates children from their friends and the activities they love. foundation runs camp scholarship program provides funding for a child to attend a camp of their choice.
For more information visit: http://www.shinethroughtherain.ca
How can we help you? Nash Azam 2019-09-23 04:00:00Z 0

Terry Fox Run

Posted by Nash Azam on Sep 15, 2019
Thank you for your support, sharing brief report as below:
Total Volunteers: 42
Total actual runners/participants : 180
Dignitaries: 6 (MP/Mayor/4 Councils)
Media: Liberals, Snap
Total fund raise so far: 11997.00
Expected pledge: $ 9197.00
Total : $ 21194.00
Richmond Hill Schools expected to raise over $100 K
Considering weather we did a good job.
Appreciate all for your support and help
Terry Fox Run Nash Azam 2019-09-15 04:00:00Z 0

Terry Fox Run 2019

Posted by Peter Szoke on Aug 29, 2019
The 2019 Terry Fox Run will be held Sunday, September 15.  In Richmond Hill, the Rotary Club of Richmond Hill organizes a run centered at Mill Pond.  Please come join us!
Event: Terry Fox Run at Mill Pond, organized by the Rotary Club of Richmond Hill
Where: Mill Pond (corner of Trench and Mill), Richmond Hill
When: 8am-1pm, Sunday, September 15, 2019. Registration begins at 8am, with the run starting at 9.  Rain or shine.
Why: Raise money for Cancer Research, and to remember Terry Fox, Canadian hero
What: Walk, Run, Ride or Rollerblade.  By yourself, with a group of friends, or the family.  Around Richmond Hill’s beautiful Mill Pond.  And to benefit Cancer Research.  Please join the Rotary Club of Richmond Hill for this superb event! And if you cannot attend, please sponsor a participant.
Info: Nasir Azam, (416) 450-1196, nasir_azam@rogers.com
For more info: www.terryfox.org
Terry Fox Run 2019 Peter Szoke 2019-08-29 04:00:00Z 0


Posted by Peter Szoke on Aug 27, 2019
Thank you to the Rotaractors from the District 7070 e-club who came to visit us last week!  Great to meet with you!
Rotaractors Peter Szoke 2019-08-27 04:00:00Z 0

John Van Laar & Cora visit RCRH

Posted by Nash Azam on Aug 26, 2019
John Van Laar and Cora spoke to Rotary Club of Richmond Hill
presenting "Back to School project" in city of Cebu, Philippines
The Back to School project is made possible by the hard work and dedication of Rotarian/s and volunteers in both the Philippines and Canada.
Founded in 2006 as a Rotary project in Cebu Philippines, Back to School recognized that every child counted and that every child deserved the chance to attend school and to learn. Back to School provides this opportunity by creating a bridge to literacy through sponsor donations.
For $50.00 You Can Change a Life, every $50.00 you donate, one child will be sponsored for one year. 
Rotary Club sponsored and presented $1,000.00 cheque to Cora & John which will  help poverty-stricken children in the Philippines to attend school with necessary items such as a school uniform, shoes and school supplies. Donations also help fund the Mobile Eye Clinics, the Mobile Dental Clinics, and our new Mobile Library- programs that also benefit these children.
John Van Laar &amp; Cora visit RCRH Nash Azam 2019-08-26 04:00:00Z 0

The Krasman Centre

Posted by Peter Szoke on Aug 20, 2019
Thank you to Susan Dobson of the Krasman Centre who came to came to speak at our club meeting yesterday. 
The goal of the Krasman Centre is to serve as a physical hub and resource for the community of Psychiatric Survivors and their Families and Friends serving York Region (Richmond Hill main location) and South Simcoe (Alliston satellite location) of the Central Local Health Integration Network. They offer and operate all of our programs through two drop-in centres, with a variety of peer support, mental health recovery and social services programs serving people who experience mental health extremes or labels as well as people who experience homelessness. They operate both sites with various and non-traditional service hours. They also operate a telephone support line called The Warm Line and Peer Crisis Services 365 days per year, 24 hours a day.  They also offer recovery-based education and support programs for family members and friends.
More information is available at https://krasmancentre.com/
The Krasman Centre Peter Szoke 2019-08-20 04:00:00Z 0

2019 Rotary Craft Beer Festival is history

Posted by Peter Szoke on Aug 12, 2019
The 2019 edition of the Richmond Hill Rotary Craft Beer Festival is now history.  What a great party!  Feedback from attendees and vendors was fantastic.
Thank you very much for everyone who attended.  Thank you very much to our beer and food vendors.  Thank you to our great performers.  And thank you to all the volunteers who helped out!
The bar has been set high for next year!
2019 Rotary Craft Beer Festival is history Peter Szoke 2019-08-12 04:00:00Z 0

Thank you...,

Posted by Peter Szoke on Aug 07, 2019
Thank you to Housen Law www.HousenLaw.ca for sponsoring the beer glasses for our Richmond Hill Rotary Craft Beer Festival. They look great...and even better when filled with your choice of beer this Saturday!  Thank you also to Nasir Azam for sponsoring the tickets for the festival.
Thank you..., Peter Szoke 2019-08-07 04:00:00Z 0

LAST CALL - Craft Beer Festival

Posted on Aug 06, 2019
The Richmond Hill Rotary Craft Beer Festival is this Saturday, August 10th.  For those of you that have already purchased tickets, thank you!  For those that are interested, but have not yet, I encourage you to do so as soon as possible.  Because of the popularity of our headlining band, the CCR tribute band Green River Revival, ticket sales are way ahead of previous years.  On-line ticket sales, which include 5 free beer tickets, end Friday at midnight.
I hope to see you there!
LAST CALL - Craft Beer Festival 2019-08-06 04:00:00Z 0
7th annual Craft Beer Festival Peter Szoke 2019-07-28 04:00:00Z 0
Road Rally Fundraiser for CHATS Peter Szoke 2019-07-28 04:00:00Z 0


Posted by Peter Szoke on Jun 26, 2019
Congratulations are in order!  Nasir Azam was awarded his 5th (!!!) Paul Harris award for service to the club.  Below is a photo of Club President Richard Housen presenting to Nash.
Also to be congratulated is David Cox, who was inducted into Rotary as our newest club member.  Actually, David is not totally new - he was a member of the Toronto - Don Mills club in the past.  Below is a photo of club president Richard, with David's daughter Stephanie, David, Membership Director David Obadia, and Davids sponsor Gordon Vandyke.
As you can tell from the photo above, our club is actively searching for a new club photographer.  Applications are being accepted now!
Congratulations! Peter Szoke 2019-06-26 04:00:00Z 0

TD Friends of the Environment

Posted by Peter Szoke on Jun 25, 2019
Young TD Oak Ridges staff present a replica cheque for funds for the Rotary Oak Ridges Schools Planting Project 2019 to Michael White, Coordinator of the Project on behalf of Richmond Hill Rotary on Tuesday June 11.  This will be the 11th year of the Project at the Oak Ridges Moraine Corridor Conservation Reserve started by Bill Harris in 2009. The cheque was for $15,654.28.  Thank you TD Friends of the Environment!  https://www.td.com/corporate-responsibility/fef.jsp
TD Friends of the Environment Peter Szoke 2019-06-25 04:00:00Z 0

CCR Tribute - Green River Revival

Posted by Peter Szoke on Jun 23, 2019
Green River Revival, the great Creedence Clearwater Revival tribute band is coming to the Toronto area on August 10, 2019 for the Richmond Hill Rotary Craft Beer Festival!   I saw them play at Gravenhurst's Concerts on the Barge, and they really rocked the place.  Even my kids became fans!
CCR Tribute - Green River Revival Peter Szoke 2019-06-23 04:00:00Z 0

Craft Beer Festival - EARLY BIRD TICKETS

Posted by Peter Szoke on Jun 17, 2019
This year, we will be holding the seventh annual Richmond Hill Rotary Craft Beer Festival on Saturday, August 10th to raise funds for charities supported by Rotary.  Headlining the entertainment will be Green River Revival, the great Creedence Clearwater Revival (CCR) Tribute Band. I heard them play at Gravenhurst’s Concerts on the Barge, and they really rocked the place.  Even my kids became fans!
The event will be held at the Richmond Hill Centre for the Performing Arts, so there is VIVA bus service for those that consume a few drinks.  Entry ticket prices are $20.  But if you buy in advance, 5 beer tickets are included in the price.  This year, we are trying something new: EARLY BIRD TICKET PRICING $15, INCLUDING 5 BEER TICKETS, UNTIL JUNE 30.  You can buy tickets on-line at https://richmondhill.snapd.com/events/view/1258575
Ten local Ontario Craft Beer Brewers will each bring a few different types of beer to sample.  A 4 oz sample is $1.  So you may end up trying a lager, or an ale, or a stout, bitter, pilsner or a porter! Craft spirits and cider too. 
Delicious food will also be available from area restaurants King Henry’s Arms and Tastes of the Island. More details are available on-line at www.rotarybeertasting.com 
Come enjoy a great day of drink, food and music!  Come support a worthy cause!
Craft Beer Festival - EARLY BIRD TICKETS Peter Szoke 2019-06-17 04:00:00Z 0

Jane Taylor from ACC

Posted by Peter Szoke on Jun 16, 2019
Last Monday, we were thrilled to have Jane Taylor come to speak to us about everything going on at the Aurora Cultural Centre http://auroraculturalcentre.ca/  Art classes for kids and adults, a gallery, and a great concert series.  Below is a photo of our Club President, Richard Housen, Jane Taylor, and Rotarians David Obadia and Paul Vyrostko.
Jane Taylor from ACC Peter Szoke 2019-06-16 04:00:00Z 0

Dear Kawhi Leonard...

Posted by Peter Szoke on Jun 09, 2019
Dear Kawhi Leonard,
The members of our Richmond Hill Rotary Club would like to thank you for the tremendous contribution that you have made this year to the Toronto Raptors Team and the Greater Toronto Community as well.  Through your hard work, perseverance, modesty, and frankly success, you embody many of the characteristics that we all aspire to.
After the conclusion of this season, we certainly hope that you will seriously consider re-signing with the Toronto Raptors.  On behalf of Rotarians, and all of the residents of Richmond Hill, let us say that your signing would make us so happy, that we would be delighted to offer you Food and Drink for life at the annual Richmond Hill Rotary Craft Beer Festival.  The festival to be held this year on Saturday, August 10th. It offers world class Ontario Craft Beers, great food and sensational live music. 
More information is available at www.RotaryBeerTasting.com.  It would be our honour to serve you!
Go Raptors Go!!
The Organizing Committee of the Richmond Hill Rotary Craft Beer Festival
Dear Kawhi Leonard... Peter Szoke 2019-06-09 04:00:00Z 0 #HeStay,#KaWineAndDine,#RHBeer2019

Hold the Date: Richmond Hill Rotary Craft Beer Festival

Posted by Peter Szoke on Jun 08, 2019
HOLD THE DATE: The Richmond Hill Rotary Craft Beer Festival will be held on Saturday, August 10, at the beautiful Richmond Hill Centre for the Performing Arts.  Lots more details about the world class Ontario Craft Beers, great food, and sensational music to come. 
Hold the Date: Richmond Hill Rotary Craft Beer Festival Peter Szoke 2019-06-08 04:00:00Z 0

South America presentation

Posted by Peter Szoke on Jun 03, 2019
Last week, Rotarian Paul Vyrostko provided a fascinating presentation of South America including the spectacular Machu Picchu in Peru. 
Paul, please travel to Antarctica next - I would like to learn a little bit about that next.
South America presentation Peter Szoke 2019-06-03 04:00:00Z 0

Paul Harris Award Winner!

Posted by Peter Szoke on Jun 03, 2019
Congratulations to Rotarian Dave Morrison, our newest Paul Harris Award Winner!  Thank you for all your service to Rotary over the years.
Below is a photo of club president Richard presenting the award to Dave.
Paul Harris Award Winner! Peter Szoke 2019-06-03 04:00:00Z 0

Richmond Hill Philharmonic Orchestra

Posted by Peter Szoke on Jun 02, 2019
The Richmond Hill Philharmonic Orchestra with special guests Chorus York will be performing June 23, 2019.
Canada boasts many treasures, envied across the globe. From our vast landscape of mountains, lakes, prairies, and wildlife, to the bustle of some of the greatest cities in the world, we also have a rich global melting pot of harmonious cultures that are the fabric of Canada. True North Strong and Free celebrates all that is Canadian, with symphonic renditions of our physical and cultural landscape.
More details at https://rhpo.ca/
Richmond Hill Philharmonic Orchestra Peter Szoke 2019-06-02 04:00:00Z 0

Tree Planting was fun!

Posted by Peter Szoke on May 25, 2019
Seventy-one students from Oak Ridges Public School and fifty-one students for Bond Lake Public School participated in our 11th annual Tree Planting at the Oak Ridges Corridor Conservation Reserve this week.  Students helped out mother nature, and mother nature returned the favour by holding off on the rain!
Students saw a live Raptors - Birds of Prey show, learned about planting trees, and most importantly, developed a little more appreciation for nature.  Thank you to our coordinator and champion, Michael White, and the instructors from Urban Forest Associates http://ufora.ca/ and Toronto and Region Conservation Authority https://trca.ca/.  And a special thank you to our major financial sponsor, TD Friends of the Environment. https://www.td.com/corporate-responsibility/fef.jsp
Below some photos of the event.
Tree Planting was fun! Peter Szoke 2019-05-25 04:00:00Z 0

11th annual Rotary Tree Planting   ** Updated **

Posted by Peter Szoke on May 13, 2019
Join us for the 11th annual Richmond Hill Rotary Tree Planting at Oak Ridges Corridor Conservation Reserve on Wednesday, May 22.  Please note the change to one day earlier than previously announced.  All are welcome to watch a raptor (birds of prey, not the basketball team) show at 11:30 am. School children will participate in a tree planting starting at 1pm. Meet at the park entrance on Old Colony Road near Bond Lake School in Oak Ridges.
  • 400 plus York Region Students reforest Oak Ridges Moraine Corridor Park, the 11th Year
  • See your York Region students in action – doing and learning reforestation, Wednesday May 22 from 9 am to 3 pm.
  • 2019 will be the 11th year for this project originated by Richmond Hill Rotary Club.
The results of the previous 10 years can be seen along Old Colony Road, west of Bayview in the north east corner of the big new Oak Ridges Park. There 20 foot fast growing poplar trees tower above slower growing oaks, maples and pines, cedars, elm, butternut and sumachs and shrubs beside the older growth forests of Catfish Pond. With the approval of the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority and help from the Town of Richmond Hill’s Urban Forestry Department, more than 13,000 native trees and shrubs have been planted by students in 12 acres since May 2009 at a cost of more than $160,000. In addition the Richmond Hill Rotary, major funding has come from the Toronto Dominion Bank’s Friends of the Environment. Other funding has come from the Richmond Hill Garden and Horticulture Society and TRCA. It is a small but ongoing program of bringing back forests and savannahs to the more than 1200 acres and growing, of what is now called the Corridor Conservation Reserve.
High school students arrive after 9 am for tree planting training. Grades 5 and 6 students from Region public schools and three private schools arrive after 11 am, bringing their lunches and watching a Raptor flying show by the Canadian Raptor Conservancy. Work in teams of high school leaders and elementary students begins at 12.30 pm, with 12 to 1500 trees planted, mulched, plastic guard protected and given an initial watering as the kids take busses back to their schools and home. Or in the case of Bond Lake Elementary School walk back across previously planted areas.
“It is wonderful to see the enthusiasm and competence of the young students and their leaders” says Shelagh Harris, honorary Rotarian and former Richmond Hill teacher and librarian, who has come to the planting each year, whose husband Bill initiated the program in 2009.
Since 2009, more than 3,000 York Region Grades 5/6 students and 1,000 high school students have planted in this project, an educational and forest and open space restoration program.
Thank you very much to TD Friends of the Environment for their generous support of this project for many years. https://www.td.com/corporate-responsibility/fef.jsp  There is no way that we would be doing this without them!
11th annual Rotary Tree Planting ** Updated ** Peter Szoke 2019-05-13 04:00:00Z 0

Olympian Jeremiah Brown

Posted by Peter Szoke on May 09, 2019
This week, our keynote speaker was Jeremiah Brown,  Olympic Silver Medalist.  Jeremiah told the story of his journey from discovering a sport on TV, to winning a Olympic Silver Medal in London, 2008 with the Canadian mens rowing eights.  And the whole journey was only 4 years!  He told us an inspiring story and taught us many of the lessons he had to learn to succeed.
Jeremiah has written his story in a book called The Four Year Olympian.  More details at https://the4yearolympian.com/
Thank you Jeremiah for making us all proud at the Olympics.   And thank you in particular for helping us learn what is takes to succeed.
Below is a photo of our club president Richard, Jeremiah and Rotarian Paul Vyrostko.  If you have trouble identifying the Olympian in the group, send me an email for a hint!
Olympian Jeremiah Brown Peter Szoke 2019-05-09 04:00:00Z 0

Visitor from Poland

Posted by Peter Szoke on May 09, 2019
At our meeting this week, Adam Bierzniewski came to visit our club.  Adam was in town for a trade show.  He comes from the Fryderyk Chopin Rotary Club in Warsaw, Poland.  http://rotaryfryderykchopin.org.pl/
We are always happy for Rotarians from around the world to visit us.  Below is a photo of club president Richard Housen exchanging flags with Adam.
Visitor from Poland Peter Szoke 2019-05-09 04:00:00Z 0

Richmond Hill Ecumenical Homes

Posted by Peter Szoke on Apr 29, 2019
Tonight, our club was honoured to have Reverend Matthew McMillan from St. Mary's Anglican Church come to speak to us.  The Reverend spoke about the Richmond Hill Ecumenical Homes Corporation, of which he is the newest board member.  This organization has three apartments with approximately 500 units in Richmond Hill that provides housing:
1. at below market rates
2. at subsidized rates
3. at geared to income rates
Richmond Hill is one of the most expensive communities to live in Canada.  So it is not surprising that there are many people who have difficulty affording a place to live here.  In fact, there is currently a 14 year waiting list to get into one of their units.
The reverend shared some of their future plans, and hope to be able to add an additional building in Richmond Hill.  The Richmond Hill Ecumenical Homes Corporation provides a service that is so essential to our community.  Thank you Reverend McMillan.
Below we have a photo of Reverend McMillan with our club president Richard Housen and Rotarian Paul Thomas.
Richmond Hill Ecumenical Homes Peter Szoke 2019-04-29 04:00:00Z 0

Richmond Hill Rotary's Charity Golf Tournament

Posted by Peter Szoke on Apr 26, 2019
Please join us for Richmond Hill Rotary's Charity Golf Tournament.  The event will be held on Friday, June 21 at the Richmond Hill Golf Club.  The format will be a shot-gun start, team scramble.  Price of $175/person includes prizes, green fees, cart, lunch and dinner.  For the non-golfers, price for attending the dinner is $60.
Proceeds from the event will benefit humanitarian causes in our community and Kingston College High School in Jamaica.
For more information and tickets, please contact Richard Housen at (905)884-3800 or Richard@HousenLaw.ca
Richmond Hill Rotary's Charity Golf Tournament Peter Szoke 2019-04-26 04:00:00Z 0

Robotics and Mechatronics

Posted by Peter Szoke on Apr 17, 2019
At our meeting this week, we had a fascinating presentation by Dr. Goldie Nejat, Assoc. Prof. of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering at the University of Toronto, Canada Research Chair in Robotics for Society, and Director, Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics.  She talked about some of the exciting robotics applications that are currently being developed.  One example is to use robot rovers to assist with search in disaster relief environments.  Another great application is with assisting the elderly.  Thank you Dr. Nejat!  More information is available at https://irm.utoronto.ca/
Robotics and Mechatronics Peter Szoke 2019-04-17 04:00:00Z 0

2019 Richmond Hill Rotary Invitational Bowling Classis

Posted by Peter Szoke on Apr 14, 2019
The 2019 Richmond Hill Rotary Invitational Bowling Classic was held last week.  Winner of this prestigious event was our own Rotarian David Tate.  Scores will not be published so as to not embarrass the participants! 
2019 Richmond Hill Rotary Invitational Bowling Classis Peter Szoke 2019-04-14 04:00:00Z 0

Housen Law

Posted by Peter Szoke on Apr 03, 2019
Last Monday, Club President Richard Housen and Richet Housen of Housen Law spoke at our club meeting on the subject of Estate Planning.  It was very informative.  https://www.housenlaw.ca/
Below is a photo of Richard and Richet speaking.
Housen Law Peter Szoke 2019-04-03 04:00:00Z 0

Progressive Dinner 2019

Posted by Peter Szoke on Mar 27, 2019
Saturday night was one of the highlights of the Richmond Hill social calendar: the Rotary Progressive Dinner.  On this occasion, no money was raised for charity - the evening was one of fun and fellowship.  Rotarians enjoyed a appetizer/salad, at one Rotarians house, dinner at another Rotarians house, and then everyone came over to Isabel and Peter's (oh ya, that's me) house for a party.
At the party, I think that the cheese favourite was definitely the Raclette, hot gooey Quebec cheese that you had to scrape onto the crackers.  The favourite dessert?  That was the apple tart...or maybe the trifle...or caramal crunch cake?  We had a great selection of wines and beers, but I preference was that our own Edwin Ibude's wine, www.barleyandgrapes.com.
Everyone had a lot of fun...I am looking forward to next year!  Below are just a few photos...
Progressive Dinner 2019 Peter Szoke 2019-03-27 04:00:00Z 0

Award to Dr. CP Giri

Posted by Peter Szoke on Mar 03, 2019
Rotarian Dr. CP Giri was recently awarded his 6th Paul Harris Fellowship for his contributions to Rotary!  Thank you for all your hard work and dedication.  http://www.drcpgiri.com/  Below is a photo of Club President Richard presenting the award to CP.
Award to Dr. CP Giri Peter Szoke 2019-03-03 05:00:00Z 0

Speaker Series

Posted by Peter Szoke on Feb 27, 2019
Four engaging speakers coming to The Richmond Hill Centre for the Performing Arts from Connecting the Community:
1) Thurs. March 21, 2019 - Adam Chapnick: Canadian Multiculturalism in the 21st Century: Challenges & Opportunities
2)  Thurs. April 4, 2019 - Mike Daley: The Fab Four: From Inception to Beatlemania
3) Thurs. April 18, 2019 - Karen King: Civil Rights in Canada
4) Thurs. April 25, 2019 - David Newland with Siqiniup Qilautu (Sundsdrum) : The Northwest Passage in Story and Song
Speaker Series Peter Szoke 2019-02-27 05:00:00Z 0


Posted by Peter Szoke on Feb 25, 2019
This evening, Club President Richard Housen presented long time Rotarian Graham Jones with his 6th Paul Harris award for his long time service to our club.  Congratulations Graham!  You set the bar high for the rest of us.  Below is a photo of Richard presenting to Graham.
Our speaker this evening, Rotarian David Obadia, VP and Portfolio Manager at CIBC Private Wealth Management gave a presentation on Crypto Currencies, Liquid Alternative Investment Funds, Currency Hedge Funds and foreign investment vehicles.  Fascinating and enlightening! http://www.cibcwg.com/web/david-obadia/home
Cryptocurrencies Peter Szoke 2019-02-25 05:00:00Z 0

But what about the pancakes?

Posted by Peter Szoke on Feb 04, 2019
In the previous story on the pancake breakfast, an oversight was brought to my attention.  We never mentioned how the pancakes tasted!  Below is Ben Cherniak's assessment on the subject:
But what about the pancakes? Peter Szoke 2019-02-04 05:00:00Z 0

Pancake Breakfast at the Winter Carnival

Posted by Peter Szoke on Feb 03, 2019
This weekend was the Richmond Hill Winter Carnival at Mill Pond!  It was so much fun.  This morning, Rotarians served up lots of pancakes to the community.  I don't think anyone counted how many pancakes, but I estimate we made more than there are stars in the sky!  It was great fun.
Pancake Breakfast at the Winter Carnival Peter Szoke 2019-02-03 05:00:00Z 0

What is a committed Rotarian?

Last Monday, our club was to have a lighter, fellowship meeting, in place of the usual work of raising money for worthy charities.  The meeting was to be held at the King Henry's Arms in Richmond Hill.  That night, a blizzard hit Richmond Hill with temperatures of -20C and 15 cm of snow.  But these intrepid folks braved the cold and the snow to get together.  That is a committed Rotarian!
What is a committed Rotarian? Peter Szoke 2019-02-01 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary making a difference in Uganda

Posted by Peter Szoke on Jan 10, 2019
Rotarian Richard Mewhinney from the Newmarket Rotary Club came to visit our club and update us the project in Ongutoi, Uganda.
Ongutoi is an isolated community is in North Central Uganda, approx 7 hours from Kampala.  Hence medical care for the people in this area was poor to non-existent after the LRA were expelled from Uganda in 2005.  For example, pregnant woman who needed maternal care were forced to walk 20-30 km to the nearest medical care.  Some 10% of women would die in child birth.  In 2010, Rotarian Richard along  with HAGCM undertook to build a basic medical center with the support of the Newmarket Rotary Club, Richmond Hill Rotary Club and others.
In the intervening years, and with Richard’s persistence, dedication and eighteen trips to Uganda, the Medical Centre is completed and providing services to thousands in the area.
Richards newest endeavour is a water project to help locals grow fruit for a local fruit processing plant on the site of the Health Centre.  Revenues from fruit grown will be used to ensure that the medical center would have on-going stable funding to provide free health care long term.  Including the Richmond Hill Rotary Club, 12 different Rotary Clubs, many in Canada, and one each in Australia, the UK and Uganda helped fund this water project.
View the video below to see how your support of Rotary fundraising projects is making a real differences in the lives of so many people.
Rotary making a difference in Uganda Peter Szoke 2019-01-10 05:00:00Z 0

Rotarian Paul Thomas

Posted by Peter Szoke on Jan 08, 2019
Congratulations to Rotarian Paul Thomas, who was awarded his fourth Paul Harris Award by Club President Richard Housen.
Thank you for all of your service Paul!
Rotarian Paul Thomas Peter Szoke 2019-01-08 05:00:00Z 0

New Rotarian Sergiu Hirtescu

Posted by Peter Szoke on Nov 26, 2018
We are very happy to announce the newest member of Rotary to our club here in Richmond Hill: Sergiu Hirtescu.  Congratulations Sergiu!
Sergiu is a Financial Advisor at Investors Group.
Below is a photo from the induction ceremony, with Club President Richard Housen, Sergiu, and Membership Chair David Obadia.
New Rotarian Sergiu Hirtescu Peter Szoke 2018-11-26 05:00:00Z 0

District Governor Visit

Posted by Peter Szoke
At our most recent club meeting, we were honoured to have Mary Lou Harrison, Rotary District 7070 Governor come speak to us.  She spoke about the Rotary International theme for 2018, Be the Inspiration.  The theme, created by Rotary International President Barry Rassin, asks Rotarians to inspire change in the world and in each other. To quote Barry, “I ask all of you to Be the Inspiration to help Rotary move from reaction to action — to take a hard look at the environmental issues that affect health and welfare around the world and do what we can to help.”
Mary Lou, thank you for coming to inspire us!
Below, left to right, is a photo from our meeting of Rotarians Noel, Graham and Noeline, visiting Rotaractors Saanmugi and Mamta, District Governor Mary Lou, Club President Richard, and our Assistant District Governor Andy Tang.
District Governor Visit Peter Szoke 2018-11-20 05:00:00Z 0

Richmond Hill Santa Claus Parade

Posted by Peter Szoke
The Richmond Hill Rotary Club was awarded "Best Themed Non-Commercial Float" at the 2018 Richmond Hill Santa Claus Parade.  But the real work was done by the Richmond Hill Rotaract Club!  They conceived, created, and manned the float.  Congratulations to them for a superb effort!
Rotaract, a Rotary-affiliated organization, is an organization of young adults (ages 16 to 30) who help to serve our local community.  We are proud of them all.
Richmond Hill Santa Claus Parade Peter Szoke 2018-11-20 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Open House

Posted by Peter Szoke
Are you looking for a way to find out how to give back to the community?
Are you interested in meeting and working with like minded professionals?
Want to meet some Rotarians?
Come to the Richmond Hill Rotary Satellite Club's Open House: Wednesday, November 21, 6 to 9pm at the King Henry's Arms Pub, 9301 Yonge Street (the No Frills mall at 16th Avenue).  There is no cost, drinks or food may be purchased if desired.
Meet Rotarians and find out what they are like.  Everyone is welcome!
Rotary Open House Peter Szoke 2018-11-19 05:00:00Z 0

Sunshine Foundation and L'Arche

Posted by Peter Szoke on Nov 04, 2018
We had some very special visitors at our last club meeting: representatives from Sunshine Foundation and L'Arche Canada.
Gary E Sim, President & CEO of L’Arche Canada Foundation was one of our speakers.  L’Arche helps people with intellectual disabilities find a meaningful life.  Many parents of children with intellectual disabilities do everything that they can to support their children throughout their lives.  But what happens to their children when they are gone? In L’Arche, people with and without intellectual disabilities live, work, learn, and grow together.  Learn more at http://www.larche.ca/
Ralph Marascio and Tammy O’Sullivan from Sunshine Foundation also spoke to us about Sunshine Dreams for Kids. The Sunshine Foundation of Canada makes dreams come true for children living with severe physical disabilities or life-threatening illnesses.  Sunshine Dream Programs are once-in-a-lifetime experiences for kids that ignite a sense of newfound independence, build confidence, and create joyful memories that will stay with them for the rest of their lives. By having their dreams come true, kids are inspired to keep dreaming, are willing to try new things, and have a more positive outlook on life.  Learn more at www.sunshine.ca
Below is a photo of Tammy, Nash, Ralph and Gary.
Rotarian Dr. Emmanual Abara has recently been travelling to the Pacific Rim area.  He returned and presented Rotary Club President Elect Nash Azam with a banner from the Gambiar Rotary Club, in Garbiar, South West Australia.
Below is a photo of Dr. Emmanuel presenting to Nash.
Sunshine Foundation and L'Arche Peter Szoke 2018-11-04 04:00:00Z 0

World Polio Day is October 24

Posted by Peter Szoke on Oct 22, 2018
Rotary International, together with the local Rotary clubs around the world, recognize October 24th as World Polio Day. This day was established by Rotary International over a decade ago to commemorate the birth of Jonas Salk, who led the first team to develop a vaccine against poliomyelitis. Polio is a crippling and potentially fatal infectious disease. There is no cure, but there are safe and effective vaccines for prevention of polio. Rotary is committed to immunizing every child until transmissions stops and the world is free from polio. With your support, we can immunize every child. To learn more, contact the Rotary Club of Richmond Hill.  To donate, go to https://www.endpolio.org/donate
By Noeline Paul, Chair of Community Services at the Rotary Club of Richmond Hill
World Polio Day is October 24 Peter Szoke 2018-10-22 04:00:00Z 0

Wine and Cheese Festival!

Posted by Peter Szoke on Oct 22, 2018
The Rotary Wine and Cheese Festival 2018 was a great success!  Thank you to everyone that came out to support Rotary.  We enjoyed some excellent wines, phenomenal cheese, beautiful music and lots of prizes!  Great fun was had by all...
Special thank you to our sponsors:
Glass Sponsor, Oak Ridges Retirement Residence, https://www.oakridgesretirement.com/
Cheese Sponsor, Grande Cheese, http://grandecheese.ca/
Table Sponsor, Dr. C.P. Giri, Dentist, http://www.drcpgiri.com/
Table Sponsor, Richard Housen, Lawyer, https://www.housenlaw.ca/
Table Sponsor, Marshall Funeral Homes, http://www.marshallfuneralhome.com/
Wine and Cheese Festival! Peter Szoke 2018-10-22 04:00:00Z 0
Richmond Hill Rotary Wine&amp;Cheese in the News! Peter Szoke 2018-10-11 04:00:00Z 0

Richmond Hill Rotary Wine & Cheese Festival 2018

Posted by Peter Szoke on Sep 21, 2018
The Rotary Club of Richmond Hill is thrilled to announce our first ever Wine & Cheese Festival 2018! Come join us for an enchanting evening of wine, cheese, hors d'oeuvres and more! A string quartet from the Richmond Hill Symphony Orchestra will be play.  In support of local community and Seniors’ Projects.
The festival will be held on Thursday, October 18th at 6pm at the beautiful Oakview Terrace Reception Centre, 13256 Leslie Street, in Richmond Hill.
Tickets are $60 each and can be purchased at https://bit.ly/2DvNky7    Ages 19+.
Drinking and driving is extremely unsafe.  Please arrange for someone in your group to be a designated driver, or have someone pick you up at the conclusion of the event.
Richmond Hill Rotary Wine &amp; Cheese Festival 2018 Peter Szoke 2018-09-21 04:00:00Z 0 #RotaryWine2018,Richmond Hill,Seniors,Wine,Wine&Cheese


Posted by Nasir Azam on Sep 11, 2018
PFA CANADA inducted 28 new Fellows at a grand ceremony which was held Aug 24th 2018, spectacular PEI. Honorary Fellowship is bestowed upon an individual who has made a valuable contribution to the advancement of the ART and Science of Dentistry.
Our Own Dr. CP Giri was inducted as Fellow PFA Canada.


PFA CANADA INDUCTED CP GIRI Nasir Azam 2018-09-11 04:00:00Z 0

Visit to Kingston, Jamaica

Posted by Peter Szoke on Aug 20, 2018
Club President Richard Housen recently paid a visit to the Rotary Club of Kingston, Jamaica at the Pegasus Hotel.  On the photo below, left to right, Richard, Richard's wife Dorset, Kingston Club President Linval Freeman, and Richard's son Richie.
Visit to Kingston, Jamaica Peter Szoke 2018-08-20 04:00:00Z 0
Drink responsibly Peter Szoke 2018-08-09 04:00:00Z 0
Richmond Hill Rotary Beer Festival Peter Szoke 2018-08-07 04:00:00Z 0

Live on Instagram!

Posted by Peter Szoke
The Rotary Club of Richmond Hill is now live on Instagram!  Please follow us @Richmond_Hill_Rotary.  Currently, we have photos of our upcoming Richmond Hill Rotary Craft Beer Festival on Saturday, August 11.  Check them out at #RHBeer2018
Live on Instagram! Peter Szoke 2018-07-31 04:00:00Z 0

Craft Beer Festival in support of Rotary

Posted by Peter Szoke on Jul 12, 2018
On Saturday, August 11th, The Rotary Club of Richmond Hill will be holding their sixth annual Craft Beer Tasting Festival to raise funds for charities supported by Rotary. 
The event will be held at the Richmond Hill Centre for the Performing Arts, so there is VIVA bus service along for those that consume a few drinks.  Entry ticket prices are $20.  But if you buy in advance, 5 beer tickets are included in the price.  Details are available on-line at www.rotarybeertasting.com  Tickets can be purchased at https://bit.ly/2KQCpSG
Ten local Ontario Craft Beer Brewers will each bring a few different types of beer to sample.  A 4 oz sample is $1.  So you may end up trying a lager, or an ale, or a stout, bitter, pilsner, porter, bock and lemon beer-cooler too!  For those that do not drink beer, there will be cider and wine available.
There will be live music from bands.
Food will also be available from area restaurants King Henry’s Arms and Tastes of the Island.
Come enjoy a great day of drink, food and music!  Come support a worthy cause!
Craft Beer Festival in support of Rotary Peter Szoke 2018-07-12 04:00:00Z 0
Liberal story on Tree Planting... Peter Szoke 2018-06-01 04:00:00Z 0

Golf Tournament

Posted by Peter Szoke on May 23, 2018
Golf Tournament on Monday, May 28th at the Richmond Hill Golf Club.  Please join us in raising funds for humanitarian causes in our community!  To reserve, please contact Richard Housen at (905) 884-3800 or email: richard@housenlaw.ca
Golf Tournament Peter Szoke 2018-05-23 04:00:00Z 0

All Candidates Meeting

Posted by Peter Szoke on May 15, 2018
The Ontario Provincial Elections are only three weeks away...Thursday, June 7th.  Who should you vote for?  Well, I am not allowed to state my opinion here.
How about you listen to the candidates, ask them questions, and choose the best candidate yourself?
The Rotary Club of Richmond Hill be one of the sponsors for two debates for candidates representing Richmond Hill's two ridings:
Aurora - Oak Ridges - Richmond Hill Riding
Oak Ridges Community Centre & Pool
Wednesday, May 16, 6:45 PM – 8:15 PM
Oak Ridges Community Centre & Pool, 12895 Bayview Ave, Richmond Hill, ON L4E 3G2
Richmond Hill Riding
Langstaff Community Centre
Thursday, May 24, 6:45 PM – 8:15 PM
Langstaff Community Centre, 155 Red Maple Rd, Richmond Hill, ON L4B 4P9
Hope to see you there!
All Candidates Meeting Peter Szoke 2018-05-15 04:00:00Z 0

Oak Ridges Moraine Tree Planting

Posted by Peter Szoke on May 14, 2018
On May 10th, hundreds of elementary and high school students from Richmond Hill participated in the 10th annual Richmond Hill Rotary Tree Planting in the Oak Ridges Moraine Park.  They came to reforest the spectacular Oak Ridges Moraine Park and Conservation Reserve in North Richmond Hill. The planting site this year is across Old Colony Road from Bond Lake Public School, west of Bayview.
High school students arrived for "planting leader" training in the morning. The main groups of 350 Grade 5/6 students arrived for lunch and a spectacular Raptor Show.   Afterwards, they planted 800 native tree and shrub seedlings. Students participated from Bond Lake Public School, Oak Ridges Public School, As-Sadiq Islamic School, Bayview Secondary School.
The program was funded by Richmond Hill Rotary, Toronto Dominion Bank Friends of the Environment Foundation  https://fef.td.com/, Richmond Hill Garden and Horticultural Society http://www.richmondhillgardensociety.org/ and supported by Toronto and Region Conservation Authority https://trca.ca/ and the Town of Richmond Hill https://www.richmondhill.ca.
The program has reforested nearly 20 acres with native species in its 9 years of operation. As important is introducing thousands of high school and public school students of all York Region schools to active support of nature and to this unique Park in north Richmond Hill which has grown to nearly 5 square kilometers, which include the corridor park, Jefferson Forest and other lands managed by TRCA. Richmond Hillers and York Region residents need to discover this wonderful natural area by foot or bike. The Planting Program encourages that discovery.
Special thank you to Michael White, who coordinated the project.
Oak Ridges Moraine Tree Planting Peter Szoke 2018-05-14 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Gala 2018

Posted by Peter Szoke
April 28 was the highlight of Richmond Hill's social calendar: the Richmond Hill Rotary Gala 2018!  500 people came out to support our main beneficiary, The York Centre for Children, Youth and Family http://www.theyorkcentre.ca/ and other charities supported by Rotary.  Everyone had a super time!
Thank you to everyone who came out!
Thank you to our sponsors!
Thank you to SmugMug, who took the photos below!  The complete set of photos can be viewed at https://quicksnaps.smugmug.com/Rotary-Club-2018-Gala/
Rotary Gala 2018 Peter Szoke 2018-05-07 04:00:00Z 0

McMichael Gallery

Posted by Peter Szoke
At our meeting this evening, we were honoured with three guests.
Firstly the incoming district governor for District 7070, Mary Lou Harrison.   Mary Lou updated us on many issues, including the upcoming Rotary International Conference in Toronto this June.
We also had Anna Stanisz, Associate Director, Creative Learning and Programs, and MIckey Palha, Associate Director, Individual Giving for the McMichael Canadian Art Collection http://mcmichael.com/ come to visit us.  They spoke both about the gallery, and the excellent outreach programs that they have to introduce Ontario school children to art in general, and the Group  of Seven in particular.  Keep up the great work McMichael!
Below is a photo of Anna Stanisz, Club President Richard Housen, Mickey Palha, Mary Lou Harrison, and Club Youth Services Director Joanne Modugno.
McMichael Gallery Peter Szoke 2018-05-07 04:00:00Z 0

Raising money in Richmond Hill for children's mental health

Posted by Peter Szoke on Apr 27, 2018
The Richmond Hill Liberal published a great article entitled "Raising money in Richmond Hill for childen's mental health".  In particular, the article discusses our upcoming Gala tomorrow, and the main beneficiary, the York Centre for Children, Youth and Families, http://www.theyorkcentre.ca/ . Check out the article at https://www.yorkregion.com/whatson-story/8566371-raising-money-in-richmond-hill-for-children-s-mental-health/
Thank you to Rotarian Nash Azam for writing the article!
Below is photo of Dean Rokos, executive director for The York Centre with Richard Housen, president of Richmond Hill Rotary.  Photo by Mike Barrett of Metroland.
Raising money in Richmond Hill for children's mental health Peter Szoke 2018-04-27 04:00:00Z 0

Earth Day Event with Richmond Hill Rotary

Posted by Peter Szoke on Apr 18, 2018
Rotarians from the Richmond Hill Club will celebrate Earth Day will be planting trees on April 22 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at Sunnybrook Health and Sciences Centre & Veterans Care Facility, 2075 Bayview Avenue, Toronto.  We will be joining other Rotarians from the District 7070.  
Rotary International President Ian Riseley's has challenged Rotarians to plant 1.2 million trees this year, one for each Rotarian.  Let's all help the earth, and plant trees!
Earth Day Event with Richmond Hill Rotary Peter Szoke 2018-04-18 04:00:00Z 0

Interview on Tamil Entertainment Television

Posted by Peter Szoke on Apr 11, 2018
Sylvia Francis of TET, Tamil Entertainment Television, interviewed Rotarians Rajasri (Raj) Sriskandarajah and Peter Szoke.  Discussed were issues such as:
  • What is Rotary?
  • Who can and should join Rotary?
  • What sort of benefit projects is Rotary involved with?
  • Our upcoming fundraising Gala at Le Parc on Saturday, April 28 in support of Children's Mental Health Programs
Please watch on Wednesday, April 11 at 7pm on TET, Rogers ch.663 or Bell Fibe ch.842
Interview on Tamil Entertainment Television Peter Szoke 2018-04-11 04:00:00Z 0

Induction of five new Rotarians

Posted by Peter Szoke on Apr 09, 2018
On March 26, Richmond Hill Rotary inducted five new members into our new satellite club.  Left to right, Club President Richard Housen, Marj Andre, Neil Appalsamy, Norma McCullough,  Bill McCullough, Yaser Barghi and Satellite Club Leader David Obadia.  They join the 1.2 million Rotarians in over 200 countries worldwide.
Congratulations and welcome to our new members!
Induction of five new Rotarians Peter Szoke 2018-04-09 04:00:00Z 0

Visitor from Istanbul

Posted by Peter Szoke on Apr 09, 2018
We were honoured to have Tolga Nizam, president of one of the Rotary Clubs in Istanbul, Turkey come visit us today.  Rotarians from around the world drop in at our meetings when they are in town.  Likewise, many of our members visit other Rotary Clubs while out of town, or out of country. 
Below is a photo of our club president, Richard Housen with Tolga.
Visitor from Istanbul Peter Szoke 2018-04-09 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Gala in support of Children Mental Health

Posted by Peter Szoke on Apr 02, 2018
Mental disorders account for a large proportion of the disease burden in young people in all societies. Most mental disorders begin during youth (12–24 years of age), although they are often first detected later in life. Poor mental health is strongly related to other health and development concerns in young people, notably lower educational achievements, substance abuse, violence, and poor reproductive and sexual health. The effectiveness of some interventions for some mental disorders in this age-group have been established, although more research is urgently needed to improve the range of affordable and feasible interventions, since most mental-health needs in young people are unmet, even in high-income countries. Key challenges to addressing mental-health needs include the shortage of mental-health professionals, the low capacity and motivation of non-specialist health workers to provide quality mental-health services to young people, and the stigma associated with mental disorder. Addressing young people's mental-health needs is crucial if they are to fulfil their potential and contribute fully to the development of their communities.
The Rotary Club of Richmond Hill is organizing a fund raising Rotary Charity Gala evening on April 28th, 2018 at Le Park Banquet Hall.  Tickets are $100 each include a full three-course meal, live music from the Borealis Band and the Junior Band, door prizes, silent auction and lots of fun!
The largest portion of the proceeds of the event will be in support of The York Centre for children, youth and families.  A portion of the funding will also go to other humanitarian needs.
The York Centre provides a range of mental health services for children, youth and families who live in the Region of York. Services are delivered by a multi-disciplinary team based upon a holistic approach to social, emotional, academic and familial needs.
For more information contact Dr. CP Giri at 416-919-9911
Rotary Gala in support of Children Mental Health Peter Szoke 2018-04-02 04:00:00Z 0

Chinese New year

Posted by Nash Azam on Feb 23, 2018
Rotary Club of Richmond Hill
Selective Members joined York Club to celebrate Chinese New Year,
everyone had a Great Time, Fellowship and Fun
without Christa, Zahra, Linda and Elaine together with Sam and Dave,
we could not stop our laughter
 Xīn  nián  kuài  lè!
Chinese New year Nash Azam 2018-02-23 05:00:00Z 0

Meeting Feb 12th 2018

Posted by Nash Azam on Feb 15, 2018
Congratulation to Dumo Saziba, the newest member of the Rotary Club of Richmond Hill and of District 7070.
We are delighted to have Dumo join us in #Service Above Self as the newest member of the Rotary Club of Richmond Hill. He is an aspiring entrepreneur with classification of "Legal Business Consultant"
Dumo practicing as lawyer, lives in Richmond Hill, great to meet with his wife Maureen and two children at the induction ceremony. Welcome to Rotary International family Dumo!
Meeting Feb 12th 2018 Nash Azam 2018-02-15 05:00:00Z 0

Ethics in Business - Professor Darryl Reed

Posted by Nasir Azam on Feb 05, 2018
Professor Darryl Reed with Jason & Nash
Ethics in Business and 4-way Test
Presentation by professor Darryl Reed - York University
The outline of the presentation were:
  • Initial Questions about the Four-Way Test
  • The Field of Business Ethics
    • 4 Tasks of Business Ethics
    • Theoretical Approaches to Business Ethics
    • The Scope of Business Ethics
    • The Problematic of Business Ethics
      Positive Analysis (How business functions)
      Social science disciplines
      levels of analysis (firm, industry, business system)
      Empirical and Theoretical analysis
      Normative Analysis (How business should run)
      Criteria from ethics and political theory
      Application of criteria to particular case
      • Different objects and at different levels
                     Strategic Analysis (How to change business)
                     bringing business practice in line with norms
                     professional fields (in the aid of justified norms)
  • Relating Business Ethics to the Four-Way Test
    • Important features of the 4-way test
      • recognizes different concerns/criteria
        • Fairness, goodness, relationships, etc.
  • Some challenges
    • need to be applied at different levels
      • easier at interpersonal, group levels
      • difficult at policy, organizational, societal levels
    • Questions require further reflection/discussion
      • What is fairness? What happens when criteria conflict? Who decides how to apply the questions?
Ethics in Business - Professor Darryl Reed Nasir Azam 2018-02-05 05:00:00Z 0

50th Richmond Hill Winter Carnival

Posted by Nash Azam on Feb 05, 2018
50th Richmond Hill Winter Carnival
The Richmond Hill Winter Carnival is a weekend of affordable fun and entertainment organized by volunteers to celebrate the community of Richmond Hill in welcoming atmosphere.
Pancakes were served by Rotary Club of Richmond Hill
Thank you all for coming out and serving in true Rotary fashion.
Special thanks to the organizing committee lead by Ngozi and her demonstrating leadership as part of Rotary.
Job well done!!! Congratulations 
Ngozi Ojeh, Anita Buknell, Zahra Najirad, Heeseung, Tamanna C & Dorset Richard
Richard Housen, Glen Waugh, Paul Vyrostko, Gordon Vendyke, David Obadia, Peter Szoke
Dumo Siziba, Richard Jr & Rotaractors
We are proud of our members and their commitment in making the difference in our community.
50th Richmond Hill Winter Carnival Nash Azam 2018-02-05 05:00:00Z 0

Be a Vibrant Club - Club activities and Organization

Posted by Nasir Azam on Jan 29, 2018
Be a Vibrant Club - Presentation by Nash Azam
Rotary Club of Richmond Hill
     Serving Our Community for over 65 years
  • Rotary International
  • Rotary Structure
  • The Rotary Foundation & Polio
  • 2018-19 Rotary Theme & Strategic Plan
  • Club Structure - Organization, committees, activities including Fund raising projects, International & Local Community support
  • How to engage and be a part of a vibrant club
  • Presentation will be on website, for future reference by Members and Chairs
Be a Vibrant Club - Club activities and Organization Nasir Azam 2018-01-29 05:00:00Z 0

Highways of Heroes - Tree Campaign

Posted by Nasir Azam on Jan 25, 2018
Highway of Heroes
Tree Campaign
Join us in planting 2 million trees along the 401 Highway of Heroes, a tribute to the men and women who fought for Canada in our wars, and a living memorial to the 117,000 who died for freedom. A pledge to the Highway of Heroes Tree Campaign has a threefold benefit: you will be honouring our military, cooling the environment and beautifying the most travelled highway in North America.
Highways of Heroes - Tree Campaign Nasir Azam 2018-01-25 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Theme - 2018-19

Posted by Nash Azam on Jan 24, 2018

2018-19 RI President Barry Rassin wants Rotary members to Be the Inspiration

Rotary International President-elect Barry Rassin laid out his vision for the future of the organization on Sunday, Jan 14th 2018, calling on leaders to work for a sustainable future and to inspire Rotarian/s and the community at large.

Rassin stressed the power of Rotary’s new vision statement, “Together, we see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change — across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves.” This describes the Rotary that leaders must help build, he said.

To achieve this vision, the president-elect said, Rotarians must take care of the organization: “We are a membership organization first. And if we want to be able to serve, if we want to succeed in our goals — we have to take care of our members first.”


Rotary Theme - 2018-19 Nash Azam 2018-01-24 05:00:00Z 0

Satellite Club of Richmond Hill

Posted by Nasir Azam on Jan 10, 2018

We are very excited to announce the inaugural meeting of the Satellite Club of the Rotary Club of Richmond Hill.

The intention is that we meet on the second and fourth Wednesday of every month at 12 pm for lunch at Big City Gourmet Catering on 1550 16th Avenue Unit #1 in Richmond Hill.  This fantastic location has been secured by our wonderful member Suresh Natesan.  

The initial focus of this club will be community, but we would like to have a lively discussion as where we see needs in our community and how we plan on raising funds for those causes.  There is a great need for youth services along with healthcare that could be areas of focus for the club.  Our first meeting will be a meet and greet on the 17th of January at 12 pm. Also, you are more than welcome to bring a friend or two, just make sure that we know so as to ensure that we have enough food for all.

There will be plenty of opportunity to socialize and network at this club. 

We look forward to seeing you there, and to a successful launch of the Satellite Club of  Richmond Hill.

For any further details and costs, please do not hesitate to contact

David Obadia - Satellite Club Chair

Phone: 416-258-7911

Email: david.obadia@cibc.ca

Satellite Club of Richmond Hill Nasir Azam 2018-01-10 05:00:00Z 0

360°kids donation

Posted by Nash Azam on Dec 20, 2017
Rotary Club of Richmond Hill donated Food Bags to our 360°kids
Making a gift to 360ºkids indicates your willingness to support the future of our youth. With your generous support, 360ºkids can continue to assist the most vulnerable in our communities to become safe and stable.
You can make a donation and have an impact on the lives of our Region’s youth immediately. 
360°kids donation Nash Azam 2017-12-20 05:00:00Z 0

Dec 11th 2017 Meeting 

Posted by Nash Azam on Dec 11, 2017
Mr. Michael White with President Richard Housen
It all began after the Save the Oak Ridges moraine of the 1990's and 2000's, in 2006 the then government of Ontario set aside the Oak Ridges Moraine and first called ORM corridor park. The Toronto and Region Conservation Authority took over the management of it.
 Rtn.Bill Harris (late) found this conservation area ten years ago and Rotary Club of Richmond Hill got working on this each spring ever since. This will soon become Richmond Hill Central Park as the one we have in New York USA. For the last 10 years Richmond Hill Rotary, have been sponsoring and managing the TD Friends of the Environment Foundation funding. This has meant the 1500 and more native tree and shrub seedlings the 500 kids plant each spring for which beside Rotary Club of Richmond Hill Financial support and Admin volunteers hours, TD FEFF adds from $10,000 to $15,000 each year. The conservation authority and the Town of Richmond Hill's Urban Forestry department put another $3 to $5,000 worth of site preparation and organizing each year, including bringing the Canadian Raptor Conservancy Bird show. Each year project is worth from $18,000 to $25,000. Soon we would like to work with Michael White, who has been instrumental and coordinating this project past 10 years with all entities and we would like to give a name to the more than 20 Acres of new woods we have planted in the north east corner of the Reserve in these 10 years. We believe these woods could be the Bill and Shelagh Harris woods and a Rotary RH sign also be installed, after all the Rotary work that has gone in them.
President Richard on behalf of Rotary Club of Richmond Hill, thanking Sri kopo of Sheraton for his contribution and dedicated service to our club through out the year and for many years. We are honoured to have conduct our weekly meetings and other salient events at Sheraton Parkway Hotel RH, and we are equally thankful to the Management and Chef staff for their efficient and cordial services to Rotary. We wish every one very warm season greetings and happy new year.
Dec 11th 2017 Meeting Nash Azam 2017-12-11 05:00:00Z 0

Dec 4th Minutes of the Meeting

Posted by Nash Azam on Dec 05, 2017
Rotary Club of Richmond Hill celebrated 90th Birthday of Rtn. Cam Smith at well attended spousal Night meeting on Dec 4th 2017
Jim Louttit  Yvonne  Smith  Cam Smith  Richard Housen
President Richard Housen congratulated Cam on his 90th Birthday, He welcome Yvonne and announced on behalf of the club's one of the Annual Scholarships will be named after Cam and Yvonne.
Graham shared about Cam’s achievements with his career and with Rotary and his and Yvonne contribution, specially for Rotary bridge donation and organizing the Richmond Hill High School students Rotary Scholarship for years. Graham noted that Cam exemplifies the rotary motto of ‘Service above Self’ as Cam was deeply involved in a lot of projects in and out of the Rotary.
Joanne Modungo - Youth Director
Presenting and updating the club on HOC event
The hospitality event is on June 25, 2018 hosted by Richmond Hill and Woodbridge Clubs
Rotarians are attending from all over the world
Maximum attendance room capped at 200 members
All attendees need to register to attend (Richmond Club need to register by telling Joanne)
Event will be held at Art Gallery in Kleinburg
There is no registration cost to members but guests will be charged $25
Suresh of Big City will be catering the food at the event
Rotoractors will be showcasing their projects
$3,000 has been allocated toward the event
Joanne asked that our members come out to show their support
Dec 4th Minutes of the Meeting Nash Azam 2017-12-05 05:00:00Z 0

Nutre Hogar

Posted by Dave Morrison on Dec 04, 2017
Nutre Hogar (nutrition house) is an NGO that focuses on the nutritional health and rehabilitation of undernourished Panamian children aged 1-5 years. The sanitary facilities were 30 years old and designed for adults. The Rotary Clubs of Richmond Hill, Newmarket and Playa Coronado combined resources to complete a total refurbishment of the washroom facilities not only renewing but also making it child safe and friendly. We raised $3700 to contribute to the project which is now complete. 
This is the 2nd project we did for Nutre Hogar...last year kitchen facilities.  The 3700 was 1200 from district , 500 from Newmarket  and 2000 from Richmond Hill . The money was spent on tiling, plumbing, toilets... and some electrical.
More information (in Spanish) can be found at https://nutrehogar.org/
Some photos of the project and children are below.
Nutre Hogar Dave Morrison 2017-12-04 05:00:00Z 0

Nov 27 2017 induction

Posted by Nash Azam on Dec 02, 2017
Rotary Club of Richmond Hill
proudly inducted two new members 
Zahra Najirad - Orthodontist of My Smile Orthodontist RH
Tamanna Chowdary - Identity Theft Analyst - CIBC
Nov 27 2017 induction Nash Azam 2017-12-02 05:00:00Z 0

2016/2017 Rotary Year Club Financial Report

Posted by Nash Azam on Nov 23, 2017
Treasurer’s 2016/2017 Rotary Year Club Financial Report
David Tate did an intricate presentation of the 2016/2017 Rotary Year Club Financial Report, including:
Club Commitment and Community Accounts
Year to Date Meeting Collection and support to 50/50 causes and Foundation
International and Local Charities commitments
2016 & 2017 to date Beerfest P&L report
2016 TV Auction P&L report
June 20th, 2017 Golf tournament
2016/2017 Rotary Year Club Financial Report Nash Azam 2017-11-23 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary participated in Santa Claus parade

Posted by Nash Azam on Nov 19, 2017
Rotary Club of Richmond Hill 
participated in Santa Claus parade
Our Club's entry was with a decorated pick-up truck ("the float") with inflatable costume mascots (a beaver and a moose)  and a walking group with our Banner.
Rotary participated in Santa Claus parade Nash Azam 2017-11-19 05:00:00Z 0

Water Collection for Uganda

Posted by Peter Szoke on Nov 19, 2017
Last Monday, Richard Mewhinney from the Rotary Club of Newmarket came to speak with us regarding Water Collection for Sustainability, a project in partnership with the Ongutoi Medical Centre in Uganda.  Over the years, the Rotary Club of Richmond Hill has provided financial support to fund multiple projects with the Ongutoi Medical Centre.
Below is a photo of Club President Richard Housen (left) and International Projects Director Paul Thomas (right) handing a $2,500 cheque on behalf of the Rotary Club of Richmond Hill to Richard Mewhinney (centre).
Thank you to the many supporters of our fund raising projects who could make this donation a reality!
Water Collection for Uganda Peter Szoke 2017-11-19 05:00:00Z 0

Anita Bucknell

Posted by Peter Szoke on Nov 07, 2017
Rotarian Anita Bucknell gave an inspiring talk today.  Having arrived in Canada at age 14, she initially worked for a bank and then Mackenzie Health.  8 years ago she launched her own business in wealth planning, and has grown it into a very successful enterprise.  She currently provides life insurance, mutual funds, planning financing for education, and even funeral insurance.  Anita has the ability to help with financial planning, even to those with no previous knowledge, in an easy to understand way.  www.hife-usa.org
To speak to Anita about financial needs, you can contact her at anita.bucknell@gmail.com
Anita Bucknell Peter Szoke 2017-11-07 05:00:00Z 0

Teach a mother, change the world!

Posted by Peter Szoke on Nov 07, 2017
Gem Munro of the Amarok Society came to speak to our club about the truely inspiring project of education.  Gem and the Amarok Society are teaching mothers in the large city-slums of Bangladesh reading/writing, mathematics and english.  These are women with no previous education.  These woman make a commitment to go out into their communities, and teach 5 children what they have been taught.
Many of these women have continued their education for 10 years.  Many of the children that they taught are now going out into the community to teach other children.  Their motto is "Teach a mother, change the world"
Not only has this project brought education to children across Bangladesh, it has empowered woman who previously had no hope or future.
There work is now being replicated in Pakistan.
In recognition of their work, Gem and his partner Tanyss were awarded Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medals.   If you are interested in more information on the Amarok Society, go to http://amaroksociety.org
Below, Rotarian Aunali Moledina thanks Gem for his tremendous contribution to society!
Teach a mother, change the world! Peter Szoke 2017-11-07 05:00:00Z 0

New club membership formats

Posted by Peter Szoke on Nov 07, 2017
Our club has decided to introduce new club membership formats starting effective immediately.  Rotarian David Obadia outlined them for us.
1.       Family Membership – Additional cost of $200.00 per member (spouses and children), if more than 1 member attend then they have to cover cost of any additional meals.
2.       Corporate – Additional Cost of $400.00 per additional member plus meals where more than 1 attends a meeting.  (Minimum 2 maximum 4), primary member must pay additional $160.00 to cover cost of full meals.
3.       Only 1 Corporate or Family member can serve on the Board.
New club membership formats Peter Szoke 2017-11-07 05:00:00Z 0
Remembrance Day Peter Szoke 2017-10-31 04:00:00Z 0

Maple Leaf Christmas Ham

Posted by Peter Szoke on Oct 29, 2017
Maple Leaf Hams are for sale again this year for Christmas as an effort to raise money for the club.  They are 5lbs each for $26.  Comes in a decorative box.  Flavours are Black Forest and Regular Ham.  Please provide your requirement to David Tate ASAP.  He needs to order them.
Maple Leaf Christmas Ham Peter Szoke 2017-10-29 04:00:00Z 0

World Polio Day

Posted by Peter Szoke on Oct 22, 2017
This Tuesday, October 24 is World Polio Day.  Be sure to get ready for the 5th annual World Polio Day event, co-hosted with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and streamed live from Gates Foundation headquarters in Seattle, Washington at 5:30 pm by going to www.endpolio.org.  
World Polio Day was established by Rotary International over a decade ago to commemorate the birth of Jonas Salk, who led the first team to develop a vaccine against poliomyelitis. Use of this inactivated poliovirus vaccine and subsequent widespread use of the oral poliovirus, developed by Albert Sabin, led to the establishment of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) in 1988. As of 2013, GPEI had reduced polio worldwide by 99%.
Polio is a crippling and potentially fatal infectious disease. There is no cure, but there are safe and effective vaccines. Polio can be prevented through immunization. Polio vaccine, given multiple times, almost always protects a child for life. The strategy to eradicate polio is therefore based on preventing infection by immunizing every child until transmission stops and the world is polio-free.
World Polio Day Peter Szoke 2017-10-22 04:00:00Z 0

TV Auction comes to an end

Posted by Peter Szoke on Oct 21, 2017
It is with great sadness that the Richmond Hill Rotary Club announces the end of the Rotary TV Auction. Due to changes at our local broadcaster, it is no longer possible to reach our audiences in Southern York Region.  Running on the first weekend of December for 37 years, the auction had become a York Region institution.
We would like to thank all of our many charitable partners, donors, volunteers and bidders for their support of this auction over the years. We have raised approximately $2 million for local charities and we could not have done it without their support. We also appreciate the support of Classicom, Shaw and Rogers, without whom the auction could not have been broadcast to the public. 
Our club is considering an online auction to replace the TV auction, but this may not take place until 2018. We will let you know when we finalize our plans.  In the meantime, we would welcome your support at our upcoming events:   Rotary Charity Gala on Saturday, April 28, 2018, Rotary Craft Beer Tasting Festival on Saturday, August 11, 2018, and the Terry Fox Run at Mill Pond on Sunday, September 16, 2018.  To get updates on any of these events, go to www.RichmondHillRotary.com, on twitter @RotaryRichmondH or on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/rotaryrichmondhill/
The Rotary TV Auction was broadcast throughout York Region reaching viewers in Markham, Vaughan, Aurora, Newmarket, Whitchurch-Stouffville, East Gwillimbury, West Gwillimbury, King Township and Richmond Hill.
The auction was always held on the first weekend in December to take advantage of those looking for holiday shopping deals. Many of our TV Auction viewers were regular followers who watched year after year.  Some organized parties with family and friends.  Some would search the TV dial on weekends prior to Christmas hoping to stumble on to the show.  Many would impatiently contact us asking for the date for “this year’s event”.  Without the support of our dedicated viewers, the auction could not have been a success.
Over the years, literally hundreds of local York Region businesses have donated Leaf and Raptor tickets, jewelry, sports memorabilia, toys, electronics, gift vouchers, gift baskets, clothing, spa packages and golf packages.  Without the support of the local businesses that believed in the benefits to our community, the auction could not have been a success.
Some of the charities that have benefitted from the Rotary TV Auction include: Canadian Spinal Research Organization; Eva’s Initiatives, Sunshine Foundation, My House: Rainbow Resources of York Region, Caribbean North Charities Foundation, 360 Kids, High Notes, Ontario Lung Association, Heart and Stroke Foundation – York South Region;  Helpmate, Community Information Services and Volunteer Bureau; The York Centre for Children, Youth and Family; York Region Multiple Sclerosis; Community Circles of Richmond Hill; Big Brothers Big Sisters of York; The Canadian Hearing Society; The Curtain Club; Unionville Home Society; Victim Services; Easter Seals; Hospice Richmond Hill
The auction started 37 years ago with the assistance of Classicom Cable based in Richmond Hill.  In 1995, Shaw Cable took over from Classicom.  From 2000 until 2016, Rogers Cable TV York championed the TV Auction throughout York Region.
TV Auction comes to an end Peter Szoke 2017-10-21 04:00:00Z 0

Student presentations

Posted by Peter Szoke on Oct 20, 2017
Last Monday, we were treated to a special presentation hosted from the Rotaratct e-Club in conjunction with the Interactor club performing "The Taming of the Dragon".  The students put together some truely inspiring presentations.  Good work and good luck when you compete at the District 7070 Conference on November 3-4 at Niagara on the Lake.
Student presentations Peter Szoke 2017-10-20 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary supports Maternal, Newborn and Child Health

Posted by Peter Szoke on Oct 05, 2017
The Rotary Club of Richmond Hill was very happy to welcome Hannah and Raul from Horizons of Friendship
Our club donated $1045 to a project of the Horizons of Friendship called the Maternal, Newborn and Child Health: (MNCH).  That $1045 was matched by the Global Affairs Canada to reflect over $6000.  For every $1 raised for the MNCH project Global affairs Canada matches with $6!  This money goes a long way in training midwives in the villages of Central America to help deliver babies safely and healthy and increase the life expectancy of these children.  The Coburg-based non-profit organization helps a few different projects both in Canada and in Central America.  
Another project they are involved with is with AMICA against gender violence and Indigenous rights in Central America.  They also help migrants who are farm workers in Coburg with filling out forms, understanding the health programs available, financial literacy, etc.
Visit their site for more information  www.horizons.ca or @horizonsfriends 
Below is a photo of Rotarian Edwin, visitors Hannah and Raul with Club President, Richard.
Rotary supports Maternal, Newborn and Child Health Peter Szoke 2017-10-05 04:00:00Z 0

District Governor Neil Phillips

Posted by Peter Szoke on Oct 02, 2017
On September 25, the Rotary Clubs of Woodbridge and Markham-Unionville joined us in greeting District Governor Neil Phillips! 
Below is a photo of DG Neil with Richmond Hill Rotary President Richard Housen sharing a story.
Below are photos of Rotarians enjoying a meal and fellowship at the meeting!
District Governor Neil Phillips Peter Szoke 2017-10-02 04:00:00Z 0

Adapt a Village in Laos

Posted by Peter Szoke on Sep 24, 2017
Whitby-Sunrise Rotarian Steve Rutledge came to speak to our club about his life passion: helping remote communities in Laos to access clean drinking water.  What could be a more noble cause!  For many years, the Rotary Club of Richmond Hill have been purchasing clean water filters that are each shared by four families in Laos.  Keep up the great work Steve!
For more information on the "Adapt a Village in Laos" project, go to adoptavillageinlaos.wordpress.com
Below is a photo of Rotarian Jason Cherniak and President Richard thanking Steve.
Below are photos of Laos villagers with the water filters.
Adapt a Village in Laos Peter Szoke 2017-09-24 04:00:00Z 0

Welcome Noeline Paul

Posted by Peter Szoke on Sep 24, 2017
Congratulations to Noeline Paul, who was inducted as a member of Richmond Hill Rotary on September, 18, 2017.  Rotarian Noeline is a lawyer. 
Below is a happy Noeline with Club President Richard Housen and Membership Chair, David  Obadia.
Welcome Noeline Paul Peter Szoke 2017-09-24 04:00:00Z 0

Terry Fox Run

Posted by Peter Szoke on Sep 18, 2017
Rotary Club of Richmond Hill organized Terry Fox Run @ Mill Pond Park was a big success again on last Sunday.  Lots of fun.  Lots of VIPs. (MPP, MP, Mayor and both Deputy Mayors with nearly all the Councilors), 315 participants, 40 volunteers.  6 York Region Police Officers  & St John Amb. Money raised around $15,000 with some more still coming in.
Below is a photo of Mayor David Barrow and Regional Coucillor Vito Spatafora at the event.
Terry Fox Run Peter Szoke 2017-09-18 04:00:00Z 0

Welcome Alex Ghani!

Posted by Peter Szoke on Sep 18, 2017
Welcome to Alex Ghani, Accountant!  Alex has been inducted as a member of the Richmond Hill Rotary Club.  Below is Alex, with Club President, Richard Housen, and Director of Membership, David Obadia.
Welcome Alex Ghani! Peter Szoke 2017-09-18 04:00:00Z 0

Terry Fox Run 2017

Posted by Peter Szoke on Aug 31, 2017
Richmond Hill Rotary is organizing the Terry Fox Run at beautiful Mill Pond on Sunday, September 17 from 7am-2pm.  Register on-line at http://www.terryfox.org/run/
Everyone is welcome to participate in a Terry Fox Run, regardless of age, athletic ability or socio-economic standing. While the Run does not have an entry fee or minimum donation we do ask all participants to fundraise or make a donation.   You can raise funds online, use a pledge sheet or make a donation at the Run site. Whatever your choice, please know that every dollar counts.
Terry Fox Run 2017 Peter Szoke 2017-08-31 04:00:00Z 0

Richmond Hill Rotary Craft Beer Tasting Festival!

Posted by Peter Szoke on Aug 27, 2017
The 2017 Rotary Craft Beer Festival was a huge success!  Thank you to everyone in the community who cam out to enjoy some wonderful craft beer, delicious food, and great entertainment.  Many thanks to our participating breweries, food vendors and musicians.  And a big thank you to all our volunteers!
Richmond Hill Rotary Craft Beer Tasting Festival! Peter Szoke 2017-08-27 04:00:00Z 0
Richmond Hil Craft Beer Tasting Festival Aug12th, 2017By Rotary Club of Richmond hill  2017-08-13 04:00:00Z 0

Last Call! Advance ticket sales end tomorrow...

Posted by Peter Szoke on Aug 10, 2017
On Saturday, August 12th, The Rotary Club of Richmond Hill will be holding their fifth annual Craft Beer Tasting Festival to raise funds for charities supported by Rotary.  Entry ticket prices are $20 at the door.  But if you buy in advance, 5 beer tickets are included in the price.  Advance ticket sales end Friday.
Nine local Ontario Craft Beer Brewers and a Craft Distiller will each bring a few different types of craft beer, cider and spirits to sample.  A 4 oz beer sample is $1. 
There will be live music from Doug Christie, Ravyn Red, S&M, and Monica Guzman
Food will also be available from area restaurants King Henry’s Arms, and Big City Gourmet.
The event will run on Saturday, August 12th from 4-11pm at the Richmond Hill Centre for the Performing Arts.
If you are planning to drink a few beverages, please be responsible.  Go with a designated driver.  Alternately, Uber will be providing a $15 discount on your transport to and from the event.  Use promo code BEERFESTAUG
Tickets can be purchased on-line at https://richmondhill.snapd.com/events/view/1055894  Details about the event are available at http://www.RotaryBeerTasting.com  Or social media with #RHBeer2017
Come enjoy a great day of drink, food and music!  Come support a worthy cause!
Above is a photo of our beer committee during their recent strategic operations meeting at the King Henry's Arms Pub.  Thank you to MetroMedia's Steve Somerville for the photo, and thank you to Simone Joseph for the article https://www.yorkregion.com/whatson-story/7473086-pick-of-the-week-richmond-hill-rotary-beer-tasting-festival/
Last Call! Advance ticket sales end tomorrow... Peter Szoke 2017-08-10 04:00:00Z 0
Free Beer at Richmond Hill Rotary Craft Beer Tasting Festival Peter Szoke 2017-08-06 04:00:00Z 0

Golf Tournament Cheque Presentation

Posted by Peter Szoke on Jul 24, 2017
Rtn. Richard Mewhinney and Ted Bird from the Newmarket Rotary Club came to present our cheque for $7,600 proceeds from the Golf Tournament!  Funds raised will go to a water project to a war devastated village in Sri Lanka. Receiving the cheque are Nash, President Richard, Glen and Paul Thomas.  Congratulations to all the organizers!  Thank you for all the participants and volunteers!
Golf Tournament Cheque Presentation Peter Szoke 2017-07-24 04:00:00Z 0

New Rotarians inducted...

Posted by Peter Szoke on Jul 20, 2017
Last Monday, Rotary International's 1.2 million members were joined by four superb new members.  They are:

Anita Bucknell     (Mentor: Gordon Van Dyke)

Debbie Flom        (Mentor: Peter Szoke)

(Sri) Sritharan Thurairajah  (Mentor: David Obadia)

(Karuna) Kathiravel Karunananthan:  (Mentor: Dave Tate)

Below is a photo of Richmond Hill Rotary Club President Richard Housen putting a Rotary pin on the lapel of new Rotarian Anita Bucknell.  The Rotary pin is the internationally recognized symbol of membership in the Rotary organization.

Below is a photo of Richard pinning new Rotarian Debbie Flom.

Below is a photo of Richard pinning new Rotarian Sritharan Thurairajah

Below is a photo of Richard pinning new Rotarian Kathiravel Karunananthan.

Below is a photo of the new members, with their sponsors.

New Rotarians inducted... Peter Szoke 2017-07-20 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Golf Tournament raises $7400

Posted by Peter Szoke on Jul 19, 2017
The Richmond Hill and Newmarket Rotary Clubs held their joint golf tournament on June 20th at the beautiful Cardinal Golf Course.  The Richmond Hill Club raised $7400 for a fresh water project in Sri Lanka.  Way to go!!!
Immediately preceding the golf tournament were heavy rains.  As a result, some of the holes may have been more suitable for kayak than golf!  But good luck was on our side, with very little rain during the golf itself.  Below is a photo or Rotarian David demonstrating his golf prowess on a damp course.
Rotary Golf Tournament raises $7400 Peter Szoke 2017-07-19 04:00:00Z 0
Hospice King-Aurora-Richmond Hill in the news! Peter Szoke 2017-07-11 04:00:00Z 0

Happy Canada Day 150!

Posted on Jul 04, 2017
Happy Birthday Canada!  Rotarians and Rotaractors from Richmond Hill were at Richmond Green on Canada Day to participate in the festivities!
Happy Canada Day 150! 2017-07-04 04:00:00Z 0

Cheque presentation to Hospice

Posted by Peter Szoke on Jun 30, 2017
Rotarian David Tate had the pleasure of presenting a cheque for $10,000 to Sheila Darnowski and Heidi Bonner of Hospice King-Aurora Richmond Hill. The funds will be used to launch a new .community-based hospice in Richmond Hill in August or September.  If you have a friend or a family member who may need their service, please go to www.hospicekingaurora.ca for more details.
Cheque presentation to Hospice Peter Szoke 2017-06-30 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary International Convention 2017 in Atlanta

Posted by Peter Szoke on Jun 30, 2017
25,000+ plus Rotarians from around the world converged on Atlanta for the 2017 Rotary International Conference.  Among the inspirational speakers were Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft and Chairman of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and Dr. Bernice A.King, daughter of US Civil Rights Hero, Dr. Martin Luther King.  Above is a group from among the Richmond Hill contingent.
Rotary International Convention 2017 in Atlanta Peter Szoke 2017-06-30 04:00:00Z 0
Come join Rotarians on Canada Day at Richmond Green! Peter Szoke 2017-06-30 04:00:00Z 0
Out Going President Dr CP Giri and Incoming President Richard Housen 2017-06-24 04:00:00Z 0

Annual Rotary Golf Tournament

The 2017 Richmond Hill/Newmarket Rotary Golf Tournament was held at the Cardinal Golf Course in Newmarket.  Richmond Hill Rotary dedicated funds raised to develop clean water for a impoverished village in Sri Lanka.
Annual Rotary Golf Tournament 2017-06-20 04:00:00Z 0

Turnover night 2017 

The annual turn-over BBQ is where the 2016-2017 President and Board of Directors hand over responsibility to the new President and Board of Directors.  In the above photo, you see incoming President Richard Housen receiving the gavel, the symbolizing power, from outgoing President, Dr.C.P. Giri.
In addition to the handover ceremony, Rotarians enjoyed a wonderful BBQ Party at Shelagh Harris' beautiful home.
Turnover night 2017 2017-06-17 04:00:00Z 0

Hospice King-Aurora-Richmond Hill

Posted by Peter Szoke on Jun 12, 2017
This evening, we had two speakers from Hospice King-Aurora-Richmond Hill: Sheila Darnowski, RN, Coordinator of Day Hospice Program, and Heidi Bonner, Executive Director, Hospice King-Aurora Richmond Hill. They will be opening a community based hospice in Richmond Hill in August or September.  If you have a friend or a family member who may need their service, please go to www.hospicekingaurora.ca for more details.
Below is a photo of Sheila and Heidi speaking at our meeting.
Hospice King-Aurora-Richmond Hill Peter Szoke 2017-06-12 04:00:00Z 0

Last Night at the Proms!

The Richmond Hill Philharmonic Orchestra presents:
Last Night at the Proms
June 18, 2017 - 7:30 p.m.  at the Richmond Hill Centre for the Performing Arts
The wildly popular annual Proms concert continues to delight audiences with a new docket of symphonic music every year. This year we celebrate Canada’s 150th featuring Canadian composers and their music, to complement the standard 'Proms' repertoire. Our enthusiastic audience will have plenty of opportunity to hear your faves, wave your flags, sing with the RHPO, blow your horns, and celebrate Canada’s heritage, to bring an invigorating conclusion to the RHPO season.
Last Night at the Proms! 2017-06-12 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation announce $450 million commitment to end polio

Posted by Peter Szoke on Jun 12, 2017

Today in Atlanta Rotary President John Germ and Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, announced a commitment of up to $450 million to support the eradication of polio.

To an audience of nearly 40,000 Rotary members attending the humanitarian organization’s annual convention, Rotary and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation renewed their longstanding support for ending polio – a paralyzing, life-altering scourge on the verge of becoming the second human disease ever to be eliminated. Rotary committed to raise $50 million per year over the next three years, with every dollar to be matched with two additional dollars from the Gates Foundation. This expanded agreement will translate into $450 million for polio eradication activities, including immunization and surveillance over the next three years. This critical funding helps ensure countries around the world remain polio-free and that polio is ended in the remaining three endemic countries: Afghanistan, Nigeria, and Pakistan.

“In 2016, fewer children were paralyzed by polio than ever before, thanks to the dedication of Rotary members and our partners,” said Germ. “The paralysis of even one child by a preventable disease is unacceptable, and I'm proud to see our members redoubling their commitment to ensure we reach every single child with the polio vaccine.”

In a partnership spanning a decade, Rotary and the Gates Foundation, along with the other Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) partners, have led the effort to end polio worldwide. This funding extension reaffirms a commitment established at the 2013 Rotary Convention in Lisbon, Portugal, when the Gates Foundation pledged to match Rotary contributions two-to-one, up to $35 million per year through 2018. Rotary, including matching funds from the Gates Foundation, has donated more than $1.6 billion to polio eradication. 

“The vision of eradicating polio began with Rotary, and its support of that effort has been unwavering for more than 35 years,” said Gates. “Rotary’s commitment to raise $150 million over the next three years to end polio forever is a testament to the compassion, generosity, and kindness of more than a million Rotarians around the world.”

Today’s announcement comes on the heels of the news that world governments and other donors have pledged to contribute US$1.2 billion total to the GPEI for polio eradication efforts. The government funding—also announced today at the Rotary Convention—will substantially help to close the US$1.5 billion funding gap, allowing partners to immunize 450 million children every year and support rigorous disease surveillance in both endemic and at-risk polio-free countries. While the government funding announced today makes considerable headway in the fight to end polio, continued support from donors remains vital to achieve a polio-free world.

The global eradication of polio has been Rotary’s top priority since 1985. Through the Global Polio Eradication Initiative – a public-private partnership that includes Rotary, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the World Health Organization, and UNICEF – the incidence of polio has plummeted by more than 99.9 percent, from about 350,000 cases a year at the start of the initiative to just 37 cases in 2016.

Below is a photo of earlier today of Bill Gates with RI President John Germ.
Rotary and the Bill &amp; Melinda Gates Foundation announce $450 million commitment to end polio Peter Szoke 2017-06-12 04:00:00Z 0
Looking for volunteers? Peter Szoke 2017-06-06 04:00:00Z 0
Rotaract Club of Richmond hill 2017-05-30 04:00:00Z 0
Rotaract Club Invitation 2017-05-19 04:00:00Z 0
Tree Planting 2017-05-18 04:00:00Z 0

Tree Planting at the Oak Ridges Moraine

Posted by Peter Szoke on May 15, 2017
Lots of fun and learning for school children at the Tree Planting at the Oak Ridges Moraine Corridor Park. 
Thank you to TD Friends of the Environment for helping us fund this wonderful activitity!  https://fef.td.com/ 
Thank you to Toronto Region Conservation for organizing the event! https://trca.ca/
Special thanks to long time champion of the event, Michael White!
Tree Planting at the Oak Ridges Moraine Peter Szoke 2017-05-15 04:00:00Z 0

Camp Enterprise 2017

Posted by Peter Szoke on May 10, 2017
     The Rotary Club of Richmond Hill had another successful “Camp Enterprise” experience for many Grade 11 and 12 students from our local High schools at Cedar Glen Conference Centre this past weekend.  Rotarian volunteers were present to help out as the young people broke up into teams of seven or eight to undertake “The Negotiation Challenge 2017”.
     In this exercise the teams represented either the Union side of the negotiation or the Company position in arriving at an acceptable solution on all outstanding issues – such as Wages, Length of the contract, Vacations, Layoffs, Dental plans and Retroactivity.
    As advisors to each team, the Rotarians provided guidance to the student negotiators and helped to keep them on track and on time respecting the timetable.  
    At the end of the negotiations the teams came together to provide their solutions so that each contract could be tabled and shown on video.  Each elected spokesperson was given time to explain their “new” contract terms.
    Truly, this was an admirable learning experience for our High Schoolers as they approach the end of their first level of learning and decide on their future move to their careers.   And a most worthwhile choice of volunteer time for those Rotarians present.
This story was also published by the Richmond Hill Liberal newspaper: http://bit.ly/2pIrr2o
article by Shelagh Harris
Camp Enterprise 2017 Peter Szoke 2017-05-10 04:00:00Z 0

Oak Ridges Tree Planting

Posted by Peter Szoke on May 09, 2017
For the 9th year in a row, the Rotary Club of Richmond Hill is sponsoring a tree planting at the Oak Ridges Moraine Corridor Park.  Come join hundreds of local school children this Thursday, May 11!
Oak Ridges Tree Planting Peter Szoke 2017-05-09 04:00:00Z 0

Richmond Hill Rotary in Action in Panama

Posted by Peter Szoke on May 05, 2017
Words and photos from Richmond Hill Rotary club member Dave Morrison:
For those of you who believe all I do in Panama in the winter is play golf ... I have attached some pictures from a project we completed in the village of Farallon Panama .
The school was in need of a classroom for special needs children. I found the project and asked for the support of the Rotary Club in Coronado. The cost was $2400 ( largely donated labor). The expat community contributed $1200 and the Rotary Club of Coronado contributed $1200 plus some desks . The Rotary Club of Coronado has a lot of expats (some you might recognize from Toronto. A small project completed but a good impact.
Dave Morrison
Richmond Hill Rotary in Action in Panama Peter Szoke 2017-05-05 04:00:00Z 0

Awards for Exemplary Contribution to Rotary Foundation

Posted by Edwin Ibude on May 04, 2017
The Rotary Foundation supports thousands of worthwhile charitable endeavours around the world.  We take special pleasure when a Rotarian has gone above and beyond in helping support the foundation.  This last week, distinguished Rotarians came to honour our members who have gone above and beyond.
Above,PDG Michael Cooksey and PDG Michael Bell Awarding Dr. C.P. Giri membership of Paul Harris Society (PHS).  A recognition for a life-time donation of USD 1000 annually to Rotary Foundation.
Above, Rtn. Raj Rajasri also inducted to the Paul Harris Society for his lifetime commitment to the Rotary Foundation. Thank you very much!
Above, Rtn. Hira Joshi is awarded his incredible 9th Paul Harris Fellow from DG Jim Louttit.  What a bar for us to aspire too!
Above, Murray Lukawitz awarded a Paul Harris Fellow for his outstanding contribution to our annual TV Auction event. Presented  by Rtn. Jason Cherniak and a Rotary Past District Governor Micael Cooksey.
Above, Rtn. Graham Jones is awarded a 5-time Paul Harris Fellow from District Governor Jim Louttit. Way to go Graham!
Above, Past President Dr. Emmanuel Abara received his 3rd and 4th Paul Harris award, and thanks for being president last year from Past District Governor Michael Bell.  Thank you!
Above, District Governor Jim Loutitt presents cheque to CFLI Interact Club.
Thank you very much to Rotarian Edwin Ibude for supplying the photos!
Awards for Exemplary Contribution to Rotary Foundation Edwin Ibude 2017-05-04 04:00:00Z 0

Beer Festival Sponsorship Opportunity

Posted by Peter Szoke on May 04, 2017
Our 5th annual Richmond Hill Rotary Beer Tasting Festival will be held on 12t.  Various sponsorship opportunities are available.  Please let a Beer Fest Committee member know what you are interested in.
Beer Festival Sponsorship Opportunity Peter Szoke 2017-05-04 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Leadership Institute

Posted by Peter Szoke on Apr 28, 2017
The Rotary Leadership Institute held courses at Centennial College on April 22.  Photos below show our paritipants, President Dr. CP and Raj.
Rotary Leadership Institute Peter Szoke 2017-04-28 04:00:00Z 0
Joint meeting with the Board of Trade Peter Szoke 2017-04-24 04:00:00Z 0
CFLI Interact Club 2017-04-09 04:00:00Z 0

New Interact Club for Richmond Hill

Posted by Peter Szoke on Apr 05, 2017
A club is born!  We are very delighted that a new Interact Club, CFLI Interact will be chartered on April 9th at 4pm to 6pm. The venue will be the Rouge Woods Community Centre located at 110 Shirley Drive, Richmond Hill, ON  L4S1Y9.
The CFLI Interact team will be having a silent auction to raise funds for their upcoming projects.
Interact is a Rotary-sponsored, youth service club.  There are already two other Interact clubs operating in Richmond Hill, at Bayview Secondary School, and at Richmond Hill High School. For more details on these clubs, see https://portal.clubrunner.ca/1149/SitePage/about-our-club/interact-clubs
Everyone is welcome to attend to our new Interact Club launch!
New Interact Club for Richmond Hill Peter Szoke 2017-04-05 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Youth Leadership Award

Posted by Peter Szoke on Apr 04, 2017
Do you know a youth age 19-25 who has shown exceptional leadership and commitment to the community?  Encourage them to apply for the Rotary Youth Leadership Award.  Winners receive an all-expenses paid leadership development camp May 14-19 at Loyalist College in Belleville, Ontario.  The camp is organized and run by Rotarians in District 7070. 
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our club.
To live for one week (from Sunday May 14, 2017 to Friday May 19, 2017) on campus (at Loyalist College in Belleville) to attend a leadership training course, all expenses paid by the sponsoring Rotary club - See more at: http://www.rotary7070.org/SitePage/rotary-youth-leadership-awards-(ryla)-2/the-award#sthash.40JG3HQl.dpuf
To live for one week (from Sunday May 14, 2017 to Friday May 19, 2017) on campus (at Loyalist College in Belleville) to attend a leadership training course, all expenses paid by the sponsoring Rotary club - See more at: http://www.rotary7070.org/SitePage/rotary-youth-leadership-awards-(ryla)-2/the-award#sthash.40JG3HQl.dpuf
To live for one week (from Sunday May 14, 2017 to Friday May 19, 2017) on campus (at Loyalist College in Belleville) to attend a leadership training course, all expenses paid by the sponsoring Rotary club - See more at: http://www.rotary7070.org/SitePage/rotary-youth-leadership-awards-(ryla)-2/the-award#sthash.40JG3HQl.dpuf
Rotary Youth Leadership Award Peter Szoke 2017-04-04 04:00:00Z 0

Progressive Dinner

Posted by Peter Szoke on Apr 03, 2017
Saturday evening was the highlight of the Richmond Hill social calendar: the much loved Richmond Hill Rotary Progressive Dinner.  Great food and drink was prepared and consumed; many friendships were created!  Photos from just two of the events below.
Progressive Dinner Peter Szoke 2017-04-03 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary District Assembly on Saturday, May 13

Posted by Peter Szoke on Apr 02, 2017
Spring is here Tuesday, and that gets everyone thinking of....the Rotary District Assembly.  :-)
This year, it's being held at the BMO Institute for Learning on Saturday, May 13, from 8.00 - 14.00.  Register from the District website, http://rotary7070.org/
The annual district assembly is the major leadership training event in each Rotary district of the world.  Workshops offer motivation, inspiration, Rotary information and new ideas for club officers, directors and key committee chairs of each club.  Some of the most experienced district leaders conduct informative discussions on all phases of Rotary administration and service projects.  The sessions give all participants valuable new ideas to make their club more effective and interesting.   
This year, based on feedback and requests from Clubs (via your ADGs and Presidents), we have sessions and workshops on conflict management, fundraising, Toronto 2018 convention how-tos, public image, Foundation Walk, Conference, youth programs, the environment and more.  It's not just for Club officers, but any Rotarians keen on learning more about their district.
The cost to attend is $75, which includes lunch.  Note the cost of the day is partially subsidised by the district to encourage attendance.
Rotary District Assembly on Saturday, May 13 Peter Szoke 2017-04-02 04:00:00Z 0

17th Annual Brush-a-mania Kick-off Day

Posted by Peter Szoke on Mar 30, 2017

Please accept this invitation to our:

17th Annual Brush-a-mania Kick-off Day


Friday March 31st, 2017

St. Margaret Public School

235 Galloway Rd, Scarborough, ON M1E 1X5

(416) 396-6550

9:30am to 11:00am


Brush-a-mania is a not-for-profit program designed to promote oral health and awareness among children in Canada from Junior Kindergarten to grade 6. It was started in 2001 by the Rotary Club of Toronto – Don Mills and has already reached over 600,000 students. Our purpose is to educate and motivate children and to bring together dentists, Rotarians, teachers and parents to create a celebration around proper dental care.


We are very pleased to announce that over 100 schools and 50,000 students are participating in this year’s program.

We ask that all guests arrive at 9:30am for a reception. The assembly will start sharp at 10am with guests entering the assembly and end at 10:30am. Pictures, media interviews and reception to follow.


Kindly RSVP your attendance by email at jennifer@brushamania.ca or call 416 705 7608. 

Looking forward to seeing you there!

For details on Brush-a-Mania, see http://brushamania.ca/
17th Annual Brush-a-mania Kick-off Day Peter Szoke 2017-03-30 04:00:00Z 0

Syrian Refugee Family

Posted by Peter Szoke on Mar 29, 2017
At our meeting this week, we were honoured to be joined by Syrian refugee and new immigrants to Canada: Rami Katti,  his wife Iman, and their daughters Reem and Natalia.   The interpreter was Bassouma Kassof.  We wish you all the best in Canada!
Syrian Refugee Family Peter Szoke 2017-03-29 04:00:00Z 0

New Rotarian Induction

Posted by Peter Szoke on Mar 20, 2017
The Rotary Club of Richmond Hill is very pleased to announce the induction of our newest member, Mr. Haqi Al-Ganabi, President of the Canadian Engineering Group www.cegengineering.ca
Below is a photo of Club President, Dr. CP Giri giving the Rotary pin to "Al".
New Rotarian Induction Peter Szoke 2017-03-20 04:00:00Z 0
Fire Prevention Peter Szoke 2017-03-07 05:00:00Z 0
112 year rotary 2017-03-01 05:00:00Z 0
PDG Rtn. Linda Ryder pinning Paul Harris +5 to Rtn Rick Sulker 2017-03-01 05:00:00Z 0
Feb 27th Meeting- Guyana Help the kids 2017-03-01 05:00:00Z 0
65th Richmond hill 2017-03-01 05:00:00Z 0
65th Anniversary Birthday Bash 2017-03-01 05:00:00Z 0
Celebrating 65th Anniversary 2017-02-23 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary TV Auction Cheque Presentation

Posted by Peter Szoke on Feb 14, 2017
Last week, we had one of the highlights of the entire Rotary calendar: the presentation of the cheques to the various participating charities in the Rotary TV Auction!  There are few things that we at Rotary like to do more than provide cheques to well deserving charities!  www.tvrotary.com
Below, Elaine Vyrostko presenting cheque for $626 to Paul Thomas on behalf of Carribean North Charities Foundation. http://www.guyanaburncareunit.com/
Below, Elaine Vyrostko presenting cheque for $678 to Joanne Gray of Chorus York. http://www.chorusyork.ca/
Below, Jag Awatramani presenting cheque for $683 to Peter Still of the Markham Unionville Rotary Club. http://portal.clubrunner.ca/1137
A representative from Opera York was unable to attend.  We mailed them a cheque for $686. http://www.operayork.com/
Below, Gordon and Christa Vandyke presenting a cheque for $1,003 to Haran Vijayanathan of Rainbow Resources.  http://myhouseyr.com/
Below, Binni Rana presenting a cheque for $5,580 to Ingrid Taheri of High Notes Avante.  http://highnotesavante.ca/
Below, Gordon Vandyke, Graham Jones, Rick Sulker and Paul Vyrostko presenting a cheque for $12,684 to Barry Munro of CSRO.  http://www.csro.com/
Below, Raj Sriskandarajah  presenting a cheque for $15,709 to Richmond Hill Rotary President Elect Richard Housen and President Dr. CP Giri.
Rotary TV Auction Cheque Presentation Peter Szoke 2017-02-14 05:00:00Z 0
York / Markham Rotary 2017-02-07 05:00:00Z 0

Chinese New Year Feast and Celebration

Posted by Peter Szoke on Feb 06, 2017
On Friday, February 3, many of our club members joined with the Rotary Club of York and the Rotary Club of Markham-Unionville to usher in the "Year of the Rooster" at their annual Chinese New Year celebration.  There was great food, lots of fun, and much fellowship!
Below, being told our fortune for the upcoming year.
Below, popping balloons to ward off evil spirits,
Below, the Lion Dance.
Below, the Lion dancing among the guests.
Below, the Lion at our table.
Chinese New Year Feast and Celebration Peter Szoke 2017-02-06 05:00:00Z 0

Pub Night!

Posted by Peter Szoke on Jan 31, 2017
Pub night at the London Pub!  With a few of our friends, we solved the world's problems over a few beers.
Pub Night! Peter Szoke 2017-01-31 05:00:00Z 0

Meeting of January 23, 2017

Posted by Peter Szoke on Jan 24, 2017
We have great speakers within our own club!  Yesterday, new Rotarians Joanne Modugno and Dr. Kan Chandra told us about their background and careers.  Very interesting!  Thank you both so much. 
Below is a photo of Dr. Kan Chandra giving his presentation.
Below is a photo of Joanne speaking.
Meeting of January 23, 2017 Peter Szoke 2017-01-24 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Donation

Posted by Peter Szoke on Jan 22, 2017
The Rotary Club of Richmond Hill makes supports local and international charities that help us all in countless ways.  Recently, the club made a donation to the Primate's World Relief and Development Fund in memory of Rotarian Rev. Gerry Loweth.  This organization is the Canadian Anglican response for emergency relief, refugees, development and justice.  More details are available at www.pwrdf.org.
Rotary Donation Peter Szoke 2017-01-23 00:00:00Z 0

Chinese Tea

Posted by Peter Szoke on Jan 16, 2017
In honour of the upcoming Chinese New Year, it was our great pleasure to have two wonderful speakers come to our club.  Vicky Wu from Tan Long Premium Tea, www.TanLongTea.com, showed us a traditional Chinese Tea Ceremony.  We also got to taste some wonderful Tangerine tea.
Jane Pang from Clearview School of Arts & Culture, www.clearviewschool.ca, was our second speaker.  Jane spoke about the Chinese calendar and its background.  She also explained how it may be applicable when dealing with friends, colleagues or customers.
Both Jane and Vicky are volunteers for Shen Yun, a magnificent show that merges dance, acrobatics and Chinese folklore with entertainment.  Details available at www.ShenYun.com
In tonight's meeting, Sargeant-at-Arms Raj collected money from Stephen.  Photo below.
Chinese Tea Peter Szoke 2017-01-17 00:00:00Z 0

Year end party!

Posted by Peter Szoke on Jan 09, 2017
We held our annual year end party at the Richmond Hill Golf and Country Club.  It was lots of fun, including music...
Great food...
Year end party! Peter Szoke 2017-01-10 00:00:00Z 0

Rotary TV Auction 2016

Posted by Peter Szoke on Dec 12, 2016
The 2016 TV Auction was held on December 3 and 4th.  The final numbers are not yet in.  At this point, approximately $45,000 appears to have been raised for the 10 participating York Region charities.
We would like to thank each and every TV Auction participant - bidder - winner.  Your bids are driving great project in our community!
Thank you to the many volunteers who participated in the TV Auction.  You are what turned the items into hard dollars.
We are extremely greatful to the many generous businesses in York Region that donated their products and services for auction.  Without items, there is no auction.
Thank you very much for to Rogers TV York for your commitment to the auction and our community.  www.RogersTV.com
Below we have photographs of our auction volunteers in auction!
Rotary TV Auction 2016 Peter Szoke 2016-12-13 00:00:00Z 0

Great meeting...again

Posted by Peter Szoke on Dec 12, 2016
On December 12, we had some great speakers at our meeting.
New Rotarian Kula Sellarthuraispoke gave a fascinating "classification talk". Kula is the founder and president of local IT companies, including Netwyn Solutions, http://www.netwyn.com/. Kula co-authored a business book to be published next year.  Thank you for an inspiring talk!  Above is a photograph of Club President, Dr. CP Giri thanking Kula.
Past District Governor (D7010) John Van Laar and his wife Cora spoke to our club about the work Rotary is doing to help school children in the Philippines.  We saw the class that our donations have supported.  Above is a photo of Club Foundation Chair Glen Waugh thanking John.  More details about the school project can be found at www.backtoschoolproject.org
Great meeting...again Peter Szoke 2016-12-13 00:00:00Z 0
Rotary TV Auction in the news! Peter Szoke 2016-12-02 00:00:00Z 0

Maple Leaf Hockey Tickets for auction

Posted by Peter Szoke on Dec 01, 2016
Any chance you are a Toronto Maple Leafs hockey fan?  We have great tickets for auction at the Richmond Hill Rotary TV Auction broadcast this weekend on Rogers TV York.
Tickets available are:
Calgary Flames on January 23, 2017
Buffalo Sabres on January 17, 2017
Anaheim Duck on December 19, 2016
Chicago Blackhawks on March 18, 2017
Detroit Redwings on March 7, 2017
Maple Leaf Hockey Tickets for auction Peter Szoke 2016-12-02 00:00:00Z 0

Big Green Egg BBQ at Rotary TV Auction

Posted by Peter Szoke on Nov 30, 2016
There are a few hundred items at this weekend's Rotary TV Auction www.tvrotary.com, so I can't possibly highlight all of them.  But one of my favourites is the Big Green Egg BBQ - Mini donated by Backyard Pool & Spa.

The Mini Big Green Egg, is the portable version of world's best charcoal BBQ. It grills, smokes, bakes and roasts and all foods taste better, as all the juices and flavours are locked in. Quick to light, precise temperature control, easy to clean and lasts a lifetime, it is the Ultimate Cooking Experience.  The BBQ comes with an Ash tool, Grill Gripper, Box of Non Toxic Firestarter and a 10lb bag of Premium Natural Lump Charcoal. Taxes in Retailer value $850.89!
Backyard Pool and Spa has been York Region's leading Hot Tub and BBQ store for over 23 years. Now located in a new 13,000 square store at 1 Vata Court, they sell leading brands such as Maax, Weber and Big Green Egg.  They also offer a full service division for Hot Tub and Pool repairs. Other services offered are open and closing of pool and hot tubs, water testing, pool heaters and cleaners. They can be contacted at 1 Vata Court Aurora, Ontario 905-713-2317
Big Green Egg BBQ at Rotary TV Auction Peter Szoke 2016-12-01 00:00:00Z 0
Organizing hundreds of TV Auction items Peter Szoke 2016-11-29 00:00:00Z 0

Lawren Harris painting sells for record $11.2 million

Posted by Peter Szoke on Nov 23, 2016
The Canadian art world was rocked yesterday by the record setting sale of Group of Seven artist, Lawren Harris' painting, Mountain Forms for $11.2 million.  Unfortunately, my bid came in a little low.  But there is a second chance for all of us!  At the Rotary TV Auction, www.tvrotary.com, there will be dozens of framed, numbered prints of group of seven artists, including:
Lawren Harris - Snowfall
Lawren Harris - Houses in Winter
Lawren Harris - PineTree & Fence
Lawren Harris - Northern Lake
Lawren Harris - Early Houses
Lawren Harris - Mount Lefroy
Lawren Harris - Oxtongue River
Lawren Harris - Load of Fence Posts
Lawren Harris – Pine Tree & Fence
Lawren Harris - Agawa Falls
Lawren Harris - Mountain Peaks
And then we also have great selection of Franklin Carmichael, Tom Thomson, A.J. Casson, Emily Carr, Arthur Lismer, Norval Morrisseau
Below is photo of a Lawren Harris framed, numbered print, entitled Mountain Peaks.  This beautiful print will be available for you to bid on!
Lawren Harris painting sells for record $11.2 million Peter Szoke 2016-11-24 00:00:00Z 0

Meeting of November 21, 2016

Posted by Peter Szoke on Nov 23, 2016
As usual, our most recent meeting was very event filled.  See photos below:
Above is a photograph of Richmond Hill Rotary's Foundation Chairman Glen Waugh presenting a Certificate of Appreciation from Rotary Internation for our club's effort's in raising funds for Polio Plus in the past year.  Accepting on behalf of the club is Past President, Dr. Emmanuel Abara.
Above, President Dr. CP Giri presenting the prestious Paul Harris award to Rotarian Gord Vandyke
Above, Club President, Dr. C.P. Giri and Membership Chair David Obadia induct into the club our newest member, Heesung Ko.  Welcome Heeseung!
Meeting of November 21, 2016 Peter Szoke 2016-11-24 00:00:00Z 0

New member inducted...

Posted by Peter Szoke on Nov 14, 2016
Meet the newest member of Rotary's worldwide 1.2 million members: Joanne Modugno.  Congratulation Joanne!
Below is a photo of David Obadia, Membership Chairman of the Richmond Hill Rotary Club, and Dr.CP Giri, Club President, welcoming Joanne.
New member inducted... Peter Szoke 2016-11-15 00:00:00Z 0
Your week with Shay on Rogers TV York... Peter Szoke 2016-11-11 00:00:00Z 0

Suresh Natesan of Big City Gourmet

Posted by Peter Szoke on Nov 07, 2016
Suresh Natesan of Big City Gourmet www.BigCityGourmet.ca spoke to our club about his career and the catering business.  Big City Gourmet was a very popular food vendor at our own Rotary Craft Beer Festival www.RotaryBeerTasting.com.  We recommend him highly!
Below is a photo of Richmond Hill Rotary President, Dr. CP Giri thanking Suresh for his talk.
Suresh Natesan of Big City Gourmet Peter Szoke 2016-11-08 00:00:00Z 0

37th annual Rotary TV Auction

Posted by Peter Szoke on Nov 03, 2016
We are very excited to announce the 37th Annual Rotary TV Auction will be broadcast live on Rogers TV York on Saturday, December 3rd and Sunday December 4th, 2016.  Some of the auction advantages:
  • Get really great deals
  • Enjoy the excitement of competing with others in a live auction
  • Shop from the comfort of your home
  • Find many unique gift ideas – such as autographed sports memorabilia – that are simply not available in stores
  • All purchases are FREE of HST, as all proceeds go to charity
  • Support worthy York Region charities
Check out the inventory at www.TVRotary.com
Charities participating in the 2016:
  1. Eva’s Initiatives http://www.evas.ca/
  2. Canadian Spinal Reseach Organization www.csro.com
  3. Sunshine Foundation http://www.sunshine.ca/
  4. My House: Rainbow Resources of York Region http://myhouseyr.com/
  5. Caribbean North Charities Foundation http://www.guyanaburncareunit.com/
  6. 360Kids http://www.360kids.ca/
  7. High Notes Avante http://highnotesavante.ca/rhcpa/
  8. Ontario Lung Association http://onlung.ca/
  9. Rotary Club of Markham-Unionville www.m-u-rotary.com
  10. Rotary Club of Richmond Hill
37th annual Rotary TV Auction Peter Szoke 2016-11-04 00:00:00Z 0

Promote your business in York Region

Posted by Peter Szoke on Oct 31, 2016
The first weekend in December will be the 37th annual Rotary TV Auction.  Broadcast live by Rogers TV York to a market of over a million affluent York Region residents - just in time for year end shopping.  This is your chance to promote your company's product or service!  Please refer to the invitation letter from our club president:
Promote your business in York Region Peter Szoke 2016-11-01 00:00:00Z 0
Richmond hill Rotary Club - Some members @ the Event 2016-10-25 00:00:00Z 0

Back to School Project, Cebu, Philippines

Posted by Peter Szoke on Oct 23, 2016
The Rotary Club of Richmond Hill takes great pleasure in supporting school children in Cebu, Philippines.  We thank you for your support of the Richmond Hill Rotary Club, so that we can make things like this happen!  Below is a letter of appreciation:
Back to School Project, Cebu, Philippines Peter Szoke 2016-10-24 00:00:00Z 0

World Polio Day

Posted by Peter Szoke on Oct 23, 2016
Today is World Polio Day!

There are generations of children growing up who have never heard of polio let alone seen its effects first-hand. 

In fact, the few reported cases of polio are now limited to Pakistan, Afghanistan and Nigeria. The Rotary Club of Richmond Hill, and other Toronto area Rotary Clubs continue the important historical work of Rotary with efforts to eradicate polio in our lifetime. Polio Plus was launched in 1985 by Rotary which became the first and largest internationally coordinated private sector support of a public health initiative.

Today, Global Polio Eradication Initiative along with Rotary International, the World Health Organization, Unicef as well as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the U.S. Centre for Disease Control and Prevention have joined forces to continue efforts to eliminate polio from our planet.

In its worst form, polio can cause paralysis.

In Richmond Hill yesterday, we raised the End Polio Now flag to bring awarenewss of our struggle to rid the world of this terrible disease.  We were honoured to be joined my Richmond Hill Mayor Dave Barrow, Dr. Bob Scott, former head of Rotary's worldwide polio committee, and Dr. Raffy Chouljian and Jennifer Boyd who climbed to the summit of Mt. Kilimanjaro to raise funds against polio. 

To see more of Raffy's and Jennifer's story, go to  http://www.conquerpolio.org

To donate in the fight against polio, go to www.endpolio.org

World Polio Day Peter Szoke 2016-10-24 00:00:00Z 0

The Push for Change comes to Richmond Hill

Posted by Peter Szoke on Oct 23, 2016
Yesterday, we were honoured to have The Push for Change come to the Sheraton Parkway in Richmond Hill.  For those of you who have not heard, Joe Roberts, an entrepreneurial CEO and former homeless person, is pushing a shopping cart across Canada to raise awareness of funds for Youth Homelessness.  He was joined by other The Push for Change members, Dr. Sean Richardson and Marie-Marcoux Roberts.  They came here to help us raise funds for 360Kids, York Region's Youth Homeless Shelter.
Among the guests present were Richmond Hill Mayor Dave Barrow, MP for Richmond Hill Majid Jowhari, MPP for Richmond Hill Reza Moridi, Regional Councillor Brenda Hogg, Councillor David West and Councillar Tom Muench, District Governor 7070 Jim Louttit, former Trustee of the Rotary Foundation and former Chair of the International PolioPlus Committee Dr. Bob Scott, and Richmond Hill Rotary President Dr.CP Giri.
If like us, you believe that youth homelessness is an important cause, you can still donate at http://www.thepushforchange.com/ or http://www.360kids.ca/the-york-region-community-housing-hub/
Thank you to our many event sponsors, including our Platinum Sponsor, TrinityTech Inc. http://www.trinitytechinc.ca/ and TNEXT Communication Inc. http://www.tnext.ca/
The auditorium awaiting Joe's introduction
Aaron Pathmasri of Youth Leadership Training speaking about homelessness in Canada.
Joe Roberts speaking to the auditorium
Richmond Hill M.P. Majid Jowhari thanking Joe
Some of the many Rotary supporters of Joe Roberts and The Push for Change.
The Push for Change comes to Richmond Hill Peter Szoke 2016-10-24 00:00:00Z 0

Joe Roberts and Push for Change in the Richmond Hill Liberal

Posted by Peter Szoke on Oct 17, 2016
In anticipation of Joe Roberts and his upcoming visit this Sunday to Richmond Hill, the Richmond Hill Liberal will be publishing an article.  Thank you very much Kim Zarzour and the Liberal for your support!  See the article at http://www.yorkregion.com/news-story/6914611-skid-row-ceo-pushes-grocery-cart-through-richmond-hill-for-homeless-youth/
Tickets for $25 are still available at https://richmondhill.snapd.com/#/events/view/990050
Joe Roberts and Push for Change in the Richmond Hill Liberal Peter Szoke 2016-10-18 00:00:00Z 0

Gerry Loweth

Posted by Peter Szoke on Oct 17, 2016
Rev. Gerald Loweth 1926-2016
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing last Saturday of Rev. Gerald Loweth, Gerry to us all.  Gerry was a prominent Rotarian, good friend, Priest, Professor of Theology at Trinity College at the University of Toronto, community organizer, World War II veteran, former Richmond Hill Citizen of the Year, and great human being.
Gerry’s loving wife, Elizabeth, and their family will be greeting visitors at Marshalls Funeral Home, 10366 Yonge Street, from 7-9pm on Thursday, October 20, 2016.  A service will be held for Gerry at St. Mary’s Anglican Church, 10030 Yonge Street, at 11am on Saturday, October 22, 2016.
Gerry Loweth  Peter Szoke 2016-10-18 00:00:00Z 0

Flag Raising at City Hall

Posted by Peter Szoke on Oct 16, 2016
On Sunday, October 23, 2016, the Rotary “End Polio Now” flag will be raised at Richmond Hill City Hall by Mayor Dave Barrow, Richmond Hill City Councillors and other dignitaries. The flag raising is to mark Polio Awareness throughout York Region. 
Also on hand will be Dr. Raffy Chouljian and Jennifer Boyd who on June 25, 2016 climbed to the summit of Mt. Kilimanjaro to raise $500,000 for Rotary International to help eradicate polio.  To support the cause, please donate at http://www.conquerpolio.org
People will congregate at Richmond Hill City Hall, 225 East Beaver Creek Rd, Richmond Hill, ON L4B 3P4, at 7:30am, Sunday, October 23.  The flag raising will take place promptly at 7:45am.
Poliomyelitis (polio) is a paralyzing and potentially fatal disease that still threatens children in some parts of the world. The poliovirus invades the nervous system and can cause total paralysis in a matter of hours. It can strike at any age but mainly affects children under five. Polio is incurable, but completely vaccine-preventable.
In 1985, Rotary launched its PolioPlus program, the first initiative to tackle global polio eradication through the mass vaccination of children. Rotary has contributed more than $1.6 billion and countless volunteer hours to immunize more than 2.5 billion children in 122 countries. In addition, Rotary’s advocacy efforts have played a role in decisions by donor governments to contribute more than $7.2 billion to the effort.
Immediately following the flag raising, the Rotary Club of Richmond Hill will be a sponsoring a breakfast event at the Sheraton Parkway Hotel for Joe Roberts, The Push for Change and 360kids.  The event is to help promote and raise funds for youth homeless.  For more information, go to: http://portal.clubrunner.ca/1149/Stories/the-push-for-change-coming-to-richmond-hill  Tickets for the breakfast can be purchased ($25 per person) at https://richmondhill.snapd.com/#/events/view/990050  Everyone welcome!
Flag Raising at City Hall  Peter Szoke 2016-10-17 00:00:00Z 0
PRESS RELEASE - The Push for Change coming to Richmond Hill Peter Szoke 2016-10-16 00:00:00Z 0

Elect to be civil

Posted by Peter Szoke on Oct 09, 2016
With debate number two of the US Presidential debate now over, everyone has an opinion on this election.  You may wonder if I were an American, who I would vote for?  Well, I will tell you.  But you will have to come to our Richmond Hill Rotary meeting to personally ask me!
But I can say that I fully endorse the article in The Rotarian magazine, by Steve Almond, entitled Elect to be civil. Like many of the articles in this publication, this one is a great read.
Elect to be civil Peter Szoke 2016-10-10 00:00:00Z 0

Strategic Planning Session

Posted by Peter Szoke on Oct 03, 2016
Yesterday, our club gathered to have a strategic planning session.
Strategic Planning Session Peter Szoke 2016-10-04 00:00:00Z 0
  Raj - Classification Talk 2016-09-29 00:00:00Z 0

New Rotarians receive Rotary Pin

Posted by Peter Szoke on Sep 26, 2016
At the September 26 meeting, two new Rotarians received their Rotary pins.
Below, Richmond Hill Rotary President Dr.CP Giri presents Rotary pin to new Rotarian Kula Sellathurai.
Below, Richmond Hill Rotary President Dr.CP Giri presents Rotary pin to new Rotarian Sam Veerasingham.
New Rotarians receive Rotary Pin Peter Szoke 2016-09-27 00:00:00Z 0


Posted by Peter Szoke on Sep 23, 2016
Last week, Lesley Sims from 360Kids York Region came to speak to the Rotary Club of Richmond Hill about the challenges facing our homeless youth in York Region.  360Kids recently opened the Richmond Hill Hub, a multi-service complex in the heart of Richmond Hill, custom designed to support youth throughout the entire transition from homelessness to independent living.  The motto of this organization is "Every kid matters".  More details about this wonderful organization are at http://www.360kids.ca/the-york-region-community-housing-hub/
The Rotary Club of Richmond Hill and Rotary District 7070 is very proud to be sponsoring an event with Joe Roberts and Push for Change to Raise funds for 360Kids.  More details about this very worthwhile event are at http://portal.clubrunner.ca/1149/Stories/the-push-for-change-coming-to-richmond-hill
Below is a photograph of Richmond Hill Rotary President Elect, Richard Housen, thanking Lesley for her presentation to us and her commitment to our community.
360Kids Peter Szoke 2016-09-24 00:00:00Z 0

Tastes of the Hill

Posted by Peter Szoke on Sep 23, 2016
Don't miss the culinary event of the season!  Richmond Hill's Tastes of the Hill at Elgin Mills Park on Sunday, September 25, 2016 from 11am-8pm.  Come enjoy foods from around the world.  There will also be films, a fashion show, a Citizenship Ceremony and kids activities.  More details at http://www.richmondhill.ca/subpage.asp?pageid=tastes_of_the_hill
Tastes of the Hill Peter Szoke 2016-09-24 00:00:00Z 0

Terry Fox Run 2016

Posted by Peter Szoke on Sep 19, 2016
The Terry Fox Run 2016 was held across Canada on Sunday.  The Richmond Hill Rotary club sponsored the Richmond Hill - Mill Pond event.  It was a lot of fun for all the participants!  Thank you to:
  • Our 40 volunteers
  • Six York Region Police officiers who volunteered
  • Rotarians who came out in support
  • Our local, provincial and federal representatives who came to show their support
  • All our participants and donors!
With some donations still to be included, the run has so far raised $11,341 for Cancer Research.  Thank you to everyone for making the event such a success!
Photos below courtesy of Samuel Veerasingham.
Terry Fox Run 2016 Peter Szoke 2016-09-20 00:00:00Z 0

Puccini's Tosca Coming

Posted by Peter Szoke on Sep 14, 2016
Puccini's classic opera Tosca will be presented by Opera York at the Richmond Hill Centre for the Performing Arts on November 3 and 5. Book your tickets now to get best seats! For more information, go to http://www.operayork.com/fallseason.html
Puccini's Tosca Coming Peter Szoke 2016-09-15 00:00:00Z 0

Festival of Praise and Remembrance

Posted by Peter Szoke on Sep 13, 2016
On Remembrance Day, November 11, please come join the Festival of Praise and Remembrance.  Honouring our Veterans with Music, Dance and Poetry.
Festival of Praise and Remembrance Peter Szoke 2016-09-14 00:00:00Z 0

The Push for Change coming to Richmond Hill

Posted by Peter Szoke on Sep 12, 2016
Entrepreneurial CEO and former drug addict Joe Roberts is pushing a shopping cart across Canada to raise awareness and funds for homeless youth in Canada.  Joe and the Push for Change team will be taking a break from their cross-Canada trek in Richmond Hill on Sunday, October 23.  Come out and hear an inspirational speech from a charasmatic leader at the Sheraton Parkway Hotel from 8am to 1pm.
The Push for Change coming to Richmond Hill Peter Szoke 2016-09-13 00:00:00Z 0

Newmarket Rotary Club donates to The Push for Change

Posted by Peter Szoke on Sep 12, 2016
Yesterday, President Paul Bath and Peter Ginsberg, of the Rotary Club of Newmarket presented a $500 cheque to President Dr.CP Giri of the Rotary Club of Richmond Hill.  The money will be presented to Joe Roberts of The Push for Change, for 360 Kids at October 23, 2016.  Thank you Newmarket!  The homeless youth of York Region appreciate it!
Newmarket Rotary Club donates to The Push for Change Peter Szoke 2016-09-13 00:00:00Z 0

Get ready for Mill Pond Terry Fox Run in Richmond Hill

Posted by Peter Szoke on Sep 06, 2016
From Richmond Hill Liberal, Thursday, August 25, 2016

Organizers of the Mill Pond Terry Fox Run want participants to register and volunteers to come forward, ahead of the Sunday, Sept. 18 run to fight cancer in Richmond Hill.

The Terry Fox Run is a non-competitive event held in 9,000 communities across Canada each year, where people get together as individuals, families and groups to raise money for cancer research in the name of Terry Fox.

It is a day of celebrating Terry’s original cross-Canada legacy run and helping to keep alive his dream of finding a cure for cancer.

Terry Fox Runs take place in 31 other countries internationally.

At home in Richmond Hill and across Canada, the events are accessible to anyone, with no entry fee, no minimum pledge and a non-competitive atmosphere.

Participants can run, walk, and most of all have fun while raising funds for the Canadian Cancer Foundation.

At the Mill Pond event, corner of Mill and Trench streets, set-up will take place between 6:30 and 7:30 a.m.; registration, warm-up and opening remarks from 8 to 8:30 a.m.; and continuous registration and start is ongoing until 1 p.m.; with cleanup at about 1:30 p.m.

For further information about the run and to inquire about volunteer positions, contact Rotary Club of Richmond Hill organizer Nash Azam at nazam@trebnet.com or call 416-450-1196.

Get ready for Mill Pond Terry Fox Run in Richmond Hill Peter Szoke 2016-09-07 00:00:00Z 0
Speaker Intro - Dave Morrison                        2016-08-31 00:00:00Z 0
Aug 29, 2016 meeting 2016-08-31 00:00:00Z 0
CP with RI President 2016-08-23 00:00:00Z 0
Kula Sellathurai , Sam Veerasingham, 2016-08-23 00:00:00Z 0
Induction Ceremony – Kula Sellathurai , Sam Veerasingham, 2016-08-23 00:00:00Z 0

Smiles Foundation

Posted by Peter Szoke on Aug 15, 2016
The Smiles Foundation was founded by Elina Katsman to help bring badly needed dental care to the rural centers in the Dominican Republic,  Thank you to a wonderful organization performing a needed role.  See www.smilesfoundation.org for more details.  The foundation is greatly assisted by the members of the Willowdale Rotary Club.
Below is a photo of Jay Llave, Laurie Back and Howard Back, all of the Willowdale Rotary Club, Elina Katsman, Founder and President of the Smiles Foundation, and Richard Housen, President Elect of the Rotary Club of Richmond Hill.  Photo credit to David Obadia.
Smiles Foundation Peter Szoke 2016-08-16 00:00:00Z 0

Richmond Hill Rotary Craft Beer Festival

Posted by Peter Szoke on Aug 08, 2016
The Richmond Hill Rotary Craft Beer Festival was held on Saturday.  What a party!  At closing time of 11pm (city by-law), the place was still packed!
Thank you to all our beer drinkers, participating brewers and sponsors for making this a tremendous event.  Many benefitting charities are appreciative of your support.  The total amount of profits raised is still being calculated...
Photos below:
Richmond Hill Rotary Craft Beer Festival Peter Szoke 2016-08-09 00:00:00Z 0

Richmond Hill Rotary Beerfest is tomorrow!

Posted by Peter Szoke on Aug 04, 2016
In case you were not yet aware, the Richmond Hill Rotary Beer Festival is tomorrow!  From 3-11pm at the Richmond Hill Centre for the Performing Arts.  Beer, great food and live music of course.  If you don't like beer, cider and wine too!  Please come by.  Details at www.rotarybeertasting.com.  Tickets will be sold at the door.
Richmond Hill Rotary Beerfest is tomorrow! Peter Szoke 2016-08-05 00:00:00Z 0

Free Beer!

Posted by Peter Szoke on Aug 03, 2016
During the Richmond Hill Rotary Beer Fest, post a fun photo of the event to any of Instagram, Facebook or Twitter with hashtag #RHBeer2016 to receive a free beer ticket!  Limit of one free ticket per person.  This promotion ends 9:30pm on Saturday.
Free Beer! Peter Szoke 2016-08-04 00:00:00Z 0
Raise a Glass to Rotary Beerfest in Richmond Hill Peter Szoke 2016-08-04 00:00:00Z 0

Craft Beer Festival Partners

Posted by Peter Szoke on Aug 02, 2016
The line-up for the 2016 Rotary Craft Beer Festival is has been finalized.  Come hungry and thirsty!
Southbrook Vineyards http://www.southbrook.com/
Coco Saviour
Jaded Etiquette
Big City Gourmet Catering http://www.bigcitycatering.ca/
Ticket Sponsor:
Special Thank You to our beer glass sponsor:
Rajasri CPA – Professional Chartered Accountant  www.Rajasri.ca
Craft Beer Festival Partners Peter Szoke 2016-08-03 00:00:00Z 0
District 7070 DG Coming to Beer Fest Peter Szoke 2016-07-28 00:00:00Z 0

Beer Fest Tickets available through YorkScene.com

Posted by Peter Szoke on Jul 26, 2016
Tickets for the 2016 Richmond Hill Rotary Beer Fest are now also available through YorkScene.com at http://www.yorkscene.com/tc-events/rotary-craft-beer-festival/
Entry tickets are $20/ea for the event.  But if you buy tickets in advance, you also get 5 free beer/food tickets included!
Tickets are also available through SNAP Richmond Hill https://richmondhill.snapd.com/#/events/view/946045, the King Henry's Arms at  9301 Yonge St, Richmond Hill (opposite Hillcrest Mall), or from Rotarians.
Beer Fest Tickets available through YorkScene.com Peter Szoke 2016-07-27 00:00:00Z 0

Win Fame and Free Tickets to Rotary Craft Beer Fest

Posted by Peter Szoke on Jul 23, 2016
Attention all videographers, artists and film students:  This is your chance to win fame and free tickets to the Richmond Hill Rotary Craft Beer Festival!  Here is how it goes:
1. Attend the 2016 Richmond Hill Rotary Craft Beer Festival and create a short video of your experience.
2. Upload your video to YouTube and send an email to peter.szoke@rogers.com with a link to your video. You will receive a confirmation email.
3. Deadline for entries is Friday, September 16, 2016.
4. The Richmond Hill Rotary Beer Festival committee will choose the best videos. 
5. The best three entries will receive a pair of complementary tickets to the 2017 Richmond Hill Craft Beer Festival!
6. Winners will be announced by Monday, October 3, 2016 on our web site, plus through Twitter and Facebook.
Best of luck to entrants!
Win Fame and Free Tickets to Rotary Craft Beer Fest Peter Szoke 2016-07-24 00:00:00Z 0


Posted by Peter Szoke on Jul 19, 2016
So I was talking to my buddy Jake from the Annex, and he said “Ya, I like beer…but is it worth travelling all the way to Richmond Hill for the Richmond Hill Rotary Craft Beer Festival?”
Listen to Mike:
Testimonial Peter Szoke 2016-07-20 00:00:00Z 0

Meeting of July 18, 2018

Posted by Peter Szoke on Jul 18, 2016
Below is a photo of Rotarian Paul thanking Steve Lee for his inspirational talk on climate change.  Steve is working on a cross-Canada tour to motivate and empower youth to tackle the climate change challenge, and solve the problem in their generation.  Way to go Steve!  More details at www.3percentproject.com and www.FESplanet.org
Below is a photo of Ms. Varaaki Wijayaraj with our club president, Dr. CP Giri.  The Rotary Club of Richmond Hill sponsored Varaaki's very worthy participation at the Rotary Youth Leadership Award (RYLA) training seminar.  RYLA details at http://www.rotary7070.org/SitePage/rotary-youth-leadership-awards-(ryla)-2/what-is-ryla
Meeting of July 18, 2018 Peter Szoke 2016-07-19 00:00:00Z 0

Beverage Lineup for 2016 Beer Fest

Posted by Peter Szoke on Jul 17, 2016
For the  2016 Richmond Hill Rotary Craft Beer Festival, ten local Ontario craft brewers will be joined by a boutique winery and a apple cidery.  The official beverage line-up is:
Beverage Lineup for 2016 Beer Fest Peter Szoke 2016-07-18 00:00:00Z 0

Meeting of July 11, 2016

Posted by Peter Szoke on Jul 13, 2016
Below is a photo of Past President Dr. Emmanuel Abara pinning the brand new president, Dr. CP Giri. Congratulations CP!!!
Below is a photo of Glen Waugh, presenting a Past President Dr. Emmanuel with a Foundation Citation for every Rotarian giving's in 2015/2016 matching or exceeding $100.00 US to Foundation and $20.00 to Polio.  Few clubs achieve this goal – we can all feel proud!
Below is a photo of our newly inducted board of directors.
Meeting of July 11, 2016 Peter Szoke 2016-07-14 00:00:00Z 0

Rotary Craft Beer Festival

Posted by Peter Szoke on Jun 24, 2016
On Saturday, August 6th, The Rotary Club of Richmond Hill will be holding their fourth annual Craft Beer Festival to raise funds for charities supported by Rotary.

The event will be held at the Richmond Hill Centre for the Performing Arts, so there is VIVA bus service along for those that consume a few drinks. Ticket prices are $20. But if you purchase in advance, 5 beer tickets are included.  More details are available on-line at www.rotarybeertasting.com  Tickets can be purchased at https://richmondhill.snapd.com/#/events/view/946045

Ten local Ontario Craft Beer Brewers will each bring a few different types of beer to sample. A 4 oz sample is $1. So you may end up trying a lager, or an ale, or a stout, bitter, pilsner, porter, bock and lemon beer-cooler too! For those that do not drink alcohol, there will be cider and wine available.

There will be great live music from our own local artists Ben Crosby, Matt Groopie, Caveen, and Coco Saviour.

Food will also be available from area restaurants King Henry’s Arms, Aneal’s Taste of the Islands.

Come enjoy a great evening of drink, food and music! Come support a worthy cause!
Rotary Craft Beer Festival Peter Szoke 2016-06-25 00:00:00Z 0

Win a free trip to China!

Posted by Peter Szoke on Jun 05, 2016
Download your free app about York Region Festivals, including our own Rotary Craft Beer Festival.  When you go to the Beer Festival, or one of the other festivals, you can earn points towards a chance for a Free Trip to China! 
To get the app: Go to the App Store or the Playstore on your phone or tablet and search for York Region Festivals
Win a free trip to China! Peter Szoke 2016-06-06 00:00:00Z 0
Photos of events in Richmond Hill SNAPD Peter Szoke 2016-06-04 00:00:00Z 0

Awards Ceremony

Posted by Peter Szoke on May 31, 2016
On Monday, the Rotary Club of Richmond Hill held their awards ceremony! Many distinguished members of the community were recognized for their contributions to society.  Many hard-working Rotarians were also recognized for their dedication to "Service above Self".  Thank you to the award winners, and the countless volunteers whose work goes unrecognized.  Photos of the event below.
Awards Ceremony Peter Szoke 2016-06-01 00:00:00Z 0


Posted by Peter Szoke on May 17, 2016

An alarming number of impaired driving-related charges have been laid by officers across York Region over a 30-day period from April 15, 2016, to May 15, 2016.

In just 30 days, officers arrested 139 people and charged them with 185 offences that are all a result of driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Of the 139 arrests, 16 came as a result of motor vehicle collisions.  R.I.D.E. spot checks and general patrol accounted for 107 of the arrests. Concerned citizens calling, 9-1-1 to report possible impaired drivers resulted in 16 arrests.

Of the 139 people that were arrested, 130 were charged as a result of impairment from alcohol and nine were charged with impairment from drugs.

Officers also issued 81 three-day driver’s license suspensions.

Impaired driving is the number one criminal cause of death in Canada. When you drink or use drugs and drive you not only risk your life and those of your passengers, but the lives of every other driver and pedestrian on the road.

The York Regional Police R.I.D.E. program is a year-long initiative. York Regional Police urges all drivers to take proactive measures if drinking by arranging for overnight accommodations, appointing a designated driver, taking a cab or using public transit.

We continue to urge citizens to report impaired drivers. We consider these calls a potentially life-threatening crime in progress and we respond to these calls promptly. The message is clear:  DO NOT DRINK ALCOHOL OR USE DRUGS AND DRIVE.

A video of Constable Laura Nicolle speaking about this incident is available for viewing at the following link: https://youtu.be/PFsBf_8ap-k

For more information contact York Regional Police Corporate Communications, at 866-876-5423, ext. 2664.


Canadian Blood Services

Posted by Peter Szoke on May 16, 2016
Last night, Beth Frise from Canadian Blood Services https://www.blood.ca/en came to speak at our club.
People ages 17 and up (no upper limit), who have not travelled to a malaria area are generally able to donate blood.  For us, nearest location is Hillcrest Mall:
Friday 8am-1pm
Saturday 8am-noon
Tues/Thurs 4pm-8pm
Particularly important to donate before long weekends – many auto accidents!
Canadian Blood Services Peter Szoke 2016-05-17 00:00:00Z 0

District 7070 Assembly

Posted by Peter Szoke on May 14, 2016
District 7070 held their annual assembly yesterday.  The Richmond Hill Rotary Club was well represented!
District 7070 Assembly Peter Szoke 2016-05-15 00:00:00Z 0